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Third person

Tommy has never been a fan of his birthday. He just saw it as another day of the year. Sure, it's cool it's been however many years since his birth, but he didn't like to think about it. His birth, was a mistake in his books. His birth killed his mother.
His family has struggled ever since. None of them would admit it out loud, because Tommy was only a kid, but they blamed him for Kristen's death. All of them did.
So Tommy never made his birthday a big day, because it was also the anniversary of his mother's death. He could see he was treated differently for it. That look Phil gave him, when he stared just a little too long at Tommy.
Techno face falling into a frown when Tommy smiled. It reminded him too much of Kristen's smile.
And his energy, that's what made Wilbur sick to his stomach. It's like he stole all that energy from his mother, and was trying to replace her.

Tommy was neglected growing up. He didn't know the word for it at the time, but it was painfully obvious his father favorites the teens over him. He denied it for years, but eventually he accepted the fact that his family could only ever see him as the murderer of Kristen.
If Tommy had the choice to die, and bring Kristen back, he would do it without a second thought. He remembered one day he had told Phil he was sorry. It was his eleventh birthday, and seeing Phil mope around made him feel so guilty over something he couldn't control. Phil had asked for what he was sorry for.
"For being the reason you guys can't have a normal family," Tommy had responded. Phil gave him a weak smile.
"Tommy, you're my miracle child. If your mother was going to die, I'm glad she left you behind," he had said to the blonde boy. It brought no reassurance to the boy.

He remembers the last day he truly looked at his brothers as family. It was his 15th birthday, and had just gotten home from school. Techno and Wilbur were both already home since they were taking a gap year before college.
He greeted them quietly, as he went upstairs, but he stopped when Wilbur called out for him. He walked back down the stairs, and leaned against the nearest wall. He looked at Wilbur with tired eyes, and a tiny grin plastered on his face.
"What's up?" He yawned.
"Uh- happy birthday kid. You never really make a big deal out if your birthday, so I wanted to at least get you a card,"Wilbur said, handing him a card. He opened it, with a bigger smile on his face than before. He read the card about three times before looking up at his brother.
"Thank you Will, it means a lot. You didn't have to get this for me though," Tommy said, giving his brother a quick hug.
"Of course I did. Someone has to make a big deal of your big day," Wilbur said with a grin. Tommy looked into the kitchen, seeing Techno and Phil talk quietly with frowns on their face.
"It shouldn't even matter though Will," Tommy gestured towards the two others.

Wilbur glanced over at the two as well. He let out a sigh, and shook his head.
"A big day can have more than one meaning to it. And both should always be looked at," Wilbur stated. Tommy shook his head.
"A stupid birthday doesn't matter Wilbur, okay? I'm happy you thought about me, but I know you guys are hurting today," Tommy said, looking at his brother with guilty eyes.
"You know what, whose fault is that Tommy, huh?" Wilbur tested.
"Mine," Tommy mumbled, shuffling his feet.
"We wouldn't have to feel like this if you're stupid ass just died! But of course you didn't and took MY mother!" Wilbur raised his voice. Tommy took the yelling, knowing everything he was saying was true. He didn't dare to meet his older brother's eyes.
"She's not your mother! She's Techno's and I's. You're not even part of this family, because you're a fucking murderer," Wilbur yelled. Tommy bit his lip, trying his best to contain the tears threatening to fall.
Wilbur was pulled away, by a strong force. Wilbur turned around fuming, to see Techno. He held that stupid cold stone face like always.
"Chill out," he said quietly.

Wilbur pushed his twin off of him. He looked at Tommy, who didn't even try to look up at them.
"Why should I? He killed our mother Techno, and I'm supposed to just live under the same room as the brat!?" Wilbur screamed.
"He may of killed her, but it wasn't his fault. He had no choice in it, and couldn't do anything," Techno said.
Phil didn't even do anything. He stood and watched everything unfold.
Soon enough, Tommy marched upstairs without anyone noticing except Phil. He let him be, and tried to calm down the two brothers.
"Boys," Phil stated sternly. The twins shut up, and looked at him.
"15 fucking years we've gone," Phil told them.
"And you decide to break today?"
"What did you expect Phil? For us treat him normally? Hell, you don't treat him normally either!" Wilbur yelled.

"Do you know them Tommy?" Tubbo asked, looking the three men up and down judgmental way. Tommy stared blankly at the people he used to call family.
"Tommy, do you remember us? Wilbur, techno, Phil," Wilbur said, with a grin. He said it as if the past five years never even happened.
As if he was still his 15 year old brother, that used to crave his attention.
"Tommy? Do you want them to leave?" Ranboo asked, pulling Tommy backwards when he saw the tall brunette step forward.
"Do you know them Tommy?" Tubbo repeated himself.
Tommy blinked, and bit his lip as he shook his head.
"No, I don't know them," he answered. Like always, Wilbur was the one to throw the tantrum.
"What? We're your family Tommy!" He said in disbelief. Tommy looked at him with a stone cold face. Techno could see he took up on his emotionless expressions.

"I don't have a family. I never did. The only thing I remember from my family, is neglect," Tommy stated.
Another blonde boy came out from the back after Ranboo had retrieved him. He threw a towel over his shoulder, and pushed Tommy behind him and away from the counter.
"Do we have a problem here, boys?" He asked, staring specifically right at Wilbur. A snarl grew on the brunette's face.
"Dream," Wilbur gritted his teeth.
"What are you doing with my little brother Dream," Wilbur asked.
"Your little brother?" Dream laughed, as he wrapped an arm around Tommy, and ruffling the younger boy's hair. It even made Techno jealous, but he stayed quiet as he observed.
"I think you mean MY baby brother. He's lived with me the past 5 years now, so I don't what the hell you're talking about Wilbur Soot," Dream stated.

"W-What? Tommy is this true? You've been living with this-this stranger!" Phil spoke up in disbelief.
"I'll be honest with you Phil. You guys felt like more of strangers when we lived in the same house than Dream ever did," Tommy spoke with uneasiness.
"Tommy, we've been looking for you this whole time. Why did you run away?" Techno stepped up.
"Because I was always the one at fault," Tommy laughed. He didn't actually find it funny, but it was the way he coped with his trauma. If you could even call it that.
"I was always just too loud. Too annoying, too hard to take care of," Tommy listed off, counting on his hand.
"And the biggest fault of mine, was mom's death," Tommy said, looking at Wilbur.
"Oh wait, sorry. What was it you said? 'She was only Techno's and your mother', right Wilbur?" Tommy said, walking out behind the counter. He took off his apron, and visor.

He was almost as tall as Wilbur.
"Because I wasn't allowed to mourn the death of a woman I didn't know. I especially wasn't allowed to mourn over the mother of yours that I killed," Tommy said, sizing Wilbur up. It kind of intimidated Wilbur. He cleared his throat, and straightened his posture to feel taller.
"Because I'm just a murderer, right Wilbur?" He taunted.
"Tommy, I was wrong. I was angry-" Wilbur began to admit.
"You were angry at a fifteen year old boy!" Tommy yelled, pushing Wilbur back slightly. Techno interfered, getting in between the two, creating space.
"Oh! And don't even get me started with you on that day!" Tommy laughed.
"You just watched it happen. You acted as if you didn't care and you still act like that!" Tommy yelled.

Dream had came around the counter, and started to pull Tommy away from the group.
"Calm down Toms," Dream whispered, gripping shoulder gently. Tommy looked at him, and took a deep breath. He looked back at the people he could barely even recognize anymore. They were just strangers, nothing else. He looked between the three, unsure who to actually look at.
"You know. Mom may have been the one to actually die. But you all seemed to go with her as well, and left me to fend for myself," Tommy's voice cracked.
"I don't even know what she looked like, because none of you had the balls to show just one picture," Tommy muttered.
"You are all cowards. You are pussies who can't stop living in the past!" Tommy said.
"That is why I left, Techno. Are you satisfied with the answer?" Tommy spoke with gritted teeth. The family couldn't even recognize the boy anymore. Like Tommy thought to himself, he was a stranger to them.
"You know what, no I'm not Tommy," Techno scoffed. Dream watched the whole interaction unfold, ready to step in at any moment.
"Sure, we were complete assholes, but you let us all think you died,"
"You let us mourn! It's not the first time we had to go through that!"
"ITS NOT THE SAME!" Tommy yelled, throwing his arms up in rage.
"She was your mother, I get it. But me? I was nothing but a sloppy replacement of her. You all wanted me to swap places with her, and if I had the chance back then, I would've done it in a heartbeat,"
"You didn't even know her!"
"Yeah? Well it felt like the only way for peace back then was death. Hell, sometimes I wonder what my life would've been like if I did kill myself. I'll tell you, Tech. I was so close to doing it," Tommy walked up into Techno's face, his glare piercing through the older.
"And let me set your mind straight. I didn't kill Kristen. I did NOT kill your mother,"
Silence consumed the diner for a second, as Tommy gritted his teeth.
"Kristen is the one who killed Kristen," Tommy spat. Techno took a big intake of air. The blonde wasn't wrong. It was either a miscarriage, or she could give birth to Tommy, and die.

TommyInnit Oneshots (mostly angst & fluff)Where stories live. Discover now