Murder crew

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3rd person

Tommy knew it was wrong. And so did Tubbo, and Ranboo.
It was wrong to do it behind their friends' backs.
Not to mention those friends of theirs are detectives and cops.
So yes, murdering over 64 people in the past year was very wrong to do, at such a young age. Yet, none of them felt guilty.

Wilbur, Techno and Phil have been searching for the murderers since the first two bodies were found. They are never seen without a gun, taser and handcuffs on them.
They work together, staying up to ungodly hours of the night to find these murders. Not once even considering that one lived in the same house, and the others are friends with him.
They were so close to cracking the case, yet so far away.
Tommy always found a way to lead them in the wrong direction. Maybe he planted a couple items in crime scenes, or giving his friends advice to find the killers.
Tommy cared deeply for his friends. He saw them as family, and even decided to move in the same house as them.
But not even the risk of his friends finding out, and most likely sentencing him to death could stop his, and his friends killing spree.

And tonight, they were at it again. Their target was home alone, since his roommate went out to a party.
"Okay, who's getting the kill tonight?" Tubbo spoke up. Ranboo pointed to Tommy,
"Tommy hasn't had a kill in a couple of weeks. Let him have some fun," he suggested. Tubbo nodded, and looked over at Tommy, who was looking at himself in the mirror.
He was wearing a red button up, with a white tie, and white pants. (Same outfit as fanart)
It was the outfit he always wore when out to kill someone.
Tommy turned around, and walked over to his friends.
"Alright boys, what's the plan,"
He leaned his hands up against the table, looking between the two.
"You're on tonight, and we'll keep watch in the cameras like always," Ranboo explained. Tommy nodded,
"Alright, I'll see you lads in a hour," he waved and left the van, tucking his gun and knife into his pockets.

He entered the apartment, and greeted the front desk lady's
"Hey wait! I've never seen you around here before," she said suspiciously.
Tommy only smiled and responded quickly,
"I'm here to see my friend Clay. He invited me over since his friend went out for a party," he lied smoothly.
The lady nodded,
"Do you need help finding the room?" She asked.
"No I'll do just fine. He already gave me the level and room number. Thank you though," Tommy waved to the lady and walked into the elevator.
He heard the door ding, and walked out of the elevator doors, walking quietly.
"Is it clear?" Tommy asked, touching the device in his ear, which helped him talk to his friends.
"All clear Toms. He's watching Tv in his room," Tubbo's voice came through.
Tommy nodded even though they couldn't see him,
"Copy that," he mumbled, pulling out a bobby-pin. He stuck it into the lock, and started twisting it, looking around to make sure no one was watching.
He heard the door click, and quietly opened the door, and slid inside.

He looked at the coffee table and saw a mask with a plain smiley face. He scrunched his nose up at the weird design and continued on into the kitchen.
He quickly made up a plan, and picked up a mug. This was his distraction.
He threw the mug in the air, and swiftly made his way into a different room where his target couldn't see him.
Breaking glass was heard throughout the apartment.
He heard fast footsteps approaching the designated area, and hid behind a wardrobe, taking out his sharp knife.
"What the hell," he heard the victim mumble.
"I already call the cops! Come out you bastard!" He yelled. Tommy heard the footsteps again, and they started coming closer.
He peaked around to the corner to see a bat coming towards him.
Tommy grabbed the base of the bat, smiling like a maniac,
"Nice try," he snickered. Tommy pulled the the bat away from the male, snapping it in half with an unknown force.

"Who the fuck are you?" The man yelled, fear evident in his voice.
"It doesn't matter Clay," Tommy said, playing with the knife in his hand.
He felt a fist collide with his jaw and stumbled back. He laughed,
"Feisty one aren't you?" Tommy said, wiping the blood off his lip.
He regained his posture, and grabbed Clay's throat, pushing him up against the wall.
"Stop struggling and this will be easier," Tommy said.
"Would you prefer a gun, or a knife. If you want quick death I would go with the gun," he suggested, pulling out his silent pistol.
Tommy moved his hands to pin Clay's hands above his head.
He saw a single tear fall down his face.
"Do the gun," he said, swallowing harshly. Tommy felt a tinge of guilt, but it quickly disappeared.

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