White hair

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Another one of my favs that had so much potential. Lmk what y'all think I could've added bc I was stuck

Third person

When Dream first escaped with Techno's help because of the favor he owed, Techno didn't think much of it.
Of course, he knew the green man would cause lots of chaos again, but that's a problem in the future.
The incident with Sam and Ranboo, purely never happened because Techno prevented it. Sam got what he deserved and lost a canon life.
Ranboo was safe, Dream was out of prison, and so was Techno. Everything was back to normal right?
For mostly everyone you could say.

Tommy on the other hand, was destined for failure.
The moment he felt that pit form in his stomach. He could feel the moment he turned around, he would regret. And he hated how right he was.
Of course, the first thing Dream wanted to do, was bring back some old memories to Tommy.
Dream moved his cracked mask to the side, just enough for Tommy to see his bright green eye, and crooked grin.
"Looking for something?" Dream stated, pulling out an axe. He already was dressed in full Netherite armor.
Tommy's shield was out in an instant, looking which way he could run.
"What are you doing here? Why aren't you in prison?" Tommy questioned.
"Your big bro owed me a favor, remember?" He laughed.
"Don't call him my brother, and don't come near me," Tommy said, propping up his shield, slowly back away from the taller blond.
"Oh Tommy, after everything you put me through, you're going to be dead by the end of the week, I promise you," Dream smirked, gliding a finger across his axe gently.
"And maybe, since I have no use for you anymore... I'll revive you," Dream gazed at Tommy, with a psychotic look in his eyes.
"And then I'll kill you again," he let out a chuckle. Tommy shook his head, stumbling backwards every step Dream took towards him.
"I'll revive you, and kill you again, and revive you and kill you again!"
Dream threw his axe over his shoulder,
"Seems like fun don't it?"
"Stay the fuck away from me Dream!" Tommy yelled.
Dream unlatched the buckle on his mask, letting it fall to the ground.
The scar Tommy gave him across the bridge of his nose showed. Tommy remembered giving it to him, wanting so badly to go back and finish the job.
"Run, Tommy. I'll give you a head start," Dream said.
Tommy's eyes widened,
"You crazy bitch!" He yelled, and dashed the other way.

He was so close. Phil would protect him, and keep Dream away from him, right?
He would stay at Techno's cabin for a while, and go home when it was safe, he would imagine.
But his imagination was gone in an instant, when his leg was shot with an arrow.
He let out a scream, falling to the ground. He struggled to get back up, but was met with a foot pushing him back over.
He turned himself over, pulling the arrow out. He was already breathing heavily, from all the running he just did.
"So close! Just about 100 yards away and you would've made it. I'll give you credit, you're pretty fast," Dream spoke. He threw his axe above his head, and laughed.
"But not fast enough," he finished. And down came the axe, along with a painful, loud scream that no one in distance will ever be able to get that sound out of their head.

One of the people in distance was Phil. He heard it, and it sent a chill through him. Even the crows around him scattered from the sound.
He was off in the air in a second, looking around for any indication someone was hurt.
And he found one only less than a mile away from his house.
Blood was everywhere he looked in the snow. And farther in the distance, he saw a body being slowly dragged away, by a man you could never mistake for someone else.
His instincts told him to go after Dream, to figure out who he killed. But he didn't, for the only reason that Dream and Techno were on good terms right now. He didn't want to ruin that.
So he went back to his house, not before taking a good long look at the blood on the ground. There was so much of it, he wanted to puke.
Then he went on with his day, like nothing happened.

TommyInnit Oneshots (mostly angst & fluff)Where stories live. Discover now