I care for you

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3rd person

Wilbur heard his phone going off for the third time in 5 minutes.
He knew who it was, the only person who checked up on him anymore, TommyInnit. He groaned and finally answered his phone,
"Hello?" He said.
"Will you need to get up, I know it's hard but at least go take a shower, okay? If you need anything just call me, okay?" Tommy's voice came through the phone.
Wilbur sighed. He knew Tommy was right. I mean the kid was always right when it came to taking care of himself.
"Alright, can I call you later? I want to talk to you. I'm bored," Wilbur said. There was silence on the other end of the call for a second,
"Oh- Uh yeah, sorry I just didn't expect you to want to talk afterwards," Tommy replied.
"Well I do, I'll call you in a bit Toms," Wilbur said.
"Alright, see ya Will!" Tommy said.

Wilbur ended the call and got out of bed. How did he get so lucky with that kid.
Not a single other person cares if he got out of bed or took care of himself.
He smiled to himself before going to take his shower.
He brushed his hair, and teeth. He changed into different clothes, and he even had a snack before calling Tommy back.
Discord run a couple times, which left Wilbur worried.
Tommy usually answered straight away. He heard Tommy answer,
"Hey Tommy," Wilbur greeted.
"Hey Will," Tommy was partially slurring his words.
"Tommy are you okay?" Wilbur asked worried.
"Yeah, I'm just tired," Tommy said. They both had their webcams on, and Tommy's head was on his desk.
"Did you get any sleep last night?" Wilbur asked.
"No, Tubbo and Dream were online and needed my help. Dream couldn't figure out how it a code and Tubbo needed to vent to me. So I stayed up," Tommy said.

"Tommy you need to go to bed. It's not healthy staying up like that," Wilbur tried convincing Tommy.
But he only shook his head, barely visible,
"Nooo, I need you to be okay. I can't leave you hanging around," Tommy said dragging out the no.
Wilbur couldn't help but laugh at Tommy's sleep deprived self.
"Okay, then go get a snack for some energy," Wilbur suggested.
But yet again Tommy shot him down,
"No, I'm not hungry," Tommy said. Wilbur looked at the time to see it was dinner time,
"Have you eaten anything today?" Wilbur asked.
"No, I wasn't hungry. Plus I was too busy helping Ranboo with his homework," Tommy said.
"Tommy! You need to eat something! When is the last time you've eaten?" Wilbur said. Tommy shrugged,
"Uhh, I don't know. Maybe like 2 or 3 days ago. I'm never hungry anymore,"
Silence took over the VC and Tommy thought  Wilbur left,
"Hello? Did you leave," Tommy opened his eyes and sees Wilbur did not leave,
"Why did you go all quiet," Tommy frowned.
"Tommy please go eat something," Wilbur pleaded.
"But then I don't feel good," Tommy said.
"Just a small snack?" Wilbur asked. Tommy sighed,
"Fine, I'll be right back," Tommy got up and walked out of his room.
He came back with a banana and sat back down, putting his headphones on.
"Is this good enough?" Tommy asked.
"Yeah thats good," Wilbur smiled.
"So have you been taking care of yourself Tommy?" Wilbur spoke.
Tommy takes a bite of his banana and cringed visibly.
"Depends on what you are talking about," Tommy says simply.
"Like are you doing regular stuff like taking a shower and brushing your hair and teeth. Obviously you aren't sleeping or eating good enough,"
Tommy finished his banana,
"You better hope I don't throw that up or I'm suing you," Tommy said getting a laugh out of Wilbur.
"And for your question I am taking care of myself. I am doing regular hygiene stuff," Tommy said.

Wilbur knew Tommy was lying. His hair wasn't brushed out and he was way paler.
"You sure?" Wilbur asked.
"I just haven't done much today," Tommy lied. You could tell the way he looked away from his camera.
Tommy set his head back on his desk.
"You want to go to sleep Toms? I'm okay to be left alone," Wilbur said.
"I can't, I'm joining Quackity's stream in a bit and then after he needs my help with something," Tommy mumbled.
"Tommy you need to put yourself before others for once," Wilbur raises his voice, making Tommy jump,
"Sorry," Tommy whispered.
"You don't have to be sorry, I just want you to care for yourself as well,"
"Why?" Tommy thought aloud, which he instantly regretted.
"Why? Tommy you are only 16 years old and you have put all this stress on your shoulders that shouldn't be there. Everyone else's problems are not your problems as well," Wilbur said.

"But I want my friends to be happy. Like I want you to get out of bed to talk to me. And I like helping Ranboo with his homework. And hearing Tubbo vent to me. And giving Puffy or Niki streaming advise. I like helping everyone. It makes me happy seeing them happy," Tommy spoke getting sleepier by the second.
"You can do that Toms, but make sure to take care of yourself too. You need to sleep and eat, and brush your hair,"
Tommy nods his head,
"M'kay. Can we talk for a bit longer? I don't want to sleep yet," Tommy said.
Wilbur nodded his head,
"Yeah, I'll tell Big Q you can't make his stream. I'll take your spot,"
Tommy nods his head.
"Thanks Will,"

Wilbur's POV

Tommy wanted me to tell him about how I came up with my lyrics for my new song, so I was explaining it to him,
"I just thought the lyrics were funny and the fans-" I look over at Tommy's webcam to see him asleep and snoring softly.
I laugh lightly,
"Goodnight Tommy," I end the call and spin in my chair.
I need to start checking up on him more. It's crazy how many people he checks up on and helps, and not a single person cared if he was doing okay.
It makes me mad and slightly guilty I didn't notice before.
I'll make sure he's okay now though.

1054 words

Ayup lads

I thought this was a good idea and it helps spread awareness.

Please take care of yourself. I know it might be hard to take a shower or to even get out to bed but it's worth it, I promise.

Please try to eat and drink something today!

Luv you

Sexy mf 😉


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