The First Night At His House - Cody x Reader

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Awkwardly you take place on your boyfriends bed and lean your back against the headboard. He is currently in the bathroom, getting himself ready for bed while you're trying to calm down a bit. It's not like you're gonna do something exciting but it's the first time your sleeping over at his place. You never spent the night with him before and you were scared that you were gonna creep him out with any weird sleeping habits you have, if you have any.

You already slipped under the soft blanket that you have to share so he cannot see your spandex shorts. Suddenly the bathroom door swings open and it reveals Cody. A few water drops are formed on his forehead and his hair looks messier but cuter than ever.

Cody smiles at you and awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "Do you mind me sleeping in my boxers? I mean I can't totally wear-"

"Yes... I mean, I-I totally don't mind." You fluster out and blush. He takes his clothes off and try your best to not stare at his body. He climbs next to you and slips under the comforter.

He has more space on the bed since you told yourself to use as little space as possible so Cody won't complain about you using the whole bed. You can't understand why you're so anxious over something so stupid. You're about to share a bed with your boyfriend for over four months. What was so terrifying of that?

"Do you want to cuddle or do you prefer to sleep on the edge of the bed?" He asks raising a brow. He lifts his arm as a gesture to come over. You scoot over and he intertwines his body with yours.

"Didn't know you were wearing shorts." Cody smirks, moving his hand to your ass and giving it a slight smack.

"They're just shorts."

"But your ass looks good in them." He responds and pecks your lips. "Are you comfortable?"

"Yes I am as long as you don't stare at me when I sleep." You warned as he rubs your back.

"I can't promise that." You frown looking down and fiddle with your fingers.

"What's wrong babe?" He asks as you look up to meet with teal eyes.

"What happens if I drool or talk or bite you in my sleep?" You roll over on your back. "I don't want you to seem like I'm a weirdo."

"Who the hell bites in their sleep?" You're glad he's taking this with humor.

"Uh I don't know maybe me? I don't know what my sleeping habits are." You tell him shrugging and he pulls you close to his chest.

"Look, I'll warn you in advance. I snore. In fact I snore very loudly sometimes."  Cody confesses in hopes to calm you down a bit. "And you'll have to live with it because you love me. I'm sure I can live with your weird sleeping habits if you have any." He tells you. "Even if you bite me."

"Thank you." You whispered shifting around a bit. You find yourself talking to Cody about the most random things, doing everything so Cody will be the first to fall asleep.

"Jesus stop talking and go to sleep will you?" He laughs and squeezes your hips. "Goodnight baby." He kisses your shoulder and you close your eyes, drifting off into a deep slumber.

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