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Tommy's POV

The SBI and Tubbo are meeting up today and if I'm being honest, I'm super nervous to meet everyone.
But there was a problem with meeting up with my online friends. I got a couple bruises and scars.
No, not from myself. My step dad isn't the nicest person. He's a bit of a alcoholic and he likes to take his anger out on me.
I walk into my step dad's bedroom and speak,
"Sir, you said you would take me to see my friends today,"
"I know what I said. Your lucky that you are or I would slap you right now. Get your stuff and get in the car," he pushes me out of his room and I quickly run to my room to grab my bag.

I text Wilbur that I was on the way to the Cafe we were meeting at.
He responds quickly with an 'Ok'. I turn off my phone and look out the window.
I was lucky I didn't have any bruises on my face. I did on my arms and stomach though. The other night I also got cut on the head with a beer bottle.
I touch the back of my head and wince from the touch.

My step dad walks in with me and I look around for Wilbur. I spot him and shake my father's shoulder. He snaps his head around and looks at me before realizing I was pointing to my friend.
We walk up to Wilbur and I smile at him.
"Hey Wilbur,"
"Hey Tommy. And hi, I'm Wilbur. You must be Tommy's dad," my step dad nods his head and puts on a fake kind act.
I bite down on my lip and zone out. I didn't want my father being here any longer. I just needed a break from him.
"Alright well I hope you guys have fun. Bye Tommy," he squeezes my shoulder tightly and leaves.
"Tommy your lip is bleeding," my eyes widen. I touch my lip and Wilbur was right,
"Oh I didn't even notice," I shrug my shoulders.
"Why were you biting your lip,"
"Just a bad habit," I didn't lie. I do bite my lip often.
Wilbur nods his head,
"Okay well let's meet the others at the hotel," I nod my head and he swings his arm around my shoulder.
I flinch at the sudden movement but luckily he didn't notice.

We arrive at the hotel and I was jumping out of my shoes.
We walk to our room and open it. I immediately get tackled into a hug. I hear the others laugh.
"Hi Tubbo," I giggle
"Hi," he wouldn't let of me so I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and hugged the other two and sat down with him right next to me.
"Tommy what happened to your lip," Philza asks.
"Oh I forgot about that. I was biting my lip too hard and it started bleeding,"
I see the others nod except for Wilbur. I don't think he believed me when I said it was a bad habit.
It was a bad habit, but I was biting my lip because I was anxious while my dad was around.

We all talk for a bit till decide to go out to eat. I wasn't the biggest fan of food, but hopefully I could handle it.
We walk into the little cafe and sit down. I felt like someone was staring at me and I kept looking around.
"You good Tommy?" Techno asks. I nod my head,
"Yeah I'm fine,"
We continue talking but the feeling wouldn't go away.
I look over at the other end of the cafe and I see her. The person I thought I would never see again.
My mother..
She left me years back and didn't try staying in contact.
I see her get up and my eyes widen.
"Hey guys I'm gonna use the restroom I'll be right back," the others nod and I head towards the bathroom.
I wasn't actually going to the bathroom. I didn't want my friends knowing about my mother.
I see her walk up to me with a small smile,
"Hey Tom,"  I lean against the wall next to me,
"What do you want,"
"I wanted to see how you were doing. I haven't seen you in years Tommy,"
"Well that's your own damn fault, but if you must know, I'm doing the best I can. I wouldn't go as far and say I'm happy but I'm okay," I had my arms crossed,
"Is your father still bad?" I scoff,
"He will never be my father and yes he's still abusive,"
She nods her head,
"Well Tommy I would love to keep in touch with you."
"Are you serious? Now? No way I don't want you in my life anymore." I start walking off but she grabs my arm.
I wince from her touching a bruise. I yank my arm back,
"Goodbye mother," I walk off and sit back at the table. Not saying a word.
"What's wrong Tommy," Wilbur asks.
"Just a stupid lady," I mumble. My whole mood had changed since the cafe.
I tried to not kill the mood. We were playing uno and I was being a sore loser.
"What the fuck Phil!" Phil put a plus 4 down. I had over ten cards.
"I hate this game," I say while grabbing four more cards.
Everyone was laughing at my antics,
"This is not a funny time. I'll be right back I'm gonna go change,"
I head to my room and put on sweatpants and a T shirt.
I walk back in to the room and lay down. I was super tired.
I haven't been sleeping the best. I grab a blanket and head back over to the game.
"Are you tired Tommy?" Tubbo asked. I nod my head.
I had my blanket around me like a cape.
"I feel like canon TechnoBlade right now," I mumble.
I hear Wilbur snort at my remark.
"What the fuck," Techno says. I start laughing because Techno barely ever swears.
"I can't believe I made the TechnoBlade swear,"

I made it through another game before I needed to go to bed.
"I'm gonna go to bed guys. I'll see you in the morning." I hear the others hum in response. I grab my blanket and take it off my back.
I hear someone gasp and I turn around,
"What's wrong," I question. Wilbur was looking at me wide eyed.
"Nothing Tommy, go to bed," I nod my head slowly,
"Your a weird lot,"

3rd person

Tommy walks away and Wilbur lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Holy fuck did you see his arms," Wilbur whispered so Tommy couldn't hear him. The other 3 nod their heads.
"Where do you think he got all those bruises and scars from?" Phil asked.
An idea pops into Wilbur's mind,
"What if it was his father? He didn't seem to like the presence of him at the cafe where we met,"
"But we'll have no way of knowing," Tubbo speaks up.
"I think there is a way. If Tommy is uh getting abused. He should flinch at some things," the others nod from Wilbur's idea,
"I say we try the idea tomorrow morning, yeah?"
The others agree and head off to bed.

The next morning Tubbo wakes up Tommy,
"Hey Tommy wake up. Time for breakfast," Tubbo had a worried look on his face,
"Are you okay Tubbo?" Tommy asked sitting up,
"Yeah I'm good let's head out to the kitchen," Tubbo gives him a reassuring smile.
They walk out into the kitchen to see Phil making breakfast.
Tommy greets everyone and sits down. Wilbur comes up behind him and grabbed his shoulder. Tommy fliched visibly and cringed from the pain.
"What's up Will," he looked at Wilbur to see he had a sad look,
"What's wrong. Are you okay?" Tommy was pulled into a hug by Wilbur and yet again flinched but hugged back.

He was then pulled into a hug by a sobbing Tubbo,
"What's wrong guys? You have to tell me," Tommy was still hugging Tubbo and rubbing his back.
"T-Tommy your bruises are showing," Tommy's face drops and looks at his arms. His face goes into an 'o' shape.
"Guys I'm just a clumsy person. You know that," Tommy laughs nervously.
"Really? Then why are you flinching at any sudden touch," Phil asks.
"I guess I just don't like being touched," Tommy mumbled.
"Who did it Tommy?" Techno asked. He looked pissed.
"My uh step dad," Tommy rubbed the back of his neck.
"Step dad? I thought he was your father?" Wilbur says. Tommy shakes his head,
"No my mom left me a couple years ago with him and he's just a terrible person,"
Tommy didn't feel like mentioning he saw his mother at the cafe.
"Why didn't you tell us," Phil asks.
"Because if that dickhead finds out I told you he will most likely kill me," Tommy was still holding onto Tubbo.
"I'm gonna get you out of that house Tommy," Wilbur says and hugs him again.
"I'm not too hopeful of that but thank you for trying," Tommy smiles.

-time skip: a year-

Tommy came running down the stairs and jumped the last few.
"Wilbur! Can we all stream together? Like announce us living together, please!" Wilbur sighed,
"Go ask Techno," Tommy runs back up the stairs and knocks on Techno's door,
"Hey Techno, can we all stream together and announce us living together. Think of the content,"
Techno opens his door,
"Let's go," Tommy runs back down the stairs and grabs Tubbo and Phil.
They hit start stream and all wave to the camera. Techno was obviously not fully in camera view but he had his hand there.

The group did a QnA stream and announced them living together.
It was a very fun stream. They all laughed and played around with each other.
After the stream Tommy walked up to Wilbur and hugged him,
"Thank you," Tommy whispered.
"For what Toms," Wilbur hugged him back.
"For saving me from that alcoholic bastard," Tommy pulled away from the hug,
"Your welcome Tommy. I'm glad I did. Now we got the whole sbi living together!"

Tommy smiled and went up to his room. He sighed and laid on his bed.
He was so grateful for his friends. They were so kind and caring.
He couldn't want anything else in his life.

He was finally happy

1760 words

Ayyye mannn.
How's your day going. Mine is doing alright. Stayed up till 3 an last night bc I couldn't sleep ✌️

Anyways drink and eat something today bc I luv you with what's left of my heart ❤️

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