Sensory Overload

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Minecraft AU where Tommy lives with SBI

Tommy's POV

I woke up feeling terrible. I had this headache and my whole body was aching. I looked over at my clock and hissed at how bright it was. The clock read 3:23 AM...
Everything hurt so badly. My ears were ringing but I knew the house was quiet.
I walked out into the hallway heading to the bathroom for some pain killers.
I stopped moving and everything became bright and hazy to look at.
I shut my eyes tightly and fell down. All my senses were tingling and it hurt like hell. I started rocking back and forth and put my hands over my ears.
I felt tears come out of my eyes but I couldn't care less at the time.
I heard footsteps coming closer to me, making everything worse.

Wilbur's POV

I woke up to what sounded like something falling. I was confused and looked over at the time to see it's like 3 AM. I stayed quiet to see if I could hear anything else.
I shrugged it off when I heard nothing else. I layer back down to go to sleep again when I heard a sob.
I knew Techno and Phil's room were downstairs so it must've been Tommy.

I got up quickly and walked into the hallway to see the blonde rocking himself back and forth with his hands over his ears. I heard him whispering to himself as I approached him slowly,
"Everything is so loud, make it stop," he let out another sob.
"Tommy buddy, you good?" I whispered to him. He looked up frightened and calmed a bit when he saw it was me,
"Everything is so loud Will, your so loud. I'm so loud. The house is too creaky. I can't t-take it," I sat down next to him and slowly pulled him into a hug.
"Tell me if you feel uncomfortable with this okay?" I whispered as low as I could.
I felt his shaking slowly stop but he was still crying.
"Is it still loud?" I run my hands through his hair.
"Not like it was,"
I nod even though he couldn't see me. His face was snuggled into my shirt.
"You wanna sleep in my room tonight?" I felt him nod into my shirt.
"Okay buddy, can you stand up," he got off me with tears stained on his face.
I led him to my room and opened my arms to let him get close to me.
He took the invitation and laid his head on my chest.

It took him a while but I felt his breaths even out and his tense body loosened.
I kept running my hand through his hair. I knew about Tommy's sensory overload and I hated he had to deal with that. It hadn't been that bad in a while.
I'm just glad I woke up. I felt myself drift into the sleeping void.

Goodnight Tommy

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