The Bonfire- DJ x Shy Reader

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School is pretty much nonexistent in your life right now. Your teachers are really chill this year so they haven't given out much homework. And it's been great for you. Except when there's not as much school there's more social stuff. More drama, more relationships, more parties. Just more high school stuff in general.

Since none of your friends ever have any homework, you're all hanging out together more. You guys go to parks, the beach, parties, restaurants, etc. You're basically never at home anymore. The only problem is, all of your friends? Well they're all also DJ's friends. All together in one big friend group. So he's with you, all the time.

Now usually you wouldn't complain, because you really do want to spend the rest of your days with him since he's one of the sweetest people you have ever met, but he just makes you so nervous. He's a bit awkward and you're shy so it's all just a big mess.

You're also under the impression that he doesn't like you that much, because whenever you see him with your friends, he's all talkative and stuff, and then when you join the group he gets really quiet. Dead giveaway for you thinking you're not his favourite person.

You're in the cafeteria at your lunch table sitting across from DJ and you keep catching him glancing at you every so often. No one notices and you're getting a bit nervous and creeped by it.

"So I was thinking five ish? What do you all think?" Your friend Bridgette asks. Tonight was yet another bonfire, the third one this month. You all agree on five except for DJ who's busy unconsciously making you squirm in your seat from his uncomfortable glimpses.

"DJ? You in?" Bridgette asks again. DJ snapped out of his stare and gives a half smile, nodding towards her.

"Yea sure." He says, then he looks down and never looks back up at you again.


You all gather up for the bonfire later in the day, taking two cars to fit everyone. You were stuck in a car with Bridgette and her boyfriend, Geoff.

Without DJ in the car you're completely relaxed. You have no worries, you didn't need to watch what you would say, what you do or how you looked because you were pretty calm with Geoff since he's easy to get along with and he knows how to bring out the party with everyone. The only thing you are worried about was Bridgette blabbing about the crush you had just told her about.

DJ and you all have the same friends. But Geoff, the guy in the car, is his best friend.

You offer to drive since Geoff gets easily distracted and Bridgette was lazy to. You look over to see her staring at you, smiling mischievously.

"What?" You ask, glaring at the road, knowing what she was about to do.

"Nothing..." She says, turning her head to face the road as well.

"Bridge, I swear to god..."

"So Geoff how's Deej?" She asks her boyfriend. You mentally curse yourself for telling her anything.

"He's... good? Why?" He responds cautiously. Bridgette shrugs.

"Oh nothing. I just heard someone likes him..." She replies, turning her gaze back to you.

"I hate you. I really really hate you." You say through gritted teeth, clenching onto the wheel.

"Y/N? You like DJ?" Geoff asks with a smile. You scoff.

"No! Where'd you get that idea from?" You snap a little, unsuccessfully trying to get the two lovebirds to drop it.

"Bridgette. She just said it. Then she looked at you. I'm not dumb it was pretty easy to put two and two together." Geoff says. You roll your eyes a bit panic stricken as you pull up to the beach parking lot. You park the car, unbuckle the seat belt and turn around towards him.

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