Chapter 5

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Tw for this chapter: Past Suicide, Past death, Past abuse, self harm

Tommy woke up hours later to the sound of footsteps. The sudden noise made him panic for a moment and he looked around.

Techno was getting up because unlike Wilbur, he had classes this morning. Techno was trying to sneak out quietly but failed as he awoke Tommy. Seeing the semi panicked look on Tommy's face Techno quickly in a soft voice.

"Hey it's alright. I just have to go to classes. It's okay." Techno says and Tommy nods, taking a deep breath to try and keep calm as to not wake up Wilbur and Phil, both who were still asleep. Phil was on one of the three couches in the room, Techno had been on another one. Wilbur demanded he take the floor with Tommy so Tommy wouldn't be the only one on the floor.

"Okay." Tommy mumbles, wiping sleep off of his face. He rubbed his eyes and carefully tried to not wake the others, following Techno to the kitchen where Techno turned on the coffee pot. Tommy looked around, trying to see if there was some sort of clock but failed to see one.

Techno noticed Tommy looking around and was trying to figure out what he needed without actually asking what Tommy needed. When Tommy just gave up on looking Techno realized he was probably looking for the time.

"It's 7am." Techno comments and Tommy nods, thankful he didn't have to ask. They had done so much for him already, he didn't want to bug them with stupid questions or needing more things. Tommy was very pleased with all the objects they had already gotten him. His favorite being the cow plush, which was out in the living room in the spot where had been sleeping.

"Okay." Tommy repeats for the second time in the past few moments .He walked over to the barstool at the counter and sat down.

"How'd you sleep?" Techno questions and Tommy shrugs. He remembered long after the others were asleep he had found himself staring at the ceiling trying to fall asleep. He only began to when the sun started peaking through the curtains ever so slightly. Even now the sun was barely over the mountain sides.

"Fine I guess." Tommy lies and Techno turns slightly to look at him.

"You were awake when I woke up, then you fell asleep and woke back up when I moved like half an hour later." Techno points out but Tommy just shrugs again. "Can you be honest with me?" Techno questions and Tommy nods. "Do you get a lot of sleep normally?"

"Not really." Tommy sighs. "A lot of places I went to didn't even have a bed for me to sleep in, some never let me sleep making me do chores and stuff. It got really bad a few times." Tommy admits, hoping that Techno would never use this information against him.

"You wanna talk about it?" Techno questions as he begins to pour himself and Tommy a cup of coffee. Getting out creamer and sugar and putting it in front of Tommy. Tommy looked at Techno as Techno slid onto the stool next to him.


"There was a few places I went to that made me do so much work till I passed out, like fainted kinda passed out. And when I did they would hit me." Tommy was explaining to Phil. Phil nodded as he continued to cook grilled cheese.

Techno had gone to class and Wilbur had gone to help a friend with a project, leaving Tommy and Phil home alone together. Phil had told Tommy that he wouldn't read his file without permission and said if he ever wanted to talk about anything that he was there for him.

Tommy then asked if he could talk about a bunch of the shit he had been through and of course Phil had agreed. So here they were talking about Tommy's past.

"It was really bad and Puffy wouldn't see me for weeks on end, so I just ended up being all alone during those times and it sucked." Tommy ranted. Phil continued to nod, letting the boy talk as much as he wanted to.

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