Broken Kingdom

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3rd person

Tommy walked down to the dinner table and greeted his royal family. His brother, Wilbur soot acknowledged his presence and said hello back, but his father and other older brother ignored him.
At a young age Tommy had figured out royalty wasn't as citizens saw it as.
It meant you had no control of your life. Your older siblings decides what happens in your life and if you even dare you disrespect anyone older than you, expect a punishment.
Tommy knew his father favorited. He had stopped trying to impress his father at age 12. He knew he would never get acceptance from the man.

Half way through the dinner his father spoke,
"Tommy, there was a vase broken earlier today, did you do it?" Tommy's eyebrows knit,
"I told you this morning I wouldn't be back until dinner. How could I have done it?"
"Well your brothers didn't do it. So who was it?" Tommy was getting angry. The blame was always thrown on him,
"I don't know. Maybe one of the servants. Like I said before I wasn't here,"
"Stop lying Thomas,"
"I'm not," Tommy defended himself.
"Just tell the truth Tommy," Techno butted in. Tommy rolled his eyes,
"Why don't you guys ever believe me? I. Didn't. Break. It,"
"Come on Tommy. It's obvious you did it. Your the trouble maker of this family," Wilbur said matter of factly.
"It wasn't me. And that's that. Go blame it on someone else," Tommy took another bite of his food,
"Tommy go to your room," Phil said. Tommy rolled his eyes,
"Gladly. It's the only place I get peace and quiet," Tommy stood up and left the room. He enters his room and slams the door and locks it.

Tommy was fine with his family's bullshit. He hated how he was blamed for everything and was treated like he was nothing.
An idea crossed the blonde's mind....
What if he ran away?
He could live freely and not have to deal with responsibilities.
Tommy quickly grabbed a backpack and stuffed all the necessary things he would need. He grabbed armor and his father's sword. A bunch of bread and water. And bandages to help himself if he got hurt.
He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a quick goodbye note to his family.
Tommy puts on his bandanna and head climbs through his window.
It was a bit of a drop but he could handle it. He landed with a soft thud and quickly left the palace grounds.

Tommy walked through the forest searching for a place to stop. All the sudden he heard rustling behind him. He grabs his sword and goes in a protective stance.
A man with a green hoodie and a mask appears,
"And who might you be," asks Tommy. The green man holds up his arm showing he means no harm,
"My name is Dream. I saw you from a bit away and was wondering if you needed a place to stay. Me and my friends would love to have you," Tommy knew he wouldn't just let him join that easily,
"What's the catch," Tommy asks lowering his sword.
"Well, me and my crew are a bit of some thieves you could say. Very much wanted, but we would seem like a perfect fit with us," Tommy ponders for a moment,
"You know what, fuck it. It would be nice to live a little like that,"

With that he follows the masked man to a camp area.
Tents were set up everywhere and there were a bunch of people around a fire,
"Hey guys, we got a new recruit," Dream speaks up to get the other's attention.
Tommy does an awkward wave,
"I'm Tommy," he smiles.
A tiny ram hybrid speaks up,
"Wait, are you the king's son, Tommy?" Tommy laughs,
"Not anymore, he's no father of mine," the others nod,
"Well I'm Tubbo or you can call me Bee as my code name," Tommy nods. A enderman hybrid speaks up,
"I'm Ranboo or Boo for my code name,"
A man with a white tie around his head spoke,
"I'm SapNap and my code name is Pandas,"
Another ram hybrid spoke,
"I'm Schlatt and my code name is Ram,"
Tommy nods his head,
"Well it's nice to meet you all,"

"Tommy you need a code name so no one can identify you," Dream spoke up,
"Umm, how about arson?" Dream nods his head,
"Me and you think alike. I think we're gonna get along," Dream says. Tommy smiles at the masked man,
"Yeah, and everyone here seems nice enough. And Tubbo seems way too nice,"
Dream laughs,
"Yeah, he has a kind heart but is very sneaky, you two will get along,"
Tommy nods his head. He heads over to the enderman hybrid and ram hybrid,
"So how did you guys get involved in theft and shit," Tommy asks.
"Well, Dream found all of us and took us under his protection. We are all a bunch of crazy fools stealing shit," Tubbo says smiling.
"So what's your code name Tommy," Ranboo asks.
"Arson. I used to play with fire a lot as a kid," he heard Sapnap speak from behind him,
"I did too, we got something in common," Tommy smiles at him.

The night ended quickly and Tommy shared a tent with Ranboo and Tubbo.
The three were all 16 years old. They had lots in common. Tommy could tell he was gonna like it here.
Tommy fell asleep feeling happy. He hadn't felt happy in the longest time. He made the right decision on leaving.

Back at the palace, Wilbur went up to Tommy's door and knocked. Usually his brother came down later in the night and apologized to his family after a fight.
"Tommy are you okay?"
No response
Wilbur barges in and sees his brother is gone and the window was open.
He looked over at his brother's desk to see a note. He grabbed it and started reading it.

Hey family,
So I'm tired of your guy's bullshit so I decided to pack up my things and leave. But you won't care. I was always in your way and never needed. I won't be coming back and wish you guy's the best. I want a life where I feel needed and free. So leaving this dreadful place called home was the best idea.


Wilbur felt tears prick his eyes. He had lost his little brother.
He went to his father's door and barged in without asking, startling Phil,
"Wilbur knock before you-" Phil stops talking when he sees his son crying,
"What's wrong?" Wilbur hands the note to Phil. He covered his mouth.
"He's gone?" Phil asks not actually believing it. Wilbur nods his head. Phil sits down staring at nothing.
"I want every guard searching for him. And don't let them stop till he's brought back," Wilbur nods his head and leaves Phil alone with his thoughts.

Did he do this? Did he push his son away? Would he have stayed if he payed attention more?

What did I do?


1199 words

Part two will be out sometime tomorrow maybe.
Okay so now go get a snack and drink some water bc I luv you and you deserve the world ❤️


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