Who we used to be

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3rd person

When you looked around the Dream SMP, you didn't feel the uplifting energy surrounding the area like it used to.
You felt stillness, and a loud silence you wouldn't expect.
Because people changed quickly. They changed their opinion, their personality, and what role they played in society.
People changed for the worse, and that could be said about every single person.
Maybe it was because power got to their head, or maybe they were manipulated or hurt in a way that could never be healed, or they were out for revenge.
The SMP was never at rest for war. Nobody knew what the word peace meant anymore.

Some people left scars that couldn't be erased from the SMP.
Like Wilbur, he exploded L'manberg, making sure his symphony would never truly be finished. Unfortunately, he was revived, and still searching for chaos, and leveled up his manipulation skills.
And Dream, he left scars on the people who were vulnerable and weak at their worst moments. But, he remained in prison for the time being.
Tommy left scars too. Most scars were left on himself, which no one knew or cared to notice. He also left a scar on his hurtful words. He never thought before speaking, which caused the end to his friendship with Technoblade.

One thing that was not expected in the lands of the SMP, was yelling, no, screaming.
Tommy was sat between Wilbur's and Quackity's fight. They almost acted like a divorced couple, fighting for custody of their child.
Tommy was having none of it. He didn't listen to a word that was said. He only fiddled with his bandanna and played with rocks near by.
"Tommy look at me!" Wilbur yelled, making Tommy cringe at his voice level. Tommy looked over at Wilbur, but paid no mind to the words coming out of his mouth.
Wilbur even pulled out 'the pit' card on him, making Tommy just roll his eyes.
Quackity just stated the same thing over and over again, which he was right about. Wilbur was gonna hurt him again if he went with him. Tommy wasn't even planning on siding with either one of the fools. He thought it would be entertaining to see them fight, but he didn't expect them to be yelling this loud.
"Hey," Tommy said, but neither heard the blonde.
"HEY!" Tommy yelled, gaining attention from the two maniacs.
"Shut up, you're gonna give me a headache," he said rubbing his temples.
"Sorry Tommy, I didn't mean to raise my voice," Wilbur said in a way too sweet voice. Tommy almost gagged at how fake it was.
"Yeah, we didn't mean to make you upset," Quackity said.
"Can we go see Las Nevadas again?" Tommy asked, with the two adults agreeing immediately.
Tommy almost laughed at how easy it was to gain what he wanted from the two. Maybe the manipulation is the other way around.

Quackity's nation really was pretty. The buildings were all built well, and no explosions could take down the entire city.
Right now, the three were in the building that supposedly was Tommy's if he joined Quackity's nation.
The fighting had stopped and the two psychopaths were just chatting away.
Tommy stood by the railing, looking down at the ground below. One thought was going through his mind, and he couldn't help himself from thinking out loud,
"This would be such a good point to just jump off, and just end it," he mumbled. He didn't really expect them to hear him, but unfortunately both of them did.
Wilbur ran over, playing the hero,
"No no, Tommy!"
He put himself in between the railing and Tommy, with a fake concerned look on his face. Tommy rolled his eyes, pushing Wilbur out of the way,
"I'm fine, I was just joking,"
"That didn't sound like a joke to me, Tommy," Wilbur again backed Tommy away from the railing, holding his shoulder,
"Well you wouldn't know would you! You've been gone for way too fucking long, old ass!" Tommy snapped, looking back over the railing at the scenery.
Wilbur stood dumbfounded, while Quackity tried holding in his laughter,
"Shut up Quackity, you're just as bad as him. You left everything you had behind to gain power," Tommy spat. Quackity immediately stopped laughing, creating an awkward silence. Tommy wasn't having any of their bullshit.
"I'm going to see Tubbo. I'll see you guys later," he said.
"Wait Tommy! You said we could go on a walk before you go over there," Wilbur pointed out. Tommy let out a sigh,
"Fine, but it will be a short one,"
Wilbur smiled and walked out with him, sending Quackity a smirk.
Tommy waved to Big Q, smiling slightly. Big Q returned the smile instantly, but it faded as soon as he was out of sight.
Quackity wanted Tommy under his control. If he had Tommy, he controlled Dream. And if he controlled Dream, he had all the power in the SMP.
But Quackity did feel bad for trying to manipulate Tommy. He could see how much Tommy had changed, and it was for the worse. If Big Q was being honest, Tommy looked like shit.
And he had no doubt that comment Tommy made about killing himself, was no joke.

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