He Gets Jealous On The Beach - Cody x Reader

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"Hey babe want to go to the beach?" You call your boyfriend Cody seeing that you have nothing to do today.

"Yes of course!" He replies ecstatic. "Pick you up in 20." You hang up and get ready for the day.

You throw on your favourite swimsuit, a black triangle top with an olive green thong swim bottom. Then over it, you have a white tee and booty jean shorts. You start to pack some sunscreen and tanning lotion when Cody arrives at your house 5 minutes early.

"I'm sorry, I just thought I was gonna be late and I-" you cut him off by giving him a peck on the lips.

"It's fine Cody, I was just about done anyways." He takes your hand and leads you to his car outside and helps you get in. "Oh what a gentleman," you tell him, slipping on your sunglasses.

"I try my best for the queen." He bows before slipping inside the vehicle.

Cody drives off to the beach. "I packed your favorite chips," Cody says and you smile.

"No you didn't."

"Oh yes I did."

"God you're a blessing from heaven," you gush and lay your hand on his knee.

You finally pull up to beach and get out. Cody grabs your hand and walks along side you, carrying your bag and the cooler with him.

"How about this spot?" I suggest and he nods.

"It's perfect."

You set up your towels and you start to take off your clothes so you're left with your bikini.

"Woah..." Cody says in awe as he slowly takes off his shirt.

"What?" You ask, throwing your hair up into a messy bun.

"N-N-nothing..." he blurts out, his face turning crimson.

"Um okay," you chortle, laying down next to Cody.

A few guys whistle as they walk past but you don't hear them. Cody starts to get flustered.

"Hey, do you guys want to join us for a game?" A male about our age walked up to us and directed his finger over to where there was a group holding a volleyball. You didn't want to say no so you nodded your head.

"I mean sure, why not." You get up and reach out a hand to Cody.

"Y/N you know I'm not good with sports," he mumbles as he grabs your hand.

"Just one game babe." You beg and he sighs.

"Fine." You walk ahead of Cody and the boy without realizing that the guy is totally checking you out. Cody notices and grabs your hand, while glaring at the the dude. He stifles a laugh while you are so dumbfounded to what was going on.

"Okay teams!" You get dragged by the blonde haired guy that asked you to play while Cody gets dragged by a tall, built hispanic male.

You mouth sorry to Cody but he just rolls his eyes in return.

"How about you be the setter?" The blonde suggests and his tall friend with a piercing and a few tattoos nods his head in agreement.

"I mean sure, I guess."

Cody is also the setter on the other team. In the back on his side is the built Hispanic and a tall, lengthy girl about 5'9 or so. Wonder why she isn't in the front?

You play the game and Cody is shooting death glares at you. What the fuck? You think to yourself as the game ends. Your team won so the boys pick you up and cheer. As soon as they set you down Cody stomps over to you. He bites his lip and chews on it aggressively and that's when you know he's in a pissed off mood.

"Cody, what's wrong?" You ask him taking his hand.

"He's probably just upset he lost the game." The blonde snickers and Cody's face turns bright red.

"Can you just shut the fuck up!?" He screams and storms away.

"How about another game?" The tattoo boy offers with a sly smile on his face.

"Sorry I really got to go." You run off and see Cody heading towards the car.

"Cody!!" You yell out. Shit he forgot our stuff.

You sprint back over to where your belongings are and pick up everything and head towards Cody's car. When you get to the car, you see Cody holding his head in his hands while leaning against the steering wheel. You throw the stuff in the back and hop into the passenger seat, only wearing your bikini.

"Cody," you reach out to grab his hand but he pulls away. "Why are you being so rude to me, why'd you have to give me those glares-"

"Can you shut up Y/N!? You're so oblivious!!" He yells out and you sink into the seat, tears forming in your eyes.

"I, I don't know what you're talking about?" You stutter out, the familiar lump forming in your throat. He glances at you and sees the tears cascading down your face. He's never raised your voice at you, ever, nor yell at you.

"Y/N..." he says softly, looking at you with pain in his blue eyes.

"Why are you being so rude!?" You snap, choking on the mucus in your throat. "I don't understand what I did wrong!"

"Those boys..."

"Are you jealous Cody?"

"They we're hitting on you Y/N!! They were eyeing you up and down, looking at your body like you were some piece of meat." He lets out.

"They we're doing what?" You look at him, confused.

"They just wanted you to play volleyball just so they could look at your ass! They put you in the front row so that they could see your ass giggle. That blonde boy was looking at your body the whole time you walked in front of us on the way to play the game. He whistled at you, hollered at you, made remarks about your body in front of me, your own god damn boyfriend!!" He shouts, slamming his hands on the dashboard.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I tried and then I chickened out, you were having so much fun and I couldn't ruin that for you. You seemed so happy."

"Cody, look at me." You tilt his head with your hand. "You're my boyfriend, not them. To be in a relationship we are supposed to trust each other and communicate. If you see something you don't like, tell me. We have to communicate with each other in order to have a healthy relationship. You can't just hold in your anger like that. I'm only here for you, Cody. This body is all yours. It isn't theirs." You get up and sit on Cody's lap. "This," you put his hand on your boob. "And this." You put his other hand on your behind. "It's for you to touch. Not them. I'm here for you babe. No one else."

One-Shots ↠ Total DramaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora