Broken Kingdom pt. 2

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-three months later-

Tommy's POV

These past few months have been amazing. I am the happiest I've been my entire life and I'm glad to call the people surrounding me friends.
My family has been searching for me ever since I left. I had to steal a hoodie and red eye contacts so I wouldn't be recognized easily. I thought the color red would match my code name of Arson.
Me, Tubbo and Ranboo sat around the fire just talking about every topic that crossed our minds.
I hear yelling from behind me and immediately put on my bandanna and hoodie. The others put on their disguise as well.
I let out a sigh of relief when I see it's only Dream,
"What's up Dream?" I ask confused why he was yelling. He was a very calm man.
"It's Sapnap. The royal caught them," my face falls,
"Are fucking kidding me?" I ask not actually believing it. He nods his head.
"Those fucking bastards." I stand up and grab my equipment.
"Where are you going Tommy?" Tubbo asks. I put my bandanna and hoodie back on once again,
"I'm going to get him. Your welcome to come but I'm going either way," Ranboo looks over at Dream and he nods his head,
"Alright, I think the four of us can get him back."

We head off towards the castle and I stop when I see a guard. Tubbo bumps into me and he was about to speak but I put my hand over his mouth.
"Shush, there are guards. Follow me, I know how to get to the cell room. I'm gonna distract my family." Ranboo gives me a worried look,
"It's fine Ranboo. I'll give into taking me in and they'll send me to my family for them to decide my quote on quote fate, but I'll keep talking to distract them,"
Tubbo starts shaking his head. It wasn't the best idea,
"He's right, it will give us enough time. Go on Arson," I give them a reassuring smile and I go to the wall and climb over it.
I am immediately seen and guards dash my way.
"Woah fellas, let's not get violent I surrender," I smirk under my bandanna.
I was harshly taken into the palace and thrown forward into the thrown room.
I see my father and two brothers sitting in their chairs. I really didn't think I would have to see these bitches again.

I sigh, "Uhh, hello?" I catch Techno's attention and he grabs an axe straight away and heads my way,
"Hey big guy, let's put the axe down the guards caught me and threw me in here," I was using a deeper voice than I usually do so they didn't recognize me.
Techno grabs my shoulder and leads me to the other two,
"What exactly were you trying to do when you got caught," Phil asks raising an eyebrow. I grin under my bandanna. This would probably be wrong to do, but whatever.
"Well, I wanted to meet the broken royal family of course,"
"Broken?" Wilbur asks confused. I laugh loudly,
"Damn, you already forgot about the youngest who decided to pack up and leave?" Techno squeezes my shoulder tighter and I see Wilbur and Phil tense up,
"How do you know about that? We didn't tell anyone about that,"

3rd person

Tommy takes Technos hand off of his shoulder,
"I know a bunch of things. I know where he is, what he's been doing the past three months. I even know who he's friends with,"
Techno takes out his sword again and Tommy shakes his head,
"Wouldn't be wise to threaten the person who knows where your precious Tommy is," Techno grumbles under his breath,
"What do you want? We'll give you anything for you to tell us where he is,"
"Anything," Phil repeats.
"Alright, I want you, Philza to learn how to treat others fairly and consider others feelings,"
"I do consider others feelings and treat everyone fairly," Tommy rolled his eyes,
"Really? Is that why your son left and gave you the shortest note possible while taking your favorite sword just to get back at you?" Phil opens his mouth but shuts it realizing he couldn't defend himself.

"Who the hell even are you?" Wilbur asks getting up walking closer to Tommy.
He laughs,
"Well Wilbur, I'm one of the most wanted criminals with my crew," Tommy says smiling under his mask.
"No I mean your name. Take off that stupid bandanna your wearing," Tommy gasps and put his hands to his chest jokingly,
"Wow Wilbur, that's a bit rude when your the one who gave me it," Wilbur's eyebrows knit. Tommy laughs and takes off his hoodie and bandanna,
"So how are you guys," Tommy ask blankly.
"Tommy? What the hell..." Techno steps forward and Tommy steps back.
"I'm good thanks for asking," Tommy says laughing at himself.
"Why did you leave!" Wilbur raises his voice.
"I literally gave you a note explaining it. And because I know how poorly people cared about me in this family. I can guess you Wilbur, were the one to find the note. Am I right?"
"Tommy where did you go?" Phil speaks up.

"Well, as I said before. I'm very wanted right now, but I knew if I were to be ever caught you guys wouldn't do shit. So I'm the newest and most wanted criminal in the Arctic empire," Tommy grins.
"Your fucking Aron!?" Techno says shocked.
"Bet you're a bit shocked after those multiple chase attempts you had on me huh? Your just a bit too slow,"
Techno was about to speak again when someone barges through the door. Tommy turns around to see Ranboo and Dream,
"Let's go Arson! We got Pandas," Dream yells.
Tommy turns back around and smiles,
"Well this was a nice family reunion. Hope to see you again while I'm stealing shit in your faces," Tommy runs off towards his friends and flips off his family jumping out the window.

His family was left speechless. What the hell are you supposed to say after you finally find your youngest brother or son and he leaves as quickly as possible with the prisoner you just caught.
Wilbur was deep in thought. His brother had looked so happy with his friends. It pained his heart that their family couldn't do that for him. In all honesty, he was glad Tommy found what he wanted.
Techno was pissed that he was always so close to catching his baby brother. If only if he had paid more attention to him, he would be here right now.
Phil couldn't process anything. His son didn't want to be with his family and went ahead and found a new one. Why couldn't he of acted like that to him?

Tommy ran off with his friends laughing with them,
"Their faces were priceless dude," Dream laughed with the others.
"It was pretty funny," Tommy agreed. Sapnap put a hand on his shoulder,
"Do you wish you were still there?" He questioned. Tommy shook his head,
"No, I miss Wilbur though. He may of been a bit of a dick, but he was the only one I could call family. I might go see him once in a while," Tommy shrugged his shoulders.
His friends smile at him. Tommy laughed after a second,
"What?" Tubbo asked confused.
"I remember when I met you guys I had one thing I thought was weird about each one of you, but I was totally wrong with each thing,"
"What were they?" Ranboo asked.
"Well I thought you were too tall which is reasonable but I didn't know you were an enderman hybrid. And for Dream, I thought you were a drug addict and I literally accepted staying with you guys,"
Dream wheezed and the others laughed,
"And for Tubbo I thought you were too kind for a criminal, but how wrong I was. And Sapnap I thought you were a Serial Killer, I swear," Tommy laughed loudly with the others. He was grateful to have each one of his friends in his life.
He could probably go and even call them his family..

1366 words

Ayup lads,
How we doing today. I am not doing the best I almost passed out during school. I hadn't drink or eaten anything yet, sooo...
So go use my advice to at I never use and drink and eat something bc it saves you from dizziness flashes 👍

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