Midnight - Trent x Justin

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Requested. If this story seems weird, short, or a bit off I apologize, I've barely written from a third person point of view like this before so it was a great way to get more practice. Let me know if you want more like this :)

The black haired male walked down the street with his guitar slung over his shoulder carefully admiring the streetlights in front of him.

He had just left from one of his many well known gigs at the coffee shop downtown and was now enjoying his daily midnight stroll down the almost empty streets of the city.

Trent had split up from The Drama Brothers years ago for good and was making it big as a music artist. It wasn't a shocker since he's been playing guitar since he was a little kid.

He hasn't talked to anyone from the band since then or anyone from the Total Drama cast in general. He was done with that kind of life and wanted to move on. Yet, he missed his former friends. Especially that self centred bandmate who he had a slight attraction to during his boy band days.

"Watch where you're going, man!" A familiar voice spoke out as Trent held his head from the impact. Luckily his guitar case broke his fall so he wasn't seriously injured.

"Sorry." Trent quickly apologized lifting his head up from the sidewalk as he sprawled out against it. He couldn't believe who had run into. The boy that he hasn't seen in years.

"Trent?" The built figure said pulling off his shades.

"Justin?" The musician responded blinking rapidly at who stood in front of him as he sat up from the ground hastily.

The memories of them started to flood back into both of their brains.

"Yeah. That's me. Hey." Justin stuck his hand out. Trent smiled a bit taking it. The model pulled him up to his feet once again.

"Sorry about that, man. I should've been watching where I was going." Trent scratched the back of his neck awkwardly fixing the guitar case strapped around his shoulders.

"It's fine." Justin responded tightening the scarf around his neck.

"So, what have you been up to?" Trent asked. "And what's with the shades?" He pointed at the pair of sunglasses in Justin's free hand. "It's midnight, now not afternoon."

"Crazy fangirls. You probably know what it's like since you're a musician and all." Justin said gesturing towards Trent's guitar. "That lifestyle wasn't made for me."

"Yeah I know what you mean. They can get crazy at times but I love them." Trent replied.

"Mmhm..." The boys both stood in the middle of the sidewalk with a comfortable silence between them.

"So, you wanna hang out sometime?" Trent blurted out. "Y-you know? Like old times? Catch up? If you're not busy with your model-"

"I'd love to." Justin cut him off pulling out a notepad and pen. "Call me." He handed Trent the number and walked away.

Trent watched him in disbelief at what just happened. He replayed all the memories with Justin inside his brain. The good and the bad. But he couldn't help but smile. Maybe they could rekindle their friendship once again. Who knows.

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