Your Bully - Heather x Reader || Part 1

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You walk into the school with your head down, pulling your hood up to your face to try to hide from your bully, Heather. You reach your locker and as you start putting your belongings in your locker, someone approaches you.

"Look what do you want Heather?" She leans up against the locker next to yours.

"Why are you trying to hide from me Y/N?" She asks, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Because I obviously don't like you and you're a total asshole to me." You tell her, grabbing your book for first period.

"I'm not an asshole, it's just my personality." She says to you as you scoff.

"If your personality is being a total bitch 24/7 then maybe you need to find a new one." You snap, slamming your locker and trying to walk away but Heather blocks your path. The bell rings and everyone disperses into the classrooms.

"Oh come on you love it," she smiles as you groan.

"Look Heather, I'm gonna be late to class. Can you like pick on me another time? I really can't deal with you today." You try to move around her but she takes your arm and drags you down the hall.

"What do you think you're doing?" You call out as she takes you inside a janitors closet.

"Shut up Y/N! Why do you always have to talk so much?"

"Well I want to know why I've been abducted by the Queen Bee herself who's been bullying me for most of the time I've been here." You snort, crossing your arms.

"God Y/N, you're so annoying."

"And you aren't? Now tell me why I'm being held captive inside a dirty janitors closet?" She sighs, turning on the light.

"Look... I really need a favour." She starts out, fidgeting with the ring on her finger.

"Um what now?"

"I need a date to the dance this weekend." She blurts out and you gasp.

"Ex-squeeze me, I didn't quite get that?" You lean forward to Heather and give her a smirk.

"I have no one Y/N! My whole friend group left me and no boy wants me-"

"Maybe if you weren't a total bitch then people would actually like you."

"This isn't about you Y/N it's about me. So I need you to come to the dance with me. I can't just show up alone, you know how embarrassing this is for me?"

"Sorry, but no. Not going. Not gonna be your last choice." You tell her and she pouts.

"Seriously, Y/N, why can't you just do one thing for me! We don't even have to go as a couple, just as friends. I can't go alone."

"Why would you think I would go with you? You've been so rude to me ever since I moved here."

"Oh god." Heather sighs and bites her lip. "I've been so rude to you because I like you!" She blurts out then covers her mouth.

"The Heather, the Queen Bee, the Bully, has a crush on me?" You smirk and lean close to Heather's lips.

"Stop it Y/N!" She shoves you and you look at her up and down. "Here's my number, now text me when you make your decision." She pushes you out the door and you gape with your mouth open holding onto a piece of paper with a number written on it.




Should I make a part two?

Update: I don't start school till the 8th now bc of construction😼

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