Your Daughter Comes Out - Geoff x Reader

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"How do your teeth feel?" You ask your daughter as she smiles.

"Fantastic." You just got out of the orthodontist office and your daughter finally got her braces off after three years. You were treating her to ice cream after all those gruelling years of orthodontist work.

"Thanks for taking me out." She says to you as you guys walk downtown on the sidewalk together.

"Of course hun, braces are painful as fuck. You're lucky you didn't have them on for five years like me." You both chuckle, finishing off your ice cream.

You walk for about five minutes until you reach the mall and go inside. Today your daughter was going out on a date to a small party with someone so you decided that she could get a cute outfit for the special occasion.

You and Geoff were always the cool parents. You guys would let your daughter go out and have fun but would also have a couple rules so she wouldn't get into any trouble. No vaping or drugs but she is allowed to drink. She also has a curfew on weekdays minus Friday for 10 o'clock then on Saturday and Friday she has to be back at 1:30 unless she's staying at a friends house. You both are pretty lean-ant when it comes to rules but your daughter has always been cautious so you never had to worry about much.

"How about this?" Your daughter comes out and twirls around, showing off her outfit.

"R/N, you look amazing!" You gush. "Go change now so we can buy it!!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course, you look hot!!" She changes back into her regular clothes and you pay for it.

"This day has been great!! Thank you mom!" Your daughter embraces you so you hug back.

"Anything for my sweetheart."

You guys wait on a bench outside of the mall  for Geoff since he's gonna come pick you up. He dropped you guys off at the orthodontist a little bit ago since he had to run a few errands so you decided to have a mini girls day.

"Yo what's up!" Geoff pulls up in his hummer and you both hop in.

"Hey babe." You give him a peck on the lips then he adverts his attention to your girl.

"Let's see your shiny teeth." Geoff turns around to look at his daughter and she flaunts her pearly whites. "Sweet! You're gonna get all the dudes for sure." She laughs nervously in the backseat.

Geoff starts to drive back home. "So what did you get from the mall?" He asks.

"Well, R/N has a date tonight so we picked out an outfit for her to wear." I tell him as R/N nods.

"A date? You guys never told me about that. Who's the lucky guy?"

"About that..." she tucks a loose strand behind her ear. "I'm going with a girl..."

You turn your head to look at your daughter and see she's starting to sweat and shake.

"So... you're a lesbian?" Geoff asks and you slap him on his shoulder.

"Yes." She laughs out very anxious and you rest your hand on her knee.

"That's so sweet! Who's the lucky girl?" Geoff looks in the mirror at his daughter and she blushes.

"You guys aren't mad or anything?"

"Why would we be mad? You just told us that you're lesbian, that's a huge thing to do and we're proud of you baby. That's not something you can easily tell someone. We're gonna be supportive of you. No matter what. Isn't that right Geoff?"

"Yes! I love you with all of my heart and I'm proud of you for telling us, that takes some guts, man." Geoff tells her with a grin on his face.

"Thanks for being so chill about this, I thought you guys were gonna freak out." She says. "You guys really are the best parents ever."

"We try our best." Geoff and you say simultaneously. "We love you babe."

"I love you guys too."

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