Lie detector test

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Tommy's POV

Today we were filming a video for me, and I was hooked up to a lie detector.
"I'm gonna be honest, this is the worst mistake of my life,"
"Then why did you suggest it?" Ranboo laughed.
"I don't know, I thought it would be fun, but also not,"

"Alright, I'm starting,"
I nod, watching Ranboo approach me.
"When is the last time you have cried," he asks. I look at him strangely, and laugh awkwardly.
"That's a bit personal, um- a week ago,"
"Sit still," the guy monitoring my vitals says.
Wilbur lets out a tiny laugh, and so does Tubbo. The monitor puts up his thumb, proving I was telling the truth.
"What! What could TommyInnit be crying about," Jack says. Wilbur looked at me strangely, as well as Tubbo.
"I was joking! This thing is broken," I argue.
"Your vitals are going up," Ranboo says, looking at the screen.
"Whatever, next question," I say.
I was telling the truth when I said that, I had a mental breakdown because I've been so stressed out lately.

Wilbur walks up,
"Hey Will, looking rather dapper," I smile.
"Why were you crying?"
"You guys are dickheads, you know that?" I shift uncomfortably in my seat.
"Answer the question, I really wanna know," Jack says.
I hesitated, looking at Wilbur, seeing he was waiting for my answer as well.
"Stress," I answered simply. The man held up his thumb, proving I was telling the truth again.
"You guys are lucky there is a such thing called editing," I glare at Wilbur.
"What were you stressed about?" Wilbur continued.
"Fucking stop Wilbur. This is none of your guys' business," I say sternly.
"I just wanna know," Wilbur said, putting his hands up defensively. I groan, bouncing my knee anxiously.
"...I had gotten a message from someone, not naming who. But it said something causing me to overthink, nothing to it,"
Wilbur sat down, and Jack came up. He coughed into his arm, and looked over at the others. Who looked at him as well.
"Sorry Tommy, I wasn't going to do it. They wanted me to. Are you okay? Like mentally?" He said. I laughed nervously, looking at everyone.
"Of course I am! I'm happy as I can be," I say with a smile.
The man put his thumb down, and my smile dropped as I pursed my lips.
"Why'd you lie?" Ranboo spoke. I took the equipment off of me as the vital man complained.
"I didn't, and this video is over for the record. You guys can go home. You kinda ruined the mood," I say, grabbing my backpack, and camera equipment.
"Tommy wait, what the hell man. You can't leave after that. We need to talk," Wilbur said, grabbing my shoulder.
"No! You guys invaded my personal life. We may be friends, but some things should be left alone and not be shared," I said.
"Why aren't you happy Toms, we want to help you," he said gently. His grip on my shoulder loosening.
"I-I am, okay! Just because I was crying doesn't mean I'm not," I say, looking at the wall.
"Tommy. You bought a lie detector to tell the full truth. This thing is legit. You told us. You can't just lie about it," he said, in a soft tone. I looked at him, tears threatening to fall.
"Yes I can, and I'll do it for as long as I can," I say, taking his hand off of me gently, and walking away.

Third person

Tommy walked home that day. It was about a ten mile walk, but couldn't care less. Wilbur was supposed to take him home, but he couldn't even look at the man at the moment.
So he walked home, slowly but surely. When he got home, he was lucky neither of his parents were home. They were most likely at a bar or some stupid ass party.
Tommy went straight to bed, making sure to mute his phone. It was blowing up with messages from the group.
They seemed worried, but Tommy wouldn't fall for it. They just pitied him, and that's the worst type of care in the world.
So he went to bed, listening to the quiet thunder booming from outside the house.

The next day he chose to just stay off of social media for the day. He wanted a break from real life. He got dressed for the day, and decided to take a walk. It was still raining outside, but not too hard. Just sprinkling. He wore a hoodie just in case it would start to rain harder. He walked out of the suburban neighborhood, and into the small town next to him. He was stopped a couple times for a picture with a fan, but there was no other interaction. That is, until he spotted Tubbo walking out of a store, on the phone with someone. Or trying to call someone, because his mouth wasn't moving. Tommy turned the other way, and began to walk away, hoping Tubbo wouldn't notice him. Though, it didn't work too well. He heard Tubbo call out his name several times, and each time his voice sounded closer. Tommy sighed, and gave up. He turned around with an unamused expression.
"Is there a reason you're screaming my name so loud that London can hear you," Tommy spoke,

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