5 stages of grief

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3rd person

Tommy didn't believe anyone when they said you went through 5 stages of grief after going through some terrible event.
But how wrong he was when it was announced that his best friend, Tubbo was shot and murdered.
His friends tried everything to help, but nothing brightened his mood anymore. He looked lifeless.


Tommy received a phone call one morning from his good friend Wilbur.
He yawned and picked up the phone, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"What's up Will?" Tommy spoke sleepily.
"Tommy...," Wilbur said in a sympathetic tone, confusing Tommy.
"Yeah? What's wrong?" Tommy asked.
"You didn't hear yet?" Wilbur said, puzzling the blonde even more.
"No? Hear what?" Tommy asked impatiently. He heard Wilbur sniffle on the other end, making him worry even more.
"Tubbo is... gone," Wilbur said slowly.
"Oh, when will he be back? And where did he go? He didn't tell me he was going anywhere," Tommy said, finding it ridiculous Wilbur made such a big deal out of the situation.
"No Tommy. He isn't coming back. He was killed," Wilbur said, knowing he had to say it straight forward or Tommy wouldn't understand.
"Okay Wilbur, funny joke, now where did he go?" Tommy asked again, losing all of his patience.
"Tommy he's dead! Someone shot and killed him!" Wilbur said, and a frown appearing on his face when silence overtook the call.
"No, you're lying. You can call me once you stop making these jokes, 'cause they are not funny," Tommy said, standing up, walking out of his room to brush his teeth.
"Tommy-" Wilbur was cut off,
"Bye Will,"
Tommy hung up, and sighed, looking at himself in the mirror.
He couldn't be dead, he's probably just on vacation and Tubbo told Wilbur to prank him.
Yeah, just wait a couple weeks. You don't want to bother him on his holiday. (FOR THE BRITS)


Days went by, and then a week, and then a month until it finally suck in for Tommy that Tubbo wasn't coming back.
That he actually died, and someone was cruel enough to kill him with no mercy.
Tommy knew he should've felt sad, or hurt if what happened.
But he went the complete opposite way, and anger took over his body, seeing Wilbur calling him for the third time today. He hasn't spoken to anyone since the last phone call with Will, and he could see everyone was worried.
Wilbur was in a call with Phil and Techno, and decided to actually join.
He heard Wilbur scream as soon as he joined,
"Tommy! Are you okay? Why haven't you been answering me?" Wilbur spoke at a rapid pace.
"For fucks sake, I don't need everyone on my back. It's annoying as hell," Tommy grumbled, rolling his eyes.
It was silent for a few moments before Phil spoke up,
"Are you okay?" He asked. Tommy scoffed,
"No I'm not okay. My best friend is fucking dead, and there's nothing I can do about it," Tommy said.
"Tommy, it's okay to be sad, or mourn over his death, we all did. You don't have to keep up this tough act, we would all get it," Techno spoke. Tommy's face fell for a second at his sincere words, but he put a stern face back on.
"No I can't," he mumbled, confusing the others.
"Why not?" Wilbur asked.
"Because if I cry, I will never stop crying! So I have to stay like this until these emotions pass away," Tommy yelled.
"It's gonna catch up to you Tommy," Techno warned. Tommy rolled his eyes, reaching for the end call button.
"Wait!" Phil spoke, making Tommy freeze.
"Come to us if you need anything," Phil said gently.
Tommy's face softened for a second, and sighed,
"I'll do that. Bye guys," Tommy said, ending the call.
Tommy stood up quickly, punching the nearest thing to him.
And just like that, he heard a crack erupt in his wrist, and let out a scream of pain.
Looking up, he realized he punched the wall, and left a huge dent in it.
"Tom! Are you okay?"
Tommy heard his mother say,
"Yeah mum! I just dropped my book on my foot!" He called out, trying to move his hand. He sighed, realizing he broke it.
The pain was unbearable, and tears were flooding out of his eyes.
He quickly hopped back on his computer, to see his friends still in a call. He joined instantly, and stared at his hand.
"Tommy? What's wrong bud?" Wilbur's voice came through his headphones.
"How do you wrap a broken bone?" Tommy asked quietly.
"What! What did you do?" Phil spoke up, sounding concerned.
"I punched the wall," Tommy explained, tears still falling.
"Tommy, go tell your mom what happened, and she will help, alright?" Techno said. Tommy nodded.
"Make sure to update us, okay?" Wilbur said, and Tommy nodded again.
He left the call, not at all ready to explain he broke his wrist by punching a wall.

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