He Leaves You In The Pouring Rain - Alejandro x Reader

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You walk down the street hand in hand with Alejandro on a cloudy day. You and him are out for a walk until you feel a drop on your nose.

"Did you feel that?" You ask, looking up to Alejandro. He nods, wiping the raindrop off his cheek as light rains starts to fall. Alejandro opens the umbrella he brought as you both stand close under it. After a couple moments, the light rain grows heavy. You both pace, trying to get to shelter faster and by doing that, Alejandro accidentally steps in a large puddle.

"For fuck sakes, not my boot!" Alejandro spits out as you giggle at his misfortune. His whole left foot is drenched and with every step he takes, he makes a wet squishing sound. "You think that's funny?" He asks, noticing your soft laughter.

"It's hilarious." You confirm with a smile, then continue laughing.

"Well, mi amour, I hope you don't mind being left in the rain." Alejandro smirks at you.

"What?" You ask as he bolts down the street towards the house. He takes the shared umbrella and runs as fast as he could to get away from you. You stand there in shock, your hoodie and shoulders already soaked. You run down the street, chasing down Alejandro but he's already too far. As you run, you accidentally trip over a crack on the sidewalk causing you to fall to the ground.

"Come on!" You sigh in frustration.

You finally make it to your street, and across the road you can see Alejandro walking in the house with the door wide open. He grins widely at you as you sadly make your way across the street. You stop outside the door as large rain drops continue to fall on you.

"I'm sorry." He admits with the grin still plastered on his face. You didn't say anything but instead walk to his room with your soggy clothes leaving a path behind you, knowing it'll piss him off. "Y/N, you're getting the floor all wet!" Alejandro exclaims as you wring out your hair on the tile purposely.

"Fuck you and your floor." You spit as some of his roommates snicker at your response. You continue to walk to his room as Alejandro follows with a mop. Once you make it to the bathroom, you take off all your wet clothes and plop them into the bathtub. You then enter Alejandro's room wearing one of his pairs of sweatpants and a shirt.

"I'm cold." You say as you jump into his bed while wrapping yourself in his blankets.

"Baby, I'm really sorry." Alejandro apologizes as you stare into his green eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, come here." You tell him, wanting to feel his Latin blood warmth. He climbs next to you as he wraps his arms around you. A comfortable silence fills the room as you lay in bed with Alejandro. You can hear muffled talking but the rain overlaps it.

"But it was a good one." You say breaking the silence and receive a chuckle from him. The room returns to its quiet state. You end up falling into a deep sleep to the quiet noise of raindrops splattering on the rooftops and the sound of Alejandro's heartbeat.


The sun shines through the curtains as you yawn. It's the next day which surprises you because you never sleep in that long. You notice Alejandro is already out of bed, so you decide to go find him. But once you get out of bed, the whole room seems to spin. You sit back down and regain your vision. Pain shoots throughout your muscles and your nose was so stuffed you couldn't even breathe through it. A wet cough escapes your mouth making your throat ache. You try to call out for Alejandro but it just makes your throat worse. You decide to walk down to the kitchen with a blanket wrapped around your body while being very careful so you don't fall.

Alejandro is laughing at a joke previously made, but then his face falls when he sees you walking down the stairs with a heavy blanket wrapped around your figure, a cherry red nose, and you heavy breathing through your mouth.

"I think I'm sick." You state nasally.

"Aw, come on, amiga." He says softly as he leads you up to his room. "You have to stay in bed okay?" Alejandro tells you, guiding you up the staircase.

"But it's boring in here." You argue, standing at his doorway.

"Y/N, you need to rest. How about we watch a movie?" He suggests already laying on his bed as you stand next to it.

"But I'm gonna get you sick." You say as you sneeze.

"I don't care, I'm not gonna leave you up here alone while you're sick. Come here." He tells you as you shuffle to his bed side. He pulls you down and holds you in his arms.

"Your plan really backfired huh?" You giggle, letting out a cough.

"I guess so. I'm sorry Y/N." He places a kiss on your temple before turning on the tv. You spend the rest of the day binge watching movies and dozing off to fight off that nasty cold.

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