Protect at all costs

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Tommy notices Wilbur trying to manipulate Tubbo and Ranboo

3rd person

"Whatever you guys do, stay away from Wilbur. He's manipulative, and will do anything to have ANYONE under his control," Tommy said, placing his hands on both of Ranboo's and Tubbo's shoulders.
They both smiled at Tommy, glad he cared about them.
"Okay Tommy. If you say so," Tubbo responded, with Ranboo agreeing.
"Good," Tommy smiled.

Tommy was on his daily walk when he passed a van he's never seen before.
The closer he got, he realized it was a burger van.
He saw Wilbur walk up to it, and immediately realized he was the one who owned it.
"Hey Wilbur!" Tommy called out.
Wilbur turned around, and smiled at the blonde.
"Hey Tommy! What are you doing around here," Wilbur said.
"I was just on a walk. What's this?" Tommy gestured to the van.
"Oh, we decided to start selling burgers," Wilbur said excitedly.
"We?" Tommy questioned.
Just then Ranboo walked out of the truck,
"Hey Wilbur, I'm gonna take a break real quick!" He called out, but he stopped moving when he saw Tommy.
"Okay Ranboo, take all the time you need," Wilbur said.
"I gotta go, I'll talk to you later Will," Tommy said, staring at Ranboo, who avoided the glare.
"Okay, bye Tommy,"

TommyInnit Oneshots (mostly angst & fluff)Where stories live. Discover now