Halloween Night - Duncan x Reader

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It was Halloween night and you and Duncan were just chilling at home, seeing that no one invited you guys to any party.

"This is so boring." You complain, flipping through channels and only seeing cooking shows on.

"I have an idea." Duncan smirks getting up and walking down the hall.

"What are you doing?" You call out, snuggling against the blanket on the couch.

"Let's watch this." He holds up a scary movie and you aggressively shake your head.

"No thank you." You say. "I'd rather watch this Halloween baking show than watch that scary movie."

"Aw are you chicken?" Duncan teases then starts to make chicken noises.

"I am not chicken!" You huff out, standing up with hands on your hips. "I just don't like scary movies, that's all."

"C'mon, Y/N! It'll be funnn."





After the constant bickering, you reluctantly agree and Duncan slips the disc into the DVD player.

"It's just a bunch of jump scares babe." Duncan says and you hide underneath the blanket.

"That girls head just got chopped off!" You screech, jumping into Duncan's lap.

"Okay and maybe some blood and gore," he chuckles as you cling onto him. "It's just a movie pumpkin." You scoff rolling your eyes.

"Just a movie." You mimic and Duncan holds your hand.

"Just a movie." He whispers into your ear.

There was a loud crash of thunder and you jumped.

"Relax babe, it's just some thunder, nothing to be afraid of."

"Sorry that it was loud," you yak on about the weather and Duncan snickers.

"Oh no we're all gonna die because of a thunderstorm," he jokes, combing your hair with his fingers.

"And I'm coming for you next." The killer on the screen says before the tv shuts off and then all the lights in the house turn off and it gets pitch black. You scream like a baby and clutch onto Duncan as he cackles at you.

"The power just went off babe, how about we just stay here and catch a few z's." He says and pulls you closer to him.

"You're an ass." You mutter, pulling the blanket closer to you for warmth. "Why did this have to happen tonight... we should've never watched that movie. I'm not gonna be able to sleep."

"Because it's Halloween, the scariest time of the year," he derides and kisses you on top of your head. "I'm right here, theres literally nothing to be afraid of. Duncan will save you."

"Sure he will," you rolled your eyes.

"Y/N, even though it's pitch black out, I know you rolled your eyes at me. Now go to bed pumpkin. I'm tired."

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