Star Gazing - Noah x Reader

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"Noah, come on let's do something fun!" you say, picking up his arm and trying to drag him off of the bed.

"But Y/N! Why can't we just like cuddle or something?" Noah whines as you keep tugging him.

"Because we've been doing that for the past week, we gotta switch up every once and a while."

"But it's like 10 o'clock, I just wanna snuggle with my snuggle bug."

"You can do that later." you finally pull him up and he grunts.

"Fine Y/N." you squeal, taking his hand and sprinting for the door so you can leave. "Why are you such a rush!!" Noah says as you both step inside the car. You already packed the blankets before Noah came over so now you just needed to get a couple snacks for the road.

"You're so mysterious." Noah chuckles as you pull into a gas station. "A gas station? This is the trip?"

"No silly, I'm filling my car up and you can grab the snacks," you hand him a twenty. "Pick good food." He nods, walking towards the gas station as you fill up your car at the pump with your debit card. He comes back with three big bags as you finish pumping the gas.

"I got your favourites!" He holds up your favourite drink, candy, and bag of chips.

"Knew I could count on you." You tell him as you both slip inside the car. "And now to our final destination."

We drive for about 20 minutes until I get to an open field.

"So this is my death spot? You're gonna kill me?" Noah mutters as you exit the vehicle. You go to the trunk and pull out the blankets.

"No silly goose, this is your moms house and we're throwing a party."

"Nice line, only if it was original I would applaud you." You sigh, glaring at him.

"I tried Noah, I tried." You lay the blankets down in the middle of the field and usher Noah to come over. He lays down next to you, and you grab his hand. You talk for what seems like hours, munching and crunching on the delicious gas station snacks as you gaze up at the stars.

"Look Noah a shooting star!" You point up at the sky as he shifts closer to you.

"You're so cute when you're happy." He mutters before leaning in to kiss you.

"And you're so cute 24/7." You bop him on the nose then snuggle into his chest. You guys stare at the night sky, pointing at the constellations and overall just having a splendid time.

"So did you like this date?" You ask him as you and him start to pack up.

"Are you kidding? I loved this date. And I got to snuggle with you so bonus!" You head back to the car, hand in hand. "Thank you for making this night one of the best nights I've ever had, Y/N."

"It's the least I could do Noah. Thank you for being such a great boyfriend." You embrace him, standing on the side of the road with a smile. Now this was a day for the books for sure.


I'm gonna try to post once or more every week if possible, but I'm just writing these in my free time so no promises! Hope you guys have a great day/night :)

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