If only I could go back...

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3rd person

Every 5 years, the SMP has a replay of important events, or maybe even funny memories to make them laugh.
It was a way of looking back, and getting a smile on everyone's faces, or that's how it used to be. The past five years have been... eventful you could say.
This year would be a bit different, and had to resurrect Schlatt, but Wilbur was already resurrected thanks to Dream.

Tommy sat down next to Tubbo and Ranboo, and Michael climbed onto Tommy's lap almost immediately, making the three laugh.
The SMP would watch the memories on a screen, like in a movie theater.
Other people started walking in, and Tommy spotted Wilbur walking towards him. He groaned and looked down at Michael.
"Sorry big man, I don't want you near him," he whispered to the piglin, and handed him to Tubbo, who gave him a confused look until he saw Wilbur sit down next to Tommy. He nodded, and went into conversation with Ranboo.
"Hey Tommy," Wilbur spoke up. Tommy looked over at Wilbur with blank eyes,
"What do you want, prick," Tommy said.
"Am I not allowed to sit down next to my friend?" Wilbur said, with a grin. Tommy rolled his eyes, and didn't respond.
The film started playing, making the SMP quiet down.

Act one: Scene one- Start of L'manberg

Tommy ran around the newly enclosed area, excited he could finally rest.
"What are we gonna call it Will?" Tommy asked excitedly.
"I don't know Toms," Wilbur said truthfully.
"How about manberg?" Tommy asked. Wilbur thought for a moment,
"We need to make it sound more European," Wilbur pointed out. Tommy nodded in agreement.
"What about L; L'manberg," Wilbur said, and giggled right afterwards.
"LMANBERG!" Tommy repeated, and laughed along.

"You really almost named your country to my idea?" Schlatt laughed. Tommy turned around and looked at the ram,
"Remember your dead Schlatt. I literally have one of your bones in a chest," Tommy snarked at him.
Tubbo slapped a hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh, but Ranboo couldn't hold it in, and let out a small giggle.
Schlatt rolled his eyes, not saying anything in defeat.
Tommy scoffed,
"Imagine not being noticed, even though this is the first time in 3 years you've been alive," he mumbled under his breath.
Wilbur had to put hand over his mouth as well, trying not to laugh.
"You can't say anything. You're like 40 now, old man," Tommy pointed out.
Wilbur immediately stopped laughing, and faced the screen.

Act one: Scene two- The war

Tommy had a chance to gain their independence after months of fighting for freedom. And he wasn't sure if he even wanted to shoot the man who has been in the way of their independence.
"Wilbur, what do you think I should do?" Tommy asked, getting nervous about the duel. Wilbur put a hand on Tommy's shoulder, trying to comfort the blonde,
"Do whatever your heart tells you to do. If you don't shoot him, we will find another way," Wilbur said. Tommy nodded, and took a shaky breath.
He went out on the path, making up his mind.
"10 paces then fire," SapNap explained. The counting began.












Tommy immediately shot his arrow to the sky, waiting for death to hit him.
The arrow hit him square in the chest, and he immediately disappeared.
The other side started clapping in victory, while the others were a little disappointed.
But Tommy wasn't done. He immediately pulled Dream away from the group, and took out his discs.
"I will give you my discs, in return for independence," he offered. Under Dream's mask, his eyebrows rose,
"There's no going back on this," he stated. Tommy nodded.
"Alright, I'll see you guys later then," he agreed, taking the discs.
Tommy made his way back to L'manberg, and smiled at Wilbur.
"You did what you thought was right Tommy, it's okay," he said, hugging him. He felt bad the kid had to lose one of his canon lives.
"Wilbur, I gave him my discs," Tommy mumbled. Wilbur immediately pulled away from the hug, looking at the blonde shocked,
"You what! Why?" He asked frantically.
"For our independence," Tommy smiled. Wilbur let out a breathless laugh, surprised at how selfless Tommy acted.
"Holy shit Tommy!" Wilbur brought him into another hug.

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