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Tommy was tried of it. He was sick of getting kicked around like a rock. He hated how he was forced into war at such a young age.
And everyone was forgetting about him. Slowly, one by one. Tubbo had Ranboo. Phil had Techno and Techno hated him. Ghostbur even stopped talking to him.
Tommy walked out of his house for some fresh air. He couldn't stand the thought of being forgotten, but at the same time, he found comfort in it. This would be a perfect chance to get away. To start a real life.

Tommy made up his mind. He would leave tomorrow morning so no one saw him leave. He would not be participating in the 2nd disc war tomorrow.
First though, he would have to leave everyone a goodbye and apology note.
He grabbed the materials and go to work.

He wrote Tubbo's first. He apologized about not showing up to the disc war, and has no use for the discs anymore. He could decide to fight for the discs or not. He said he was happy he found Ranboo, because it made it easier to disappear.
And the last thing he left was a bandanna to remember him by. Tommy had a matching one as well.

Next was Techno. He started out the note apologizing for all the times he betrayed him and wished he made better decisions. He apologized for how stupid he was going back to L'manberg. He told Techno he was right, the government is wrong. It brings nothing but pain.
He wished his brother a good life and left him the axe of peace as a thank you gift.

He didn't care much about writing to Phil. He was never there for him. So he wrote a goodbye, with no apology in it.

Ranboo was next. He apologized for not saying goodbye in person, but he knew Ranboo would talk him out of it. He asked to keep Tubbo busy and make him his new best friend. He wrote that he has the most kind hearted soul.
He said his goodbyes in the note and left Ranboo a notebook to write in.

Sam and Puffy's note were the same. Thanking them for acting like a real family to him and he wished he met them sooner then he did. He hoped them the best and a farewell.

Ghostbur's note was sweet and simple. He knew he wouldn't understand. He tried his best to make sure he did. He told him he was leaving and wouldn't be coming back. He told him to keep giving people blue because it actually helps. And lastly he said he was the best brother he could ask for.
He left him a new notebook as well and the OG L'manberg flag. It had some tears but it was still their flag.

Sapnap was next. He apologized for all the pet wars they started and wished they could've stayed friends like old times. He kept it short saying his goodbye.
He left him Mars as a thank you.

Lastly, he wrote to Dream. He started out by forgiving Dream for everything. He knew that that he was in the wrong and none of it would've happened if he kept his mouth shut. He told him he could keep the discs, but don't blame him if Tubbo tries and get them back.
He said his farewell and left it at that.

He was finished. And he wouldn't be seeing this place ever again. He felt a pinch of guilt leaving his friends, but he needed this. He wants a life without war. As much as he hates to admit it, he's just a kid.
He turned around to look at his used to be home one more time.

This was for the best.

-Time Skip: hours later-

Tommy has been walking for hours, and only stopping to hydrate or eat.
Now he's in a forest trying to find a village to stay at for the night.
Right then, he hears a loud cry. It sounded like a child.
He goes in the direction of the crying to find a baby with no parent around it.
He picks up the baby and starts rocking it to sleep.
Tommy has always been good with kids, but there was never any in the SMP.
He finds a note attached to it's blanket;

Hi, my name is Clementine and I'm a girl.
My mother couldn't take care of me anymore.
Please when you find me take care of me!

Tommy double looks the note before continuing on with Clementine.

Hours later he comes across a village with other people in it.
"Thank god," Tommy thinks out loud.
As he approaches the village a lady stops in front of him.
"Who are you? I've never seen you around here before,"
"My name is Tommy and I've been looking for a place to stay. I also found this baby and we both really need something to eat," he pleaded to stay.
The woman lets him stay at her house, along with her baby too. Tommy had a feeling he would be staying here for a while. And hopefully befriend this new girl.
"What's your name Miss? You never told me it," he asks.
"My name is Rose and my daughters name is Star,"
Tommy smiles, "It's very nice to meet you two."

Tommy knew there was no way he was giving up this baby he found. He may just be 16, but he could still take care of her.
And that's what he intended on doing.

951 words

There will be a part 2 of this.
Make sure to drink some water or eat something ❤️

TommyInnit Oneshots (mostly angst & fluff)Where stories live. Discover now