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Tommy is 9
Wilbur is 15
Techno is 15
Phil is 29
Tubbo is 9
Schlatt is 27

3rd person

When Tommy was adopted into the sbi, the family didn't expect Tommy to be a hybrid because of how rare it was to find one. Philza of course hid his wings most of the time unless he was at home.
Tommy knew some people didn't like hybrids and chose to hide his features of being a raccoon hybrid.
But often he could feel his hybrid self trying to break through. It was tiring to hide his features and took up a lot of his energy. He knew his family wouldn't mind him being a hybrid, but he just met the family, so it's best to earn trust both ways first.

Tommy was specifically close to Wilbur the most. Yes, he was still close to Techno and Phil, but he and Wilbur had a special bond.
Some mornings you could find Tommy in Wilbur's bed because of a nightmare or see Wilbur reading Tommy a bedtime story. The two got close very quickly.
It was hard for Tommy to lie to Wilbur about being a hybrid. It wasn't actually lying but he didn't like hiding things from people. Mostly because he wasn't good at hiding things from others.
Wilbur caught on quickly that the blonde was terrible at lying and would always scrunch up his nose when saying something untrue. The whole family found it hilarious.

One thing that made it terribly hard for Tommy to hide his hybrid side was when someone ruffled his hair because of his ears being placed there, it was hard not to react. He would always smack peoples hands away from his hair when they tried to touch his head.
"Why do you guys always try to mess up my hair!" Tommy complained one day.
Techno chuckled,
"Because you hate it when we do it and it's funny to see your reaction,"
Wilbur and Philza nodded in agreement, laughing slightly.
Tommy groaned in response.
"Oh come on Tommy, why don't you like when we do it?" Wilbur laughed.
"It messes up my hair that's why!" Tommy said, with his nose scrunching up slightly. The family exchanged looks, but left it alone for now.

Something the sbi family found it suspicious that Tommy did was when he would all the sudden have to leave in a middle of a conversation or when they were watching a movie. He would just leave randomly and lock himself in his room for the rest of the day.
The family never asked why because the blonde needed his privacy, even though they all were curious what he did in his room.
What actually happens is Tommy's hybrid features need to sometimes be visible because of how tiring it is to hide them.
So for the rest of the day, Tommy would be stuck in his room, not leaving till the next morning where he finally has the strength to his his ears and fluffy tail.

One day, while Tommy and Wilbur were talking in his room, Tommy could feel his hybrid features trying to break through, Tommy closed his eyes tightly to gather the strength to hide them.
"Tommy you okay?" Wilbur asked. Tommy opened his eyes and gave Wilbur a smile,
"Yeah I'm alright,"
His nose scrunched up slightly, Wilbur laughed.
"Come on bud, what's wrong?" Wilbur said, ruffling Tommy's hair.
Tommy swatted Wilbur's hand away like usual and put his hands on his hair flattening it.
"Stop doing that! I'm fine Wilbur," Tommy said, with his nose scrunching up again. Wilbur rolled his eyes.
"Tommy your nose is scrunching up, just tell me what's wrong bud," Wilbur said.
Tommy groaned, cursing out his nose mentally.
"I'm just tired I guess,"
His name didn't curl up this time because it was true. Tommy's energy was drained from hiding his raccoon features.
"You want to go to bed?" Wilbur asked. Tommy shook his head,
"No I want to be with you," he complained in a whiny voice.
Wilbur laughed,
"You can sleep in my bed tonight if you want," Wilbur offered.
Tommy's eyes lit up, immediately accepting the offer.
Tommy and Wilbur both laid down in his bed with Tommy falling asleep almost immediately, but Wilbur decided to stay up a bit.
Tommy was clung onto his arm, hugging it like it was a pillow.
Wilbur laughed at the sight, looking back up at the ceiling, but he had to take a double look when he saw Tommy with ears.
He sat up slowly, careful not to wake up Tommy.
He touched Tommy's ear gently, he saw the ear twitch, indicating the ear was in fact real. Wilbur let out a breathless laugh, not fully believing it.
But it all made sense. How Tommy hated people ruffling his hair, and how he would disappear into his room like he was hiding something. How Tommy was so quiet and you could never hear him coming or how his nose scrunched up like a raccoon.
Wilbur decided to talk to Tommy in the morning.
He let himself fall asleep, with his mind wondering about Tommy.

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