Meeting In The Elevator - Duncan x Reader

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I lift up the box up from inside my car and slam the trunk.

"Yay it's the last box." I muttered before walking inside the apartment complex for like the 10th time today.

I press the up button on the elevator and walk inside. "Wait!!!" I hear a voice call out so I stick my foot through the clearing so the person could get inside. A shorter male with a green mohawk rushes inside. "Hit floor four hit floor four!!" He gasps out, falling to the floor of the elevator.

I chuckle at the sight of him literally inhaling so much air that a weird noise comes out from his mouth. I click on the button and the elevator jolts up.

"Oh god," I mutter, clawing onto the handle bar.

"Are you scared of elevators?" The man asked me, standing back up. He had to be about my age. Maybe a little older than me. 20 or so. I nod sucking in a deep breathe. "Hey it's okay, the elevator only broke down once so." After he said that a loud boom came from the elevator and we collapsed to the ground.

"Holy fuck holy fuck!" I screech as I frantically press random buttons. Nothing was working. "I knew I should've taken the stairs!"

"Hey calm down princess." The black haired male said walking slowly towards me.

"No I can't calm down!!" I yell out, throwing my box onto the floor. "We're gonna die. We're gonna die."

"It'll be alright, I'll just call for help." He pulls out his phone and lifts it to the top of the elevator. "No service. Alright."

"You did this!!" I pointed out tears in my eyes.

"No I didn't."

"You literally fucking cursed us!!" I scream, waterworks slipping down my face. "Oh god oh god." I start pacing back and forth.

"I didn't mean to." His voice softens as I slowly look up to meet his teal eyes. "Hey are you crying?"

"No..." I sniff, wiping my face with my sleeve. I feel him walk forward and now he is engulfing me into a hug. Wow he smells like vanilla.

"It's my lotion." He says. Shit I really said that out loud. "Let's take your mind off of things." He suggests sitting on the floor. "Come, sit."

I reluctantly sit down next to him, wiping my face. Wow he is kinda cute, not gonna lie.

"Okay so let me introduce myself, I'm Duncan. I'm kinda a reality tv star, yeah long story. But I just turned 20 years old a few days ago." He starts out. "So I assume you're moving in?" He gestures towards the box and I nod. "What floor are you going to?"

"Floor four, like you."

"Oh really? Do you by chance live in D32?" He asks and I raise a brow.

"Yes...why? How'd you know that?"

"Oh I guess we're neighbours then." He chortled. "I live across the hall."


"Yes really. I guess this was one way to introduce ourselves. Neighbours meeting in a broken elevator for the first time. So much fun."

I laugh softly. "Yeah I guess so."

We talk for what seemed like 5 minutes but was actually close to a hour before the firefighters opened up the elevator door for us. We climbed out, and thanked the firefighters before walking down the hall.

"Thank you Duncan."

"For what?"

"Calming me down and keeping my mind off of things."

"It was my pleasure. It's nice having someone to talk to. So I guess I'll see you around then Princess." Then we parted ways. "Wait, Y/N!" I turn around and see him peering his head out the door. "You wanna maybe, hangout sometime?"

"Sure, I'd love to."

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