The younger sibling

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One of my favs I never finished. Was so excited to post it too!! Sorry guys it had so much more potential

3rd person

Tommy was the youngest of his two older brothers, and he absolutely hated it.
He loved them to death, but did they care about him the way he did for them?
Tommy wanted to believe they did, but neither of his brother made any attempt to even talk to him.
"Can I play with you guys?"
"Oh... okay,"
"Can I come with you to the park?"
"No Tommy,"
"Can I hang out with you and Dream?"
"No! Just leave Tommy!"
"Can you teach me guitar?"
"Hell no, you would only mess up my strings,"
"Can you one of you help me with my homework?"
"I'm going out,"
"I'm too tired,"
"Take Tommy with you guys,"
"Why!? He's just going to get in the way!"
"We are not taking him Phil,"
"I didn't want to go anyway,"
"Shut up! You're so annoying,"
"Sorry, I just got excited,"
"Leave me alone for once!"
"I was just asking for a hug,"
"Hell no,"
"Get out of my room! Do you know what privacy is!?"
"I was just saying goodnight,"

And just like that, Tommy gave up. He didn't care anymore. Why try so hard to have a good relationship with your brothers if they wanted nothing to do with you? The answer was there is no point.
Years passed without Tommy even speaking to his brothers unless he needed to.
Not that the two older boys noticed, they were caught up in their own world.
Tommy made more friends as he got older, and soon didn't care to spend any time with the family who didn't give a shit for him.
He basically had a better family with his friends, and he was satisfied with that.

Then came when Tommy was 16, and his brothers had recently hit 21.
Everything changed that year. It caught Tommy off guard. His brothers started paying attention to him. But he didn't have time for them anymore. He has better things to do.
"Tommy! You want to go out with me and my friends?"
"I'm actually pretty busy today Will, I'm hanging with Tubbo tonight,"
"Oh, maybe another time then,"
"Hey Tommy? You need help with your homework? Phil said you needed some,"
"I'm fine Techno, I have Ranboo for that,"
"Alright then,"
"Tommy let's go to the park, the three of us,"
"Will you guys get out! I don't have time for the two of you,"
"Hey Tommy-"
"What now! Why are you bothering me so much!"
"I was saying goodnight,"
"Whatever, night,"
"Can I meet your friends?"
"No, you have better things to do anyways Wilbur,"
"Okay then,"
"Can you drive Techno to the library to meet up with his friends?"
"He has his own car, why do I have to drive him! I'm going out with Jack today!"
"It's fine Phil, I'll drive myself,"
"Get out of my room! Do you guys know what privacy is?"
"We just want to spend time with you Tommy,"
"Well I don't, get out,"

Tommy knew his brothers were leaving for college, but he didn't care.
He was only doing what his brothers did to him.
"Tommy why are you doing this! We are leaving soon!" Wilbur yelled at him one day.
"Because this is how you treated me!" Tommy yelled back.
"What the hell are you talking about," Wilbur scoffed.
"You and Techno both neglected me when I was a kid. So I moved on,"
"Just like that? We're brothers!"
"Says the one who was embarrassed to say that to his friends,"
"I was a kid Tommy,"
"I DONT NEED YOU ANYMORE. YOU LEFT ME. DONT TRY TO PUT IT ON ME, BECAUSE I GOT OVER YOU!" Tommy yelled, tears streaming down his face.
"I learned how to play guitar without you! And I did my homework without anyone's help. I fell asleep without telling you or Techno goodnight. I haven't gotten a hug from you or Techno that I can even remember!" He said.
"I'm trying to rebuild us Tommy,"
"I don't need you anymore. I'll be fine without you and Techno, it's not like you were ever really there for me anyway. Techno isn't even here to witness this happening," Tommy scoffed.
"I'm sorry okay! I want you back! The caring Tommy, who would always want to be with me, and looked up to me," Wilbur yelled back.
"You killed him! You fucking murdered him and continued to stab him over and over again. You can't bring back the dead Wilbur, get over it," Tommy said, pushing past Wilbur and exiting the house.

TommyInnit Oneshots (mostly angst & fluff)Where stories live. Discover now