The Showoff - Tyler x Reader

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"Go Eagles! Go go go Eagles!" You practice your cheer with the rest off your team at the track.

"Alright, go stretch out and drink some water, be back here in 10." The coach tells your team as you all nod and disperse. You catch up with your friend, F/N.

"The football team is supposed to come practice out here soon. 5 minutes to be exact." F/N tells you as you take a swig of your water.

"Nice. Now we can stare at their cute little butts running around on the field." You both giggle, leaning up against the fence.

"So who do you think the hottest football player is?" F/N asks you.

"I don't know..."

"Oh come on Y/N! Well all know who it is." She nudges me.  "We'll both say his name on the count of three..."

"One...two...three... R/N!" You both say simultaneously then laugh afterwards.

"Too bad he's got a girlfriend." You sigh.

"Yeah, if not, girl you would have him in a snap of your fingers! But honestly his girlfriend is so sweet so no bad vibes going her way right now." You agree and start stretching.

"I know I'm just so hot," you joke as you bend down to stretch your right leg.

"Y/N, the football team, they're here!" You glance up to see the team running to the field.

"Oh my god Tyler was totally checking you out!" F/N gasps as he waves at you.

"Eh, he's kinda cute." You shrug and wave back. He gets so distracted that his teammate tackles him to the ground.

"Ouch that's gonna leave a mark," your friend says as you cringe.

"I'm okay!" Tyler announces, getting up from the ground while still looking at you.

"What was that!?" The assistant coach shakes his head.

"Just distracted that's all."

"No Tyler's got a crushhh," one of his teammates teases and they all laugh.

"No I don't R/N!" You hear Tyler huff out as they are assigned to a drink break. Tyler takes this opportunity to run over to you guys.

"Oh god he's coming over act calm!!" F/N freaks out as you pretend to have a conversation with her.

"Like what you see?" He flexes his muscles and you chortle.

"You're a showoff, you know that?"

"I am not. Just flexing with these guns here!" He points to his arm then gets hit by a football.

"Tyler get over here and stop flirting! Water break is over!"

"Okay okay I'll be there in a sec," he replies, rubbing his head. "So you wanna hang out after practice?"

"Why should I?"

"Uh- I don't know, we can just talk and um I was wondering if I could get-"


"Hold on!!" He tells them. "Sorry I gotta-"

"Y/N and F/N, break is over!" The coach calls out to you guys as you smile at Tyler.

"Meet me under the bleachers after practice." You tell him and strut away with F/N.

"Girlll what was that!?"

"It's called flirting." You wink at her.

"Damn Y/N, playing hard to get I see."

For the rest of the practice you watch Tyler get  hit by footballs and tackled by players as he watches you cheer, distracted from the game.


"Good luck Y/N! Text me all the deeds when you get home," F/N tells you as she starts walking to her car.

"Will do!"

You hold your cheer bag and sit underneath the bleachers waiting for Tyler's practice to be over. You hear the locker door slam shut and check your phone. Tyler should be coming any minute.

"Y/N!!" A voice calls out as you look up from your phone. A sweaty and breathless Tyler reaches you. "I thought you were gonna stand me up."

"Why would I do such a thing?" You stand up and cross your arms.

"I don't know, you were playing hard to get back there so I just assumed-"

"Just shut up and kiss me." You grab Tyler's collar and pull him in for a heartfelt kiss. He pulls away astonished. "Next time, just ask me for my number." You walk away from him as he gapes at you in awe.

One-Shots ↠ Total DramaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ