Do they care?

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3rd person

Tommy's first death was in the hand's of Dream. The memory was burned into his skull and would shiver at the thought.
Tommy's second death was by his brother, Technoblade. He made note to never try to be a hero around him again. He knew from that day on, they weren't really brothers anymore.
But now, Tommy is on his last life. And he has been targeted over and over again. He's tried to change his ways.
He's more quiet and makes sure to help whenever, but he's still known as the loud and annoying TommyInnit.

Tommy knew people were trying to kill him. He just didn't have the energy to stop them. He didn't ever have the energy for anything anymore. He felt like he was being weighed down by the whole world.
He knew Techno or Phil, the last of his family, wouldn't care if he died. He was always in the way of them. Jack and Niki have tried over and over again to kill Tommy, but just couldn't execute the plan right.
And by the way Tubbo reacted the first time he died in prison, he wouldn't care either. He had Ranboo now. Ranboo had given more of a reaction than Tubbo.

So now, the loud, annoying, selfish, upbeat TommyInnit was sat on top of the ledge of one of his ugly cobblestone towers.
His mind was racing miles per second. What if he just ended his life now? Would anyone care? Of course not. Nobody cares about him.
He leaned forward a bit to look over the edge. Tommy used to be terrified of heights. Now he was about to end his life from one of his biggest fears.
Tommy stood up and looked at the stars. With in one big sigh, he stepped forward and closed his eyes.

Tommy waited for the hard impact, but it never came. He opened his eyes slowly to see he accidentally threw a fucking enderpearl. Tommy's face became bright red in anger and headed back to his home.
It shows how much the world is against someone.
Tommy headed straight to bed not seeing any reason to stay up. He would just end his life another day.

In the morning, Tommy felt the same as usual. Tired and no energy at all.
He lazily got out of bed and got dressed for the day.
He headed out of his house not caring enough to put a smile on his for others.
He soon found himself walking in the community house. It was destroyed a while ago and no one ever rebuilt it.
Maybe this would be his good deed of the day. He grabbed the needed materials and got to work.
He had over 100 crafting tables in his inventory and the floor was only half done. He always wondered why it was built out of crafting tables. Maybe it was because of Sapnap's dumb meme.

He finished the floor and looked around. The walls were destroyed as well. He went into his inventory and grabbed brick and glass.
He started on the first wall but he felt as if someone was looking at him. More like staring if you asked him.
He stopped what he was doing and looked at his surroundings. It was quiet. No noise at all. Well, except for the footsteps from behind Tommy.

He jerked his head around to see his brother, Technoblade, and he did not look happy.
"Hehe, heyyy TechnoBlade. What brings you around these parts of the SMP!" Tommy tried keeping his cool while his mind was screaming for him to run.
"What are you doing Tommy?" Techno asked in his monotone voice.
"What does it look like dumbass? I'm rebuilding the community house since no one else did," Tommy scoffed.
"Me and Dream destroyed it for a reason," Tommy's eyes widen.
"Ohh, so it was you and Dream that did it. Not really surprised. Anyways what exactly are you doing here?" Tommy questioned while adding more bricks to the wall.
"I was going to meet Phil here, but it seems like you were here first. Now I'm gonna ask nicely because I did say the next time I saw you I would kill you, leave now," Techno grabbed his sword.

"Hell no I'm not leaving. I'm rebuilding this wether you like it or not. I have nothing better to do," Tommy turned back around to work again but was thrown to the ground.
He winced in pain from the bruises Dream left on his body from prison.
The sword was pushed against his neck.
"I told you to leave, but you didn't leave Tommy. Who knew I would be the first to try and take your last life," Technoblade said almost happy at the thought. What they didn't know was that the whole SMP was watching the events take place.
Tommy stared blankly at him for a second before bursting out laughing. He was clutching his side from laughing so hard. Techno sat there confused,
"What are you laughing at? You're literally about to die," Techno pressed the sword harder on his neck while Tommy wiped away tears from laughter.
"Bold of you to think your the first to try and take my last life. Your like in 4th place. There's a whole line of people waiting for my death," Tommy said chuckling.

TommyInnit Oneshots (mostly angst & fluff)Where stories live. Discover now