You're A Stranger To Him - Duncan x Reader || Part 2

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"Y/N you came!!" Geoff yelled as he came over to me.

"Yeah, I'm here." I smiled at him and looked a little bit around.

At first I didn't want to come. It's was midnight and the party started at ten. I just came for Geoff. He's one of the most laid back dudes I know.

"Go get a drink and enjoy the party man!" He told me as he left to go mingle with others.

I walked into the kitchen to get myself a drink.

"Oh hey Bridge." I say to her as I fill my cup up with a clear liquid. She's holding a beer up in her hand.

"Y/N!" She sung my name and I could tell she reached her limit.

I rolled my eyes with a soft chuckle and looked around to see if I could spot any of my other friends. But I didn't see any of them yet.


The music buzzed loud and after a while I got more into the party feeling. I laughed and talked to a few friends on the couch until a loud yell interrupted our conversation.

Everyone looked around curious to see where the yelling came from. It was more like an angry yell if anything. Another yell was heard and I could tell the person was upstairs by the noise.

"Maybe someone is amusing it too loud." Tyler shrugs with a big laugh.

"Tyler, it was more like an furious yell if anything, not an amusing one." Noah chuckles along with Tyler.

"You're such a fucking slut!" The music got quieter as Geoff walked to the stairs with a beer in hand. "Go to hell you piece of shit!"

Just when he was about to check, a body came down. First I couldn't recognize him until he was at the bottom of the steps holding his left eye. Duncan.

"Yo bro, what the hell happened up there?" Geoff asked and Duncan ignored him, and passed everyone to get to the door. We looked at him as Geoff trailed behind him, walking outside.

"No, leave me alone Geoff." I faintly heard as I put my head down.

"I'm just trying to help-"

"Go inside. I need my space."

Geoff walked back in, holding a beer up. "Yo Harold, my dude. Turn up the volume!" The music buzzed again and everyone continued to party like nothing happened.

"Y/N." I turned around to look at Geoff. "I know that your friendship with Duncan is fucked up but he really needs you now dude." He gives me a hopeful smile.

"I don't know if I-"

"You can. Please. You're the one who knows him the best. I'll go up and kick that bitch out." Geoff nodded his head towards the stairs. "Please."

"Fine." I tell him and excuse myself. I breathed in and out and opened up the door to see Duncan sitting on the steps. He threw some pebbles in anger as I took a seat next to him. I looked around to gather my thoughts for a moment before speaking up.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask softly, trying to find a start.

"I was so wrong. She cheated on me upstairs with that bastard Alejandro." He mumbled raspy, chucking a stone in anger.

"I'm sorry." I say looking down and playing with my fingers.

"No I'm sorry." He lifted up my chin and I gazed into his teal eyes. "I just blurred you out of my life like you were nothing. But you were my best friend. My everything. And that bitch made me so blind. She told me that I didn't need you and I listened to her. I was so fucking stupid." His eyes filled with tears as I swallowed. "I'm a fucking idiot. I told you I'd never forget about you, my best friend. And I fucking did. And I hate myself for that. Cause you'll never be my best friend again." He sniffed out, wiping his face with his sleeve.

"Duncan. You really fucked up. I'm heartbroken. I lost you. And it hurt so bad when you ignored me every day. I feel like a stranger." I choke out, biting my lip as he looks at me with sorrow eyes.

"Fuck!" Duncan yelled out, standing up and balling his fists. "You'll never forgive me, right?"

I don't know if I should. I wanted him back as my best friend. But I couldn't forget what he did to me.

"It's so hard Duncan. I-I don't know." I said quietly, looking at the ground.

"It's okay. Sucks to be me." I looked up and he was walking away. I couldn't let him go. I know that he broke my heart. But I need to be at his side now.

"Duncan." I stood up slowly to follow him. He stopped in the middle of the yard. I walked to him and saw as tears fell down his face. It broke me even more. "It's okay. I'm here."

"Please forgive me." He mumbled as my head was laying on his chest and his arms wrapped around me tightly.

"I-I forgive you. It's okay." I say as he put his head into my neck.

"I wish you could see how sorry I am, I really wish you could. Thank you for still being here." I just responded with an even tighter hug than before.

I guess I'll try to forget even though it ripped me apart...

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