Eye color

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3rd person

Everyone on the SMP knew about Tommy's eyes. They would change based on his mood. Red for anger, purple for fear, yellow for happy, blue for sad, and lastly, the color only a select few have seen, gray for in pain.
The definition for pain in this situation is physical and mental.

Wilbur had seen Tommy's eyes change to pain. In pogtopia days, Wilbur had terrible anger issues and had slapped Tommy.
His eye color didn't change for a whole month. Not once during the time, did he attempt to speak to Wilbur.

Tubbo had seen Tommy's eyes turn to gray. After a huge fight and one little slip up from Tubbo, his eyes changed into a dark gray. They didn't speak for days after and when they did, Tommy was more quiet, and less confident in himself.
Tubbo spoke to Wilbur about it, and he said Tommy's eyes were only a light gray in pogtopia.

Dream had seen Tommy's eyes gray. It stayed like that in exile. Not once did it change to yellow, only gray and purple.
But Dream didn't care, the kid needed to learn his lesson.

And lastly, Techno. Tommy was looking down on his blown up home once again. Not a single word came out of his mouth, but a single tear went down his face. It was visible for Techno and the closer he looked, Tommy's eyes were a dark shade of gray.

The one thing none of the members of the SMP knew was that Tommy wore contacts. He wore yellow and didn't want anyone to notice his behavior.
He didn't need people to know he was in pain. So he put in contacts and acted like he was fine.
Well, he tried to. He tried and failed after the last disc war. How may you ask, did Tommy know this was the last disc war?
Because his best friend laid lifeless in his arms. He couldn't cry with his contacts in, so he took them out and smashed them in rage.
Punz and everyone enter the portal to see Tommy hugging his best friend closely to his chest, sobbing his heart out.
Wilbur was the first to run over to his brother. He put his hand on Tommy's back and when he looked up, Tommy's eyes were almost black. His heart broke at the sight,
"Tommy..." Wilbur pulled him into a hug. The blonde began to sob harder.

Everyone else restrained Dream in a obsidian cage and went over to Tommy.
Ranboo looked over at Dream, who looked only a little bit guilty and concerned, and he pointed to the ground, where something reflected. Curious, Ranboo went over to the two smashed objects and picked them up.
They were contacts. Ranboo looked over at Dream confused and he pointed at Tommy. Ranboo's heart sank.
"T-Tommy?" Ranboo said. The teen looked up at him with glossy eyes.
"Are these yours?" Ranboo asked, holding up the two broken contacts.
He nodded his head slowly, looking down. A collected gasps rang through the air.
"I-I don't know what happened. One day they j-just changed to gray and n-never changed b-back,"
The only thing heard was the sniffles of the blonde trying to collect themself.
"N-now my eyes are almost b-black from how dark they a-are,"
"They w-won't change back! W-why can't I j-just have a normal l-life!" Tommy sobbed harder, holding onto Wilbur desperately.
Wilbur had to carry Tommy back to Techno's cabin because he wouldn't move. He fell asleep on the way to the cabin.
Both Techno and Wilbur were concerned for Tommy's mental health, but didn't say a word in the way to the cabin.

In the morning, Tommy didn't leave the room he was put in. Well, he did leave it, but he left through the window, making sure neither Techno or Wilbur would see him.
Unfortunately, Phil saw him, which ended in a full chase.
Tommy won after he hid behind a bush, and Phil went the opposite direction.
Tommy went back to the SMP, and found Ranboo first.
He was at Tubbo's grave, placing flowers there.
"Hey Ranboo," Tommy's voice was scratchy from not using it in a day after his crying.
Ranboo looked up startled, but relaxed seeing it was Tommy.
"Hey Tommy. What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at techno's cabin,"
Tommy sat down next to Ranboo,
"I left through the window. I don't need them in my life now. I was fine without them. I wanted to check up on you anyways. You and Tubbo had become really close," Tommy said. Ranboo sighed,
"I'm trying not to cry man. I don't want another scar,"
Tommy nodded understandingly.
"It's gonna hurt for a while," Tommy stated, with Ranboo nodding in agreement.

They sat in silence for a couple minutes, before Ranboo broke it.
"I have a question," he looked over at Tommy, who looked right back at him.
"What's up,"
"Why won't your eyes turn back to yellow, or any other color?" Ranboo asked. Tommy sighed. It might be a good thing to tell someone.
"I explained before that my eyes change when I'm hurt badly. They would change back after I'm done sulking about it, but it's almost like my eyes are collecting all the pain I've ever felt. So once they hit an amount of immense pain, or betrayal, they stay the same color,"
"Why? Why won't they change," Ranboo questioned.
"Because I don't feel anything else Ranboo. I don't have any other emotion to show," Tommy explained.
Ranboo frowned,
"When is the last time your eyes were actually yellow?"
Tommy didn't answer for a moment, and actually thought about his answer,
"When pogtopia started. I noticed they wouldn't change back, so I got eye contacts," he answers truthfully.
"Wasn't that like a year ago?" Ranboo's shoulders sagged.
"Two years actually. It's been two years since that stupid election ruined my life," Tommy shook his head.

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