Chapter 47

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Tw for this chapter (there's a lot): Mention of suicide, mention of suicide attempts, self harm, abuse, being buried alive, injuries, death, abandonment, funerals, disassociation, mention of sedation and nightmares

"Tommy get up." Schlatt said coming into the room, flicking on the lights.

"I'm napping." Tommy mumbled, turning his head into the pillow.

"Yeah I'm aware, but get up." Schlatt tells him, getting closer to Tommy's bed.

"I'm napping." Tommy grumbled again, pulling the blanket over his head.

"People are napping usually are asleep and not saying 'I'm napping' so get up." Schlatt says, snatching the blanket off of Tommy. Tommy opened his eyes enough to glare at him.

"Why, it's quiet time." He asked before closing his eyes again.

"Because you're going out and for that you need to get out of bed." Schlatt sighs, throwing the blanket near Tommy's feet.

"I'm going out? How am I going out? I don't leave till Monday." Tommy asked, opening his eyes to look at Schlatt. Schlatt was smiling at him.

"You're getting signed out on a pass, you get to be gone for few hours before you return." Schlatt informs him and Tommy sits up fully.

"I thought that only happened when you've been here a certain amount of time." He says in confusion. Schlatt goes to sit down on his own bed, looking over at Tommy.

"Well according to the doctors Phil had explained your current therapy plan, and how you're on meds and on track of things. Plus since you were brought in due to state laws, but you aren't suicidal, they're only holding you here because of state laws." Schlatt explains, grabbing a book off of his nightstand. It was something Fundy had dropped off for Schlatt yesterday during visiting.

"So I don't even need to be here but I'm being held here?" Tommy asks to clarify.

"Yep." Schlatt nods.

"So they're saying I'm more mentally stable than you?" Tommy jokes and Schlatt rolls his eyes, not dropping his smile.

"Kid that bar is on the floor, get your shoes on, the nurses station has them." Schlatt tells him, throwing his head in the direction of the nurse's station. Tommy stands up.

"Fuck yeah I get shoes again!" He cheers and Schlatt laughs. Tommy runs out of the room and crashing head first into a person. He fell back onto the floor, slamming his elbows into the ground. "Fuck!"

"Oh shit Tommy!" Tommy looked up to see Wilbur standing there, Phil right behind him. Wilbur reached out his hand and helped Tommy up. Tommy groaned at the pain in his elbows but stood up.

"Sorry, didn't mean to." Tommy apologized and Wilbur looked at him oddly, but didn't comment on it.

"Come on mate, let's get your shoes and coat and then we'll head out yeah?" Phil said and Tommy nodded, following them to the nurse's station.

Tommy noticed how Wilbur and Phil were acting a bit odd, how they kept glancing back at him, how they stared at him as he pulled on his shoes and coat, how they didn't say anything as he got his pass signed from Dr. J.

Tommy didn't say anything as they walked out to the car, but he smiled when he saw Tubbo, Techno and Ranboo in the car. They each looked at him, but didn't say anything.

"Hey guys!" Tommy smiled, but there was no response. "Okay." He said as he hoped in next to Techno. Techno frowned slightly and scooted over.

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