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I loved this one so much, hope you guys enjoy it like I did!!

3rd person

Tommy comes running down stairs, ready for the day. He was excited. It was his 7th birthday today! And he was planning on hanging out with Tubbo and Ranboo, and maybe if Phil let him, they would spend the night.
Tommy basically leaped off the last step, into the kitchen. When he turned the corner, he was smiling hugely. But it slowly went away, when nobody even noticed him sitting down at the table. Phil was on the phone with someone, and Wilbur and Techno were chatting away. He stood up and grabbed a banana, and sat down next to Techno, who finally noticed him.
"What's up Tommy?" He greeted, then went back to talking to Wilbur.
Tommy didn't reply back. He was shocked. Not once has his family ever broken the tradition of singing happy birthday as soon as they see you in the morning. What happened? They did it for Techno and Wilbur's birthday, why was his any different?
The only explanation Tommy could think of was that they forgot. But he denied it. They would never forget that, would they?
Maybe it would be different this year. Maybe they will throw a surprise birthday party.
Tommy turned to Phil when he sat down.
"Hey dad?"
"What's up Toms?" He asked, putting his phone down.
"Can I have Tubbo and Ranboo spend the night tonight?" He asked. Phil gave a sympathetic smile,
"Sorry Tommy, we have plans tonight. It's Wilbur's and Techno's conferences tonight," Phil said. Tommy's eyebrows furrowed, but he nodded reluctantly.
He ate the last of his banana, before heading off to school, slamming the door shut.
"What's his problem?" Wilbur asked, when he left.
"Probably mad his friends couldn't come over. He's a kid, he'll get over it," Techno replied, eating the last of his cereal.

Tommy arrived at school, greeting Tubbo and Ranboo when he found them.
"Happy birthday boss man!" Tubbo said excitedly.
"You're seven now Tommy! We're all the same age now," Ranboo smiled. Tommy smiled as well, not showing as much excitement as the other two.
"What's wrong Tommy?" Ranboo asked. Tommy looked down at his shoes.
"I think my family forgot it was my birthday," he mumbled.
"No way they would have. They didn't sing happy birthday?" Tubbo asked. Tommy shook his head disappointingly.
"I'm sure there is a mistake Tommy. I mean it's your birthday. It's hard to forget a family's birthday," Ranboo comforted, with a reassuring smile.
Tommy nodded, as they walked into their classroom.
"I hope you guys are right," he responded.
"Hi Mr. Halo!" Tubbo said. The teacher turned around and smiled at the kids.
"Well hello muffin heads. Happy birthday Tommy!" He said.
"Thanks, Mr. Halo," Tommy smiled brightly.

When Tommy got home, his family was rushing him to get ready.
"Why?" Tommy asked, thinking maybe his friends were right.
"Your brothers conferences! Where has your mind been today!" Phil laughed, shooing him into his room.
When he shut his door, his smiled dropped. His family forgot about his birthday. He got dressed, wiping away his tears, and went outside, into the car.
He was silent the whole ride, looking out the window.
"You alright Tommy?" Wilbur asked, nudging his shoulder. Tommy nodded, not glancing at his brother.
"Who got you down in your feels," Techno joked. Tommy shrugged.
"No one," he muttered.
"You sure," Wilbur laughed along.
"Yes! Leave me alone!" Tommy snapped.
"Tommy, be nice," Phil scolded.
Tommy didn't speak through the whole conferences, and when they got home, Tommy ran up to his room, and slammed it. Locking it as well. He flopped onto his bed, and started crying into his pillow.
His family didn't even bother to get him for dinner.

The next morning when Tommy woke up, there was banging on his door.
"Get up Tommy! Time for school," Phil yelled. Tommy unlocked his door, and opened it, to reveal Phil.
He looked at his son's face and furrowed his eyebrows.
"You okay Tommy?" He asked. That question was enough to make Tommy break down crying again.
"Hey! What's wrong bud?" Phil tried wrapping Tommy into a hug, but he avoided it.
"You guys are the worst family ever!" Tommy cried out, slamming his door shut again. He locked it, laying back on his bed.
"Tommy! Open this door right now! We can't fix anything if you don't tell us what we did," Phil yelled out.
"How about you go look at that stupid calendar Phil. Any other day your nose is stuck in it!" Tommy shouted. The blonde hasn't called Phil by his first name ever since he was adopted into the family. That was 2 years ago.

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