You're Jealous Of His Ex - Trent x Reader

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You noticed that Gwen and Trent were getting along well...maybe too well for your own liking backstage at Trent's concert. You couldn't help but feel insecure, and replay the laughs and talks he shared with Gwen, one of his close friends and his former ex a while back.

He could see how quiet you had gotten from before he went on stage to the drive back to your hotel room. He knew something was up but he didn't know what.

Stopping the car at one of the abandoned car pooling parking lots close to the hotel room that you both shared, he turns off the ignition to his car and looks right into your saddened filled eyes.

"Okay, you're quiet. Too quiet. Something's on your mind, and I want to know what's got you so down." He states, his emerald eyes washed over with concern. "Where's the bubbly girl I fell in love with?" You simply shook your head at Trent.

"It's nothing." You mumble underneath your breath. "Can we please go home now?"

"Nothing? You haven't talked to me, laughed, or showed any sort of PDA to me lately, which I don't personally understand because you seemed pretty damn happy when you saw me earlier before...." Then it clicked. "You're jealous, aren't you?" He stares at you with the smuggest smile on his face. You were quick to argue back with him.

"What?!" You squeak out, jumping in your seat.. "I'm not jealous! I don't get jealous! I could care less if you and Gwen get along so well, or you laugh as her sad jokes, or that you have so much in common just because you both were on the same show together and dated! Why would I be jealous?" You felt a pang in your heart. Maybe he was right, you are jealous.

He rolls his eyes, and leans over to give you a reassuring kiss. "Yeah I have a lot of things in common with Gwen maybe more than you--"

"Not helping."

"But, I don't like her the way I love you, Y/N. You should know that." He locks his eyes with yours, holding onto your hands for comfort. "I'm crazy about you, Y/N. Always have been and always will be."

"But how do I know that...?" You barely whisper, looking down in your lap. He lifts your chin up carefully with his finger.

"I'm in the car with you am I not?" You nod. "I'm talking to you right now am I not?" You glance out the window. "I'm driving back to the hotel room that we shared." He gives you a tender kiss on your lips once again. "And I just kissed you, did I not?"

You sigh and move your gaze over to him. "I'm sorry." You fiddle with your fingers. He slightly chuckles.

"Sorry? What do you have to be sorry for?" He asks.

"I-I-I just feel bad. I guess I am jealous. Sorry for this." You stutter out as a smile grows on his face.

"We all get jealous one way or another. But I'm in the car with you and I'm not going anywhere, Y/N. I promise."

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