Giving up pt. 1

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3rd person

Tommy sat on the ledge of the bridge in the nether. He was deep in thought. Thinking about nothing, to everything and everyone. He was so broken.
It was hard to admit he was broken. It was such a strong word used for a weak person. Because that's all he saw himself as.


Tommy stared into the lava below him. It looked so welcoming and warm. Tommy always felt cold now.
He remembered Wilbur saying that all the time. He finally found out why.
Wilbur felt the same Tommy does. Empty with a void in his heart. There was nothing to make him feel happy anymore.
Tommy was right, him and Wilbur are really alike after all.
Tommy turned to look around. He felt as if someone was watching him. It was highly doubtful because not a single person had cared enough to check up on him after 2 weeks of being in the prison with his abuser.
Tommy laughed at the memory. He was so hurt when he saw everyone had moved on without him. They didn't care that he died and was revived.
Being dead was so peaceful. You felt no pain and there was no violence. He almost felt happy being dead.
The thought of dying made Tommy smile. He stood up making his final decision.
No one would care that he died. Right? I mean no one cared the first time he died. Why would they now.

He out one foot over the ledge and stared at the lava. He sighed and looked around his surroundings.
The nether was so calming to him. The creatures that lurked there always greeted Tommy and never attacked him. He looked over at a piglin. Their face was full of worrisome.
Tommy smiles at them. The monsters knew what Tommy was going through. They knew his time was up. They just didn't want him gone this quickly.
The piglin smiles back and does a salute to him. Tommy salutes back and fall backwards off the edge....

Not quick enough though

Wilbur's POV


I felt pain everywhere. Especially my stomach. I take a big deep breath and sit up. I wince and grab my stomach.
I look at my surroundings. My eyebrows knit in confusion. I had no idea where I was. I suddenly hear a voice,
"Long time no see, Wilbur Soot," I turn around to see Dream leaning against a wall. I felt the anger building up inside of me.
What stops me from killing my brother's abuser right now? Absolutely nothing, but Tommy saying to never kill for revenge. My ball up my fists to contain my anger,
"What the fuck did you do Dream," I say with venom in my voice.
"I revived you! But now, you owe me your life," I could hear the smirk from under his mask.

I stand up,
"I don't owe you shit Dream. If anything you owe me," I pin him to the wall grabbing the collar of his prison jumper.
"How would I owe you?" Dream says. I grin evilly at him.
"You should know by now to never mess with my family," I punch him square in the mask. Breaking it in the process.
I could see the multiple scars on his face and now I could see the frightened look he had. I chuckle coldly,
"You really thought you could get away with killing my baby brother, and then bring him back to life after finding peace? I think not," I punch him again, knocking him out in the process.
"You're lucky I don't kill you right now green bastard," I whisper, because he couldn't hear me speaking.
I turn around to look at the lava. This must be the prison Sam put him in.

Just on time, I see Sam's name tag. I start screaming his name to get his attention. I hear him speak,
"Wilbur?! How are you alive," he rolls down the lava and sends over the the tiny bridge. I step on it and head to him.
"Dream revived me. I may have knocked him out but he deserved it Sam," Sam nods in agreement.
"Look, I'm not sure if it affected you, but I'm sorry that I blew up L'manberg and went crazy. I really wasn't thinking straight,"
I had felt guilty the moment I was stabbed by my father for destroying my home. I wonder what it looks like now.
I was lead out of the prison and said goodbye to Sam.
I decided to head to Techno's first. I didn't want to be killed on my first day back.
I head into the snow biome and see my brother's house up ahead.
I had a smile on my face and knocked on the door. I did feel a bit anxious because, well I just did.
It took a couple seconds but the door opened up and I saw my pig hybrid brother. I smile at him and his eyes widen,
"W-Wilbur?" He stuttered.
"Yeah it's me. The real me," I was engulfed into a hug and knocked over in the process.
I hug him back tightly. I really missed my brothers. Not my father though. He always favorites Techno and left me and Tommy to fend for ourselves. That wasn't Techno's fault though.
I pull away from the hug first and he stares at me,
"You look different," he says.
"How so?" I ask confused. He points to my hair,
"You have a white streak of hair. And how the fuck are you taller?" He was right. I did have a white piece of hair and I was taller than I used to be.
I laugh,
"I don't know, maybe I'm just getting to old," he laughs along.
"So where's Tommy? I really want to see him," Techno shrugs his shoulders,
"Dunno. I haven't talked to him after the war," I raise my eyebrows,
"Another one? What the hell. What happened this time,"
"Anarchists teamed up and took down the government. Me, Phil and Dream," I wasn't really surprised.
"Tommy was on our side but chose Tubbo in the end. He betrayed me once again," I knew exactly why Tommy betrayed Techno but wouldn't bring it up.
"Well, the last thing I remember from ghostbur's memories is him and Tommy in Logedshire and Tommy looked like I did in pogtopia. Like worse, did you see him before the war?" Techno nods his head.
"He came to my house seeking help. I let him stay and he seemed very distant. I knew Dream abused him so I figured it was that. But there's something else that I dismissed,"

I see his shoulders tense,
"What would that be?" I ask slightly worried. He takes a deep breath,
"There was a pillar in his exile. I visited the area one day while Tommy was at the house. I shrugged it off, but I had a bad feeling about it. What do think it was for?"
My eyes widen,
"Oh my god. Grab your things now! We gotta go see Tommy. You have any idea where he would be," Techno grabs his things and shuts the door behind him,
"Let's try the nether first," we both grab a horse and ride to the nearest portal.
I run to the bridge leading to Tommy's exile and see Tommy sitting on the ledge.
I push Techno behind a wall quickly so Tommy didn't see us. Tommy looked over our direction and stood up. He sighed and put one foot over the edge.
He looked over at a piglin and smiles at them. He always had a connection with things in the nether.
I start sprinting towards Tommy with Techno not far behind me. The piglin salutes to the blonde and Tommy returns the action. I started running faster.
I can't lose him. Not now. He is too young and I need this kid. I felt my legs aching but I made it.
I caught my baby brother and pulled him back up off the edge and hug him close to my chest. I was sobbing uncontrollably.
What would have happened if I didn't come here? Would he be dead?
I felt Tommy trying to push me off but I just held him tighter.
"Let me go! Who the hell are you?" He made on final attempt to push me off but didn't work. I wipe my tears,
"Tommy.. what were you thinking?" I say with my voice cracking. Tommy stops moving and slowly looks up at me. His fade was also stained with tears.
His eyes widen and pulls me into a death gripping hug. I hear him start crying again. I rub circles on his back trying to calm the young blonde,
"It's okay Tommy. I'm here now. I won't leave you ever again," I put my head in top of his still rubbing circles on his back.
I look over at Techno to see him also crying. I was surprised, but didn't say anything. I mean Tommy did just try to off himself.
"Tommy, why did you try to do that," he hugs me even tighter and shakes his head,
"I-I can't stand the p-pain Wilbur. I feel so cold and e-empty inside," he sniffled. His head was still buried into my chest and my shirt was soaked with tears. I didn't mind though. My heart broke knowing how much pain he was in. He sounded just like me in pogtopia.
Maybe a bit more sane, but he felt all the pain I did.
"How about this, we go back to Techno's house and we clean you up, and then talk about this tomorrow?" He shakes his head,
"I can't go there. Techno will kill me if he sees me again. I betrayed him again, but I only did it so he wouldn't leave me first,"

I look over at Techno,
"That's why you did it?" Techno kneels down next to us. Tommy tenses up and stares at Techno looking frightened. He scooted closer to me and I just hugged him,
"He won't hurt you. I promise," his shoulders relax,
"I didn't want someone I loved leaving me again. So I did it before you could," tears were flowing out of his eyes again.
"What makes you think I would have left you?" Techno questioned. He was talking softly as if he talked any louder the boy in front of us would break. He may of not been far off though.
"You didn't need me Techno. Nobody needs me. If Dream would have used that favor for me, you would have given me up without a second thought," Techno looked at the ground realizing what he did.

"We can talk about this later. Let's get back to the house," I help Tommy stand and he looks over at the lava. I grab him before he could even think about doing anything. Luckily he didn't protest.
We make it back to the house and I set Tommy in a bed with him instantly falling asleep. I had guessed he would of done that. He had very noticeable bags underneath his eyes. I sigh and head into the living room and sit across from Techno.
"Can we stay here for a bit? It would be nice to be with my two brothers right now and I think Tommy needs it more than me," Techno nods his head,
"I think that would be best. You both will always be welcome here," I get up and hug my brother. He hugs back surprisingly.
"Alright enough sappy stuff. We do need to talk to Tommy in the morning though," Techno pulls away from the hug.
"We'll both do that. I want to know what made him give up like that,"


1969 words

Sorry I had to take a little break. I was losing motivation again and had to find myself. Luckily I found my motivation just not my happiness ✌️

Make sure to eat and drink water. I don't want you passing out. It's not very fun and you don't want to do it in public either.
Luv you all ❤️

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