Past in front of us

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Third person

It started off as a normal day for Tommy. You know, the basics. Trying not to get killed, being ignored, and yelled at. And his favorite part of the day, seeing Ranboo, Tubbo and Michael.
On his way there, he was stopped by someone he hasn't seen in a long time.
"Tommy! Wait up," she called out. Tommy squinted, thinking his eyes were mistaking him.
"Niki? It's been so long! How are you, I haven't spoken to you since pogtopia!" Tommy smiled warmly.
Niki smiled back, but Tommy didn't see the hint of disgust in it.
"I know! Which is why I was wondering if we could catch up soon?" She spoke, walking with him.
"For sure! I miss talking to you like I did in L'manburg," Tommy responded.
"Well, for now I have a gift for you. It's a potion of speed. Use it whenever you need to," she smiled.
"Thank you! I'll see you around Niki," Tommy waved to her.

What Tommy didn't know, was this was no normal speed potion.
This potion will send him back in time, getting rid of him for good. And Niki was so glad to do so.
Tommy looked at the potion in his hands, and then back up at the path he was walking on. He still had a while to go, and it wouldn't hurt to use the speed potion now.
"Thank you Niki," Tommy muttered to himself, as he drowned the potion. He shook his head in disgust, sticking out his tongue once he swallowed the liquid. He's always hated the taste of any potion.
He started to sprint, but after a while realized he wasn't running any faster than his normal pace. He felt really dizzy as well. He stopped, and leaned against the nearest wall. He began to see dots, as his vision went in and out.
"What.. the hell," Tommy managed to say before he collapsed to the ground. And just like that, he was sent back in time.
Niki had skipped back to Jack, with a huge grin.
"Did you do it?" He asked, jumping in excitement. She nodded happily.
"I already feel a weight coming off my chest knowing that brat will be gone," she smirked.

With Tommy, he woke up in a big bush, and screamed seeing a spider next to him. The scream itself scared the spider away. He stood up, stumbling a bit. He was still a bit light headed, and his vision was just starting to clear up. He looked around in confusion. He was in the forest before he passed out. Now, he was by... L'manburg?
Not the absolute reck of L'manburg, but the very first L'manburg. The one with the walls, and that secure feeling. He started to walk towards the entrance, and stopped seeing himself? He hid behind a wall cursing to himself.
"What the actual hell is going on! Why in the flying fuck is there another me?" He whispered to himself. He checked around the corner again, and his eyes widened.
"The younger me? The younger Tubbo, Fundy, Niki, Jack, and... and Wilbur Soot.
He started laughing to himself, hitting himself in the head, pinching himself, and rubbing his eyes.

"This is a dream. I'm dreaming, this is some sick nightmare playing with my emotions," he mumbled, hugging himself.
He began to walk away, but heard an obnoxious voice behind him.
"Oi! Who are you?" He heard him say. He sighed to himself. Had he always sounded that annoying. He didn't remember his voice being that high pitched. He turned around slowly, watching the other him scrunch his nose in confusion.
"You- you look like me. But a lot older," he pointed out. Tommy laughed quietly.
"Thanks kid, but I'm just as confused as you. I don't know how I got here," Tommy admitted. The younger him looked Tommy up and down, and his eyes seem to sparkle.
"Is that how I'm going going to look when I get older? You look just like Techno with your scars!" he exclaimed. Tommy smiled at his younger self. He was so full of energy, and love. It's been a while since he's seen this side of himself.

He grabbed Tommy's arm, pulling him along into L'manburg hurriedly. Tommy looked at himself, taking in every detail of the younger boy. He still had his braces, and his fluffy hair era still going on. He must've been 11, 12 years old max.
"We gotta show the others! Maybe they can help you get back to wherever you're from. How old are you anyway?" He asked Tommy.
"I am 18, kid," Tommy answered, letting the kid lead him into the hit dog cab after he knocked viciously on the door for a solid minute. Tubbo opened the door, and looked between the two Tommy's.
"Yeah, let's get Wilbur," Tubbo stated, letting them both in.
They both lead Tommy into the potion area, where Wilbur carefully placed down the glass bottle.
"Boys, what did I say about coming in here without knocking," Wilbur sighed with a slight chuckle. He turned around after wiping his hands down, and his smile faded seeing the older Tommy.
"What the fuck," he said. Tommy let a tiny laugh slip.
"Aye, there's kids around us," he reminded him. He stared at Tommy in confusion, and amazement.
"How are you here, and he's-" Wilbur pointed at Tommy and his younger self. He shook his head, laughing quietly.
"I'm not even going to ask," he decided.
"Yeah, uh I've got a couple of enemies in the future you could say," Tommy shrugged.
"How old are you kid?" Wilbur asked, moving to be in front of the two Tommys, and Tubbo.
"I'm no kid, but I'm 18," Tommy stated taking a step back. It was truly nice to see Wilbur again, well, this Wilbur. Though, no matter what Wilbur he could see, he would always slightly be afraid of the man. All because of pogtopia.
"18 years old!? Okay, boys, can you go play with Fundy while I solve this," Wilbur asked politely. The boys nodded, and started to make their way out the van.
"Can I talk to him later? I want to know about what happens in the future!" Tommy pleads with Wilbur. The brunette shakes his head with a small smile.
"Sure Toms, just go play outside for now," he answered.
They left at that, leaving the two adults alone.
"You look so different from the other Tommy," Wilbur stated.
"... yeah, a lot of shit happens," Tommy nods, with a shrug of his shoulders.
"Do I even want to know?"
Tommy shook his head with a laugh. 
"I feel bad for what the kid is going to go through. And Tubbo, especially Tubbo. That kid is going to change so much it'll surprise you," Tommy said with a fond smile.
"I wish I could prevent it, I really do," Tommy sighed.
"Then help me prevent it," Wilbur said. Tommy looked over at him. The brunette's eyes looked so genuine, it drove Tommy crazy.
"Do you even care what happens to them?" Tommy questioned him. It took Wilbur by surprise, and it looked to offend him as well.
"Why the hell would I not care? They're my kids, I will take care of them to the day I die," Wilbur stated with a great level of seriousness.
"Wrong," Tommy shook his head as he crossed his arm. Wilbur furrowed his eyebrows.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"You don't take care of them till the day you die. You lash out like a fucking coward," Tommy states with a humorless laugh.
"Why?! What do you mean, I wouldn't do that," Wilbur denied. Tommy scoffed.
"Really? Let me ask you this Wilbur. Why did you create L'manburg?"
"To give people a home when they didn't have one. You know I took you in without hesitation. Tubbo as well," Wilbur answered without hesitation.
"Well, Wilbur. If I were you, I would put your people first, before the country, because one day, it'll drive you to your death," Tommy warned. He was about to leave the van when Wilbur grabbed his shoulder. Tommy flinched away, making Wilbur even more confused.
"What happened to you? What happened to me?" Wilbur asked, retracting his hand away.
"Are you sure you want to know?" Tommy asked hesitantly. Was he even allowed to say anything?
"Please Tommy. I want to know my mistakes, and what happened to us," Wilbur pleaded. Tommy sighed as he looked around. He lead Wilbur out of the van, and dashing to Wilbur's office. He locked the door, and shut the the curtains. He turned on the light, and took a seat, motioning for Wilbur to do the same.

"Get comfy big man, this might take a while," Tommy warned. Wilbur was practically on the edge of his seat, waiting for Tommy to begin.
"You're election campaign, goes shit. We get beat by one percent. Me and you are banned from the new nation Manburg. Tubbo got to stay, as Schlatt's right hand man. We hide out in this rivine, called pogtopia," Tommy started, ignoring the fact Wilbur's face had already fallen.
"We have Tubbo as our spy, getting us any info we could use to win back our country. Me and you both wanted L'manburg back, but you saw it differently," Tommy let out a long sigh. He always hated explaining the pogtopia era. It made him cringe from memories, or even flinch from it.
"If we were only going to be seen as the bad guys, you were going to portray it. You brought Techno with us, who was only there to destroy the government. And you, well, you went crazy. You were fucking insane," Tommy laughed, trying to keep the bitterness out of his voice.
"You were so far gone before I could even realize what was happening. Then your anger, holy shit your anger terrified me. When you were angry, nobody was safe. Which is where I got my second scar from," Tommy explained, moving his shirt down a bit to show a faded scar. It made Wilbur shiver, thinking he could ever do that to the boy he saw as his little brother.
"I gave up on you, because I was the only thing in your way, and you weren't going to stop for no one. If anyone did get in your way, they were going to see the prime god," Tommy said, trying to keep everything light hearted.
"Then there was this festival. We had watched it from afar. We were planning to blow up manburg then, but we didn't for one reason. Because Tubbo was killed. Schlatt somehow knew he was a spy for us and executed him publicly. The worst part was, that Techno was the one to take him out," Tommy shook his head, feeling shivers travel up his spine. Goosebumps pricked his skin, as his hairs stood.
"I remember being so angry. I had pearled over to Tubbo, holding him for a while until techno tried to pull me away. I fucked him up pretty badly. I fucked you up pretty badly as well. You have this scar now, across your collarbone. I don't even want to talk about the scar I gave techno," Tommy shrugged.
"Tubbo was on his second canon life, and now he has this huge scar that covers half of his face. I think it looks cool, but he's insecure about it. You and Techno go on to blow up Manburg, after leaving Tubbo president. I know why you did it, and that's the main reason why I can't even look at you," Tommy explained.
"Why did I do it?" Wilbur asked, anxiously bouncing his knee.
"Dream wanted Manburg gone, he fueled your anger, and when Techno found out we were going to rebuild the government, he went on a rampage. You made a deal with Dream, if you could blow the country to smithereens, he could find any way he wanted to control it,"
"You left Tubbo in charge because you knew he was a person pleaser. He did what most the crowd wanted. It drove me and Tubbo apart, which leads to my second exile,"
"3 long fucking years I was stuck on this random island. And your ghost, oh sorry. You made Philza Minecraft kill you after you blew up the country. Your ghost stayed with me for a bit, until Dream sent him away,"

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