Always a soldier

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3rd person

Being away from the people you love and care for can really take a toll on you. It could lead to many problems.
One of the bigger ones most fear is losing control of your emotions, or in this case, suppressing them.
Tommy was stuck in exile, in the same situation.
Away from who he cares about, and lost control to show his emotions.
Showing his emotions would caused him to be hit, or kicked, even cut.
So his face stayed the same exact expression every. Single. Day.
Dream brought him under his rule. Using him like a puppet.
He controlled his every action. He even made him kill people, as much as Tommy wanted to protest, he did it.

Dream had built a monster. With fighting skills of Technoblade, and the mind of Dream himself, he was unstoppable.
He followed every command Dream gave. The next command given made him freeze though,
"We are going to first revive Wilbur, and then we will all destroy L'manberg, and the people in it!" Dream let out a maniacal laugh.
Tommy didn't say anything, knowing he would be hit if he put in his opinion.

A couple days later, Dream kept his word. He revived Wilbur, who was just as insane as he was in pogtopia.
But not enough to be blinded to see how his baby brother was being put against his will. He was being forced.
He looked at Dream confused when Tommy didn't say a word to him, only staring at him with blank eyes.
Dream elbowed Tommy to grab his attention,
"Oh- hey Wilbur," Tommy said.
"Hey Tommy, did you miss me?" Wilbur smiled.
"Uh- yeah I guess," Tommy said. Wilbur could see his brother wasn't himself, and hopefully he could get to the bottom of it soon.

The three went on to destroy L'manberg, and were on their way to destroy Snowchester as well.
Arriving there, he saw Tubbo and Ranboo pushing Michael inside, and grabbing their swords.
Arriving in front of the three, Tubbo and Ranboo froze,
"T-Tommy?" Tubbo spoke.
Tommy wanted to speak, but he knew Dream would be angry.
So instead he waved, and used sign language to communicate with him,
"I'm sorry,"
"Are you okay?" Tubbo signed back. Tommy shook his head.
"What the hell are you doing?" Dream spoke harshly.
"Nothing, Dream," Tommy spoke.
"Alright, well, kill them Tommy," Dream commanded.
Tommy didn't move. He held his sword loosely, his mind telling him not to.
"Do it, Tommy!" Dream yelled.
Yet, Tommy still didn't move. He didn't want to hurt them.
"Kill them, or I will," Dream threatened.
Tommy gripped his sword and looked up at Tubbo, who looked confused, and hurt.
Tommy raised his sword, accepting his friends deaths.
Coming down with the sword, he was blocked. He looked up to see Technoblade protecting the two.
"Kill him Tommy!" Dream ordered.
"You don't have to do this Thesus," Techno said.
Tommy stared at him and then at his sword. He ripped the sword out of the shield, going back into a fighting stance.
Instead of charging his brother, he shot him unexpectedly, catching him by surprise.
"Tommy, you don't have to listen to him!" Techno said.
"YES I DO!" Tommy screamed.
"Don't you get it! He will kill me if I don't! It's your life or mine!" Tommy yelled, getting Wilbur's attention.
He looked over at Dream,
"Don't listen to him. He's lying, I wouldn't hurt him,"
Wilbur took out his sword and pushed Dream to the ground.
"YOU are the one causing him pain! I should've fucking seen it in the beginning!" Wilbur drew his sword to Dream's throat.
"Wilbur! I didn't do anything to him!" Dream lied.
"Shut up," Wilbur said.
With that he slit Dream's throat. Making blood hit his face.
He wiped it away, turning to Techno and Tommy still fighting. Surprisingly, Techno was getting tired with a few cuts on him.

"Tommy, you can stop now bud," Wilbur said cautiously.
Tommy froze for a second,
"Shut up Wilbur, I have to do this," Tommy said.
"No you don't, Dream won't hurt you again," Wilbur said stepping closer to the two.
"How do you know! You only are here to hurt others! I'm not falling for your bullshit!" Tommy said raising his voice.
"Dream is dead Tommy. I promise, just look over here," Wilbur said.
Tommy took one more look at Techno, before turning his attention to behind Wilbur.
His grip on the sword loosened, a sigh of relief leaving his body. All the tension seemed to leave the boy's body.
Wilbur walked over cautiously, while Tommy looked at his surroundings.
His eyes fell on Tubbo and Ranboo, who looked worried. He then looked at Techno, who was catching his breath still. He lastly looked at Wilbur.
Wilbur took the sword at of his brother's hand, and Tommy's eyes averted to the ground, a wave of guilt and regret washing over him.
A single tear fell out of Tommy's eye.
"I'm so tired," Tommy whispered, collapsing into Wilbur. Wilbur caught him, unsure of what just happened. Looking down, Tommy passed out from exhaustion.
Tubbo and Ranboo ran over to Tommy.
"Is he okay?" Tubbo asked.
"I don't know. Let's get him into your cabin," Wilbur said.

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