Chapter 7

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Tw for this chapter: Blood, self harm, panic attack, past abuse, past rape

Phil walked over towards Tommy, seeing the blood that was covering him. Was Tommy breathing? Was he still alive? What happened? Why was there so much blood?

It caked his arms, some having smeared onto his face, and there was plenty on his sheets and his shirt.

Phil stared for a moment and saw that Tommy's chest was still rising and falling, he was still alive.

"Tommy." Phil said in a soft tone but with still a bit of volume to it. Tommy began to stir slightly, opening his eyes to the bright light that was coming in from the hallway. He squinted to feel like he wasn't going blind but saw the figure of someone.

Tommy couldn't see who it was due to the light coming from directly behind them, but the unknown figure standing there was enough to scare him. He screamed and ducked backwards, jumping over to the other side of the bed. His back was now pressed against the wall as his breathing picked up and he covered his neck with his arms, ignoring the pain and dried blood.

The scream had alerted both Techno and Wilbur, Wilbur came bolting out of his room and across the hall before Techno could climb up the stairs. To be fair it was 5am, who would be loosing their mind at 5am?

Both of them pushed into the room and saw the horrible sight that their dad was also seeing.

Tommy curled into a corner, having a panic attack while covered in blood. The place where he had obviously been sleeping was also covered in blood.

Tommy tried to inhale but when he did all he felt was the pain in his arms and in his chest, so when he exhaled he screamed. He screamed in pain, screamed in fear, screamed in panic and in sadness.

He waited to get hit, to let the person who was standing there finally put him out of his pain but it didn't happen. He was just left there as he screamed, maybe they walked away? Maybe they took pity on him and left? If Tommy was lucky all that would happen after this would be him being locked in a small space fore a while, no food or water.

Wilbur was staring at Tommy, was this the scene that Techno and Phil had seen years ago? The last time he hurt himself with the mirror shard, was this what it was like?

Techno's eyes were flickering from Tommy and then to Phil and then to Wilbur. He was trying to block out the screaming before it go too much for him. He was used to screaming lots but he knew his anxiety was going to rise.

Phil was standing there, yes he had been through a lot with Techno and Wilbur, hell a really all too similar thing happened with Wilbur, but it wouldn't be the exact same. These two are not the same people and will not be the same.

Tommy was moving around enough that the little scabs that formed overnight were now torn away. His arms began to start bleeding again.

That startled everyone enough to snap Techno and Wilbur out of their trance.

Wilbur ran back out of the room and to the bathroom, grabbing a rag and wetting it. Techno moved to the bed, not close enough to scare Tommy but close enough that Tommy would be able to hear him. Wilbur came back in and also came near Tommy.

"Okay Tommy, breathe." Techno said, Tommy stopped screaming but looked up at them both.

In Tommy's eyes it wasn't Techno and Wilbur, it wasn't Puffy or anyone else. It was his mom, she was back for him.

"Mom?" Tommy questions, still sobbing but not screaming. Techno and Wilbur looked at each other.

"Yeah Tommy. Can you breathe for me?" Techno asks softly and Tommy nods, he didn't want to disappoint his mom. He tries his best to breathe as someone else comes near. "Okay we're gonna clean up your arms okay?" Tommy nods but is confused, what happened to his arms?

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