Pinky Promises

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3rd person

Tommy and Wilbur were very close brothers. They would hang out everyday and even started a nation together! With Wilbur as president, and Tommy as his Vice President. Of course, it didn't last long.
With the unfortunate results of the election, leading to both of the brothers exiled.
It drove Wilbur insane that Tommy couldn't have a normal life, where he could be a kid. It seemed to bother him more than Tommy. He would stress to find things to keep him happy, and Tommy hated it.
He just wanted his brother to do only a few things and that's it.

"Wilbur," Tommy sighed as Wilbur had asked if he wanted to go on an adventure.
"What? I thought this would be good for you," Wilbur persisted.
"Look, I love that you are trying so hard to make me happy and feel normal, I'm grateful for it. But all I want you to do is try and keep yourself sane while we're down here. And help me win back L'manberg the right way. I want things to go back to how they were before. We are both fucked up in the heads and it's obvious," Tommy joked, earning a laugh from Wilbur. A sigh escaped the brunette's mouth.
"Alright, I pinky promise," Wilbur held out his pinky, earning a shocked expression from the blonde.
"Wilbur you know the saying. For every promise broken, gets a finger taken from the actual broken one," Tommy said.
"I know. I won't break this one Toms. I know it, even if I do, you're bluffing. You would never cut off one of your fingers," Wilbur joked. Tommy rolled his eyes.
"Yeah yeah," Tommy laughed linking the two brothers pinkies.

Wilbur kept his promise to the blonde for a while. Until one idea popped into his mind, what if he blew it up?
No, that's not the right way. It is the easiest way though. Schlatt is too lazy to rebuild a whole country.
A sickening grin appears on Wilbur's face. He couldn't tell Tommy about this. He would only be in the way.
He went to console his idea with his other brother, Technoblade, who instantly agreed to the idea for chaos.
The plan shot off instantly, with one main goal.
Destroy L'manberg



Day after day, Wilbur lied to his youngest brother about his plans and presented ideas to him that would never work.
It was wrong to do, but in the end it will win back L'manberg.
Wilbur knew he was breaking their promises, but this is the only way Tommy could back to his normal life.
This is what he wanted right? To go back to L'manberg and see Tubbo and his friends. That's what normal meant to him. Obviously Wilbur would never feel normal again after destroying his symphony, but his real symphony was always Tommy. He created L'manberg to keep Tommy safe and make him happy.
And it worked for a while! Now he just has to get it back.
So this was for Tommy right? Not himself. No, he was fine, this is for Tommy and his happiness.

Festival day came and Wilbur was ready to blow L'manberg to smithereens. He kept his cool in front of Tommy, knowing the blonde would catch onto any odd behavior of the brunette.
The festival went well, for the most part. Schlatt did his speech. Everyone looked so.... happy? But why? Schlatt was an awful ruler! The only one who didn't look happy was Niki. But what about the others? Should he really be destroying their home?
No, this was for Tommy. His happiness is far more important than anyone else's.
His gaze falls onto Tommy who looked panicked. He directed his gaze to where he was looking just in time to see Technoblade kill Tommy's best friend.
A gaps leaves Wilbur's body. This wasn't part of the plan. It was to just get rid of manberg. He looked over at Tommy to see him sobbing. He quickly pulled the teen into a tight hug, rubbing his back to sooth him.
Death was permanent in this world, no respawns after the sudden glitch. So Tubbo was gone.

Tommy didn't leave his room for weeks. Wilbur didn't blame him. It's hard losing someone you are that close to.
Wilbur and Schlatt used to be best mates! That was until power got to Schlatt's head. He left without a goodbye to take power into any country.
And that ended up being Wilbur's country. Wilbur had given Tommy his space and brought his food into his room and only stayed when Tommy asked.
But he had to check on Tommy when he heard a sudden loud thud? He couldn't make out the sound.
He walked into Tommy's room to see him holding his hand close to him, and blood was splattered on the wall.
He put two and two together and figured Tommy punched the wall.
Tommy didn't look to be in the slightest of pain either, which was quite odd.

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