Boxed in

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3rd person

Tommy was in pogtopia with Wilbur trying to lighten the mood. Usually he would be the one to do it, so what better way to lighten the mood then steal Wilbur's diamonds and "decorate" pogtopia.
"Tommy I swear to god, give me my diamonds back!" Wilbur hasn't been in the best mood ever since the election.
"Come on Will, this shit hole needs some kind of decor innit. Diamonds are perfect," Tommy laughed at the end.
Wilbur came chasing after Tommy. He dropped the diamonds and uses his pick axe to go in the walls. He knew Wilbur wouldn't follow him.
Tommy started digging farther to see if he could find any iron for them. They had barely any resources.
He knew it was a dumb idea going in such a small area. His claustrophobia was kicking in. No one knew he was claustrophobic. He liked to keep his weaknesses to himself.

He decided to go a couple more blocks before he heads back.
All the sudden, he was stuck. He couldn't move either of his arms or legs. As much as he hated to do it, he called for Wilbur,
"Hey Wilbur! I'm in a bit of a predicament," he heard Wilbur's boot shuffle in front of where he was and the blocks break in front of him. Instead of Wilbur helping him, he heard him laugh,
"Hey Techno! Look at this," he heard Techno come over.
"Heh, nerd," Tommy was on the verge of tears.
"Guys please help I'm extremely claustrophobic,"
he didn't want to sound desperate so he added a laugh to the end.
"Hell no, maybe you'll learn to not steal my diamonds," Wilbur snickers.

He heard both of them walk away. He felt like the walls were caving in more than they already were.
He felt like he was in a box.
He had to get out of here.
Tommy wiggled his legs out of the piston pushed forward.
That was a dumb mistake. Tommy's sword pierced his skin. He let out a string of curse words.
He couldn't move without it going farther into his stomach.
Tommy was close to passing out so he had no choice. With the remaining strength he had, he pushed out of the two pistons.
Now he had a bigger problem. The sword was plunged into his stomach. Removing it would cause blood loss. And leaving it would cause it to heal while the sword is still there. He leaned against the closest wall, trying to balance himself.
Tommy felt his vision getting blurry. He couldn't think straight. All he heard was screams of familiar people. Right before he fell he said two words,
"Fuck this,"

Everything went black

Wilbur's POV

I walked off with Techno just laughing at what Tommy got himself into this time. He always manages to fuck himself over.
We come across Tubbo still laughing,
"Hey guys, what so funny?"
I start laughing harder just thinking about what happened,
"Tommy got himself stuck between two pistons," I hear Techno chuckle next to me. I look over at Tubbo and he looked super pale,
"What's wrong Tubbo?" I looked at him confused. He was fine just a second ago.
"Please tell me you got him out." Me and Techno shook our heads,
"Why would we do that. Maybe he'll learn his lesson of stealing our shit," I laugh again.
"Shit. He has claustrophobia. Oh my god, take me to him now," my smile drops and I look at Techno.

We both dart back the way we came . On the way we hear a clank. We turn the corner to see Tommy leaning on the wall with a sword stuck in his stomach. Blood was everywhere you looked.
"TOMMY" we all scream at the same time. We start to run over to him but I could see him losing consciousness.
I was close enough to Tommy to hear him speak,
"Fuck this," he collapses to the ground.
"No no no. Tubbo go get some healing potions okay? Techno help me get this sword out," I hear Tubbo run off. I had tears streaming down my face.
Why didn't I help him out? Why didn't we believe him?

I carry him into our medical room and set him on the bed.
"Techno I'll pull the sword out. You wrap him in bandages okay?" I hear Techno grunt in response.
I hold the sword, ready to pull it out. I look at Techno for the okay.
I hear a groan from behind me. I look over at Tommy and see he's awake.
"Hey Toms. This is gonna hurt a lot. You can hold onto my hand alright," I see his eyes get widen before he nods slowly. He grips my hand and closes his eyes tightly.
Tubbo walks in with the healing potions.
"Okay on go, alright," Tommy and Techno nod their heads,





I pull out the sword with my spare hand. I hear Tommy scream in pain and squeeze my hand tighter, leaving marks from his nails digging into my skin.
I look over at Techno to signal him to bandage him. Tubbo hands me the healing potions.
"Hey Tommy, can you drink this real quick? You can go to bed after you do okay," Tommy takes the potion out of my hand and drinks it quickly.
He waits for Techno to finish wrapping his stomach before he turns over. I knew he wasn't falling asleep because Tommy never sleeps on his side.
"Tommy I'm sorry for not helping you. I should've listened," I look at the ground guilty. What I didn't expect was Tommy to laugh at me,
"Your right Wilbur. You should have listened. I forgive you, but maybe you should start listening to me more often. If you go and blow up manberg. My home. Your home. Tubbo's home. It won't be as easy as a sorry for me to forgive you," 
I nod my head knowing full well I wasn't going to listen to him. Manberg needed to be gone.

-Time Skip: November 16th-

I did it! It's finally gone. Manberg is gone. I kept my word. If I can't have L'manberg, then no one can.
I feel another presence behind me. I turn around excepting Phil or Schlatt. My grin falls when I see Tommy with a piece of metal stuck in his side.
I hear him cough before he speaks,
"This looks familiar don't it?"
He points a finger at me, shaking his head. He was leaning against the wall, like he did in pogtopia to balance himself.
"I told you Wilbur. You never listen do you," he slides down the wall, leaning against it having no energy left. I run over to his side. His arm rested underneath the piece of metal, holding his stomach.

He looked at me with pure hate in his eyes.
"Fuck you Wilbur Soot. You got what you wanted right? But everything must come with a price," his eyes start getting heavier.
"I guess I was worth a million bucks then. Tell Tubbo I love him. But you, I just have that love hate relationship with you. But fuck the pig," I see his eyes close.
"Tommy," I shake him slightly, he doesn't respond.
"Tommy please!" I say more desperately. A small smile falls on his face, and he grabs my hand, reopening his eyes.
"Bye Wilbur," he says weakly. I squeezed his hand, trying to comfort him in his last moments.
"I'm sorry," I whisper. He only nods, and his eyes close once again. I didn't want to believe it, but I already knew he wasn't breathing.
I feel his pulse.
He's dead. I killed him. I killed my brother. I felt tears fall down my face.
"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you," I whisper. I sit down next to his lifeless body, still holding his hand.

I felt like everything closing in on me. I felt so small.

I felt like I was in a


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