Pushed over

377 14 1

Third person

"You are hereby exiled Tommy," Tubbo looked at the obsidian he stood on.
Time stopped for Tommy as he looked at Tubbo. He was confused, and felt betrayed. His best friend just vanished him from his home.
"...what?" Tommy managed to sputter out. Quackity and fundy started to yell at him.
"What the fuck? You're acting like Schlatt! That's something he would do, and you know it!" Quackity yelled.
"Shut it, before I exile you as well," Tubbo threatened.
"Dream, please escort Tommy out of my country,"
Tommy had his mouth dropped open, still shocked. He felt a hand grip his shoulder tightly. When Tubbo looked up at him, he had regret in his face, and tears falling. Tommy shut his mouth, and let out a tiny laugh.
"Goodbye, Tommy," Tubbo said, as Dream gestured for him to move.
"It's TommyInnit to you, Mr. President," Tommy scoffed, walking away without Dream needing to push him.
Tubbo watched Tommy be pushed by Dream, and Tommy didn't even fight back. He only took one glance back at Tubbo, glaring with hatred. He shook his head and didn't look at him again.

As soon as Tommy and Dream were out of sight, Tubbo fell to his knees, and bursted into tears. He let out the loudest scream anyone has ever heard. Anyone near L'manburg could hear it. Fundy's shoulders sagged, and Quackity's jaw clenched.
"Fuck this! I didn't ask for this!" Tubbo yelled, holding his stomach as he yelled and cried on the ground.
Quackity shook his head, and scoffed at the boy.
"You may of been forced into this Tubbo, but not even I would exile Tommy. There was so many other ways," he said.
Tubbo looked up at him, gritting his teeth.
"You're a terrible friend. Remember that," Quackity stated, walking off.
Tubbo looked over at Fundy, who couldn't even look at him in the eyes.
"You just exiled the last of my family. You're an asshole Tubbo. I don't want to be part of this shit country anymore. Good luck," he walked away.
He hit his fist on the obsidian repeatedly, until his hands bled.
"What have I done?"

Tubbo never really did take care of the country after that. It was mostly Quackity's country now. Tubbo stayed in his office all day.
Then one day he got a visit from Ghostbur. Tubbo jumped out of his seat,
"Ghostbur? What are you doing here? Is Tommy okay?"
"Hi Tubbo! I have a present for you! And Tommy's in logstedshire!"
"Oh... what's the gift?" Tubbo said ignoring whatever logstedshire was, now less intrigued.
He handed Tubbo a compas. Tubbo looked at it weirdly.
"What the hell is this?"
"It's a compass that tracks Tommy's location at all times! Maybe you can visit him. He has the same compass even," Ghostbur said happily. Tubbo looked at it with awe.
"Yeah... maybe I can,"
And Tubbo truly did. Though Tommy didn't know. Tommy thought he was seeing things.
Maybe he was just imagining Tubbo because he missed him.
So every time he caught Tubbo hiding behind a tree, or in a bush, he would rub his eyes, or shake his head in dismissal.
And Tubbo couldn't bring himself to talk to Tommy. It broke him, seeing Tommy in such bad shape. His clothes were ripped. Bruises and scars covered his face. He had no armor, and lived in a tent. All he ever did was sit on the beach, staring at the ocean, or laid on his bed in the tent.

Then one day when Tubbo came to get a glimpse at Tommy again, he couldn't find him. It was like he just disappeared.
And what scared him the most, was that huge, pillar standing in the middle of the exile, with no evidence that Tommy got down.
Tubbo left. He went back to L'manburg, and went straight into Quackity's office without knocking. When he barged in there, Quackity jumped, and his eyes fell when seeing Tubbo.
But when looking closer at the boy, seeing him crying, he was confused.
"What's wrong?"
"He's dead. He's fucking dead," Tubbo stuttered, stumbling over to Quackity and hugging him. He could hardly breathe.
"I should've saved him. Why did I exile him?" Tubbo said, moving away from Quackity. He started to pull on his hair, screaming.
Quackity's jaw dropped, shaking his head.
"You're joking,"
"He's dead Quackity! He killed himself,"
Then they had a funeral for him, and a gravestone placed.
But it was all for nothing, because Tommy was alive.

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