The Car Accident - Gwen x Reader

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"She was totally checking you out Y/N!" Your girlfriend screams at you as you race to the car.

"No she wasn't Gwen!!" You shout back, reaching the car and grabbing the door handle.

"You're so damn oblivious! How could you not see she was hitting on you!?" You slide into the passenger seat and fold your arms.

"She wasn't hitting on me asshole," you huff out as Gwen starts the car. You guys argue back and forth for about a solid 20 minutes.

"I know what I saw. She eyed you up and down and flirted with you. And you just let it happen! Right in front of me." Gwen states and you roll your eyes.

"God Gwen she's just a friend."

"Just a friend!?" She turns her head to look at you. "Just a friend. That's what they all say. Why couldn't you have said something, Y/N! You're a piece of-"

"Gwen the road!!" You shout frantically and grab the steering wheel.

"What are you doing!?" A semi heads to you and you swerve, going into a ditch.

"Ahhhhh!" You both scream as you get tossed around in the car. The car eventually stops after hitting a tree.

"Y/N!" Gwen yells as a tree branch goes through the window shield. You duck and it just passes the top of the seat.

"Holy shit, get out of the car!!" You scream seeing a small fire starting at the hood of the car. You unbuckle Gwen then open the car door.

"Oh god..." Gwen says flabbergasted as you two run up the hill to the road in case the car explodes. You collapse onto the ground besides the highway and start hyperventilating. "Y/N!" Gwen cries out, holding you in her arms. "It's okay it's okay." A car pulls up next to you guys as you try to calm down.

"Shit are you guys okay?" A male voice says from inside the car. He puts on his hazards and hops out.

"Trent?" You gasp out and Gwen's eyes widen.

"I'm calling 911 so we can have you guys checked out and the car totalled," Trent tells you as he pulls out his phone. "What happened? You guys started veering to the left then swerved. You're so glad that you aren't seriously injured."

The police, ambulance, fire trucks and tow company arrive on scene later as Trent tries to tell the police officer what he saw and you guys try to tell them what happened. The EMTS take you two to the hospital to run a few tests because that was a serious accident.

"You guys are so glad that you didn't die," the nurse said. "If you collided with the semi, there was no way you could've made it out alive. Good job on swerving." Gwen looks at you with a sad smile.

"Thank you Y/N for saving my life. I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry too."

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