Silence (mute Tommy)

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3rd person

If you were to ask the SBI family, they would tell you Tommy has never said a single word. He was mute. Not by religion, but by choice. The family still had a great bond with the blonde, but they didn't know Tommy used to be the most talkative kid you would meet.
It was a struggle for the family to learn his way of communication, since he didn't do sign language often.
He often made sly jokes to make the family snicker.
They were incredibly lucky to adopt Tommy and wouldn't change him for the world. Despite Wilbur always wondering what the kid's voice sounded like and Techno sometimes asking himself if his family was the only people he didn't talk to, or Phil wanting Tommy to express himself better and his emotions, they were a happy family.
The family always worried for Tommy. They were scared he would be bullied, which they were right about, but Tommy could handle himself. His anger would always take over during situations of being picked on, and it was never pretty, but the bullies weren't snitches so he never got in trouble.

There was a couple times the family heard a sound leave Tommy's mouth.
The first time was when Wilbur made a joke to Tommy, and it was the first time he ever heard him laugh.
Tommy remember vividly how priceless Wilbur's face was and laughed more. Wilbur jumped up and ran to tell the family while Tommy whispered to himself,
"They will never believe him,"
Which he was right and had to back up his brother. Which made the other two incredibly jealous they didn't witness him laughing. It was like a baby's first words moment.
The second time was when the family was out shopping for groceries.
And a Karen came up to Tommy and his brother asking a very personal question to Tommy, and Tommy didn't respond because of being mute.
She took it offensively and raged, while Techno had to explain he was mute and walked away quickly with his brother.
But Techno could've swore he heard Tommy mumble to himself the word,
He turned his head quickly,
"Did you just call her a bitch!?" He said. Tommy smiled innocently at him and shook his head.
Techno knew he was lying and gave him a look. Tommy signed to him,
"No one will believe you,"
And then Tommy walked up to the rest of them family like nothing happened.
The last time the family could say Tommy made a noise was only a couple months ago, but the family doesn't bring it up because it makes Tommy uncomfortable talking about it.
Wilbur had woken up in the middle of the night to hear someone crying, no, sobbing. He walked out of his room putting his ear up to every door until he stopped at Tommy's, surprised to hear the blonde crying. He's never showed any emotion but happiness to the family.
Wilbur rushed into the room quickly and sat on the edge of Tommy's bed, alerting the boy he was there.
He quickly wiped his tears, trying to hide his emotions. Wilbur gave him a look to say to the boy not to fool around with him.
Tommy looked down, a little embarrassed.
Wilbur pulled Tommy into a hug, which Tommy hugged back instantly. Surprisingly, Tommy loved to be hugged, even though he never asked to be.
"What's wrong buddy? You wanna talk about it?"
He shook his head while stuffing his face in Wilbur's chest.
The next morning the two others found the brothers cuddled up asleep, with Tommy's face stained with tears, leaving both of them confused.

One day at school, was like any other day for Tommy.
The day went by a little quicker than he intended, and said his goodbye to his best friend, Tubbo, before heading to his locker to grab his stuff to leave the school.
Opening his locker, he was a bit annoyed to find someone slamming it shut again.
He turned around calmly to be face to face with his so called bullies.
"What's up freak," the leader of the group said. Tommy snickered, pointing at the black eye he gave the bully just the other day.
Obviously, the boy didn't find it funny and pushed Tommy into the locker, making him grunt from pain.
"Not so funny now, is it you mime," the bully taunted.
Tommy stared at him blankly, with an annoyed expression visible.
"Say something, bitch!" He yelled.
Tommy had enough with the kid, he had to get home soon anyways.
With one big force, he shoved the bully off him, into the group of friends he had behind him.
"Maybe you should look in the mirror, and reconsider who's the bitch," Tommy said in a deathly calming voice, taking the group by surprise.
"You never learn, do you?" Tommy said before throwing a punch at the kid, knocking him to the floor.
"Let me make this clear," Tommy grabbed the boy's collar,
"The only freak here, is you. Now go run along with your stupid friends and go bother someone who doesn't know how to fend for themselves. Cause I sure the hell can, dumbass. You don't want another black eye your mom worries about do you?" Tommy threatened. He chuckled right after seeing the kid said nothing,
"Or maybe she just doesn't care for you anymore. What a shame," Tommy said dropping the kid.
He looked up at the others,
"Scram before I give you a reason to run," Tommy warned.
The others walked off quickly, while the leader got off the ground to run with his friends.
Tommy waved at the kid laughing to himself. He turned to grab his stuff again, opening his locker and grabbing his belongings.
Unfortunately, he heard his name being called by a teacher.
He turned around to see the same kid right by her, with a stupid grin on his face.

Well fuck

Sitting in the office, waiting for his father and brothers arrive to pick him up, with his bully right next to him.
He watched the principal leave the room and leaned over to the bully,
"That was a mistake. I'll make sure to remind you who is in charge here. Snitch on me again and I'll make sure your left with a broken nose," He whispered, laughing when he saw the kid's face be laced in fear.
They sat in silence again, waiting for the principal to come back in.
Just in time, he walks in.
"So boys, tell me the story," he says.
Tommy looks over at the boy, waiting for him to speak.
"Uh- we both got into a fight sir. I started it, and he fought back," the boy said, gulping down the fear.
"Is that true Thomas?"
Tommy nodded, smiling innocently at the principal. It always fooled everyone.
"Alright, well violence is not allowed in this school, so you both will be suspended for a week,"
Tommy and the other boy nodded.
A couple minutes later the principal dismissed the other boy after his family came pick him up.
Then Tommy's family came to pick up Tommy, not before asking the principal some questions.
"So did he start the fight?" Phil asked. The principal shook his head.
"No he was only defending himself, but since violence is against our school policies, your son must be suspended for a week," the principal stated.
"Would you like to see the video of them fighting?" The principal offered.
Tommy's face dropped. He shook his head repeatedly.
"Why not Tommy?" Wilbur asked.
Tommy kept shaking his head, not having a real reason except for him talking.
He wrote down on a piece of paper,
"Is there audio?"
He handed it to the principal who answered his question,
"Yes there is Thomas. Is there anything the boy said that was inappropriate?"
Tommy shrugged.
The clip played with Phil gasping when he was thrown into the locker, but immediately shut up when he heard his son speaking.
The three had their mouth slightly open, surprised to hear Tommy's voice.
The clip ended and the attention was put on Tommy.
"I thought you don't speak," the principal said.
Tommy shrugged,
"Voice reveal?" He said while smiling.
Making Wilbur and Phil gasp. He giggled at their reactions.

They left the school none of them saying a word, making Tommy a bit uncomfortable.
"Sorry for punching him," he mumbled.
Wilbur looked at him,
"It's okay Tommy. He deserved it and you kicked his ass," he said, getting a smile out of him.
"I taught you well," Techno said, making the other three laugh.
"Not in a million years did I think you would sound like that though," Wilbur said.
"Is that a good thing or bad thing?" Tommy asked.
"Good thing, I'm just surprised man!" Wilbur wrapped his arm around Tommy.
"So are you gonna keep talking or go back to mute?" Phil asked, silently hoping his son will talk more.
"Eh, I will probably talk more, but after years of not talking my voice my get tired. Like right now, my voice is almost gone," Tommy said laughing.

-time skip: a year-

Tommy was still more of a quiet kid, sometimes going a couple of days not talking. Going any longer thank a week without talking the family knows something is wrong.
But Tommy talks to his family, and only his family and Tubbo.
He chooses to save his voice for the people he cares for the most.
What the family learned about Tommy is that he's one for the funniest kids.
With his stupid jokes that make Wilbur laugh loudly wherever there are at, and Phil wheezing, and even getting a chuckle out of Techno.

So like the family said in the beginning; they wouldn't change Tommy for the world

1646 words


I know it's crazy.
And it's not angst? What a crazy day.

I hope you have a great day. If you don't, go ahead and go get some rest or jsit lay down.
Please remember to get a snack and drink water.
It would make me happy knowing you are being healthy.




TommyInnit Oneshots (mostly angst & fluff)Where stories live. Discover now