Chapter 67

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Tw for this chapter: Screaming and fighting, mention of past death, mention of abandonment

It was a while later that Techno sat at the table, Wilbur across from him. It was weirdly similar to when Techno found out the results of his diagnosis. Some things were similar, some things were different.

Wilbur was doing art again, and Techno was a ball of anxiety again. His leg was bouncing as he was holding his phone in his hand.

"Techno why are you so anxious this time?" Wilbur questioned and Techno glanced up at him as he bit his lip. He put his phone down and sighed. "Are you waiting for another diagnosis?" Wilbur jokes but Techno just shook his head. "Then what is it man? You're shaking the table."

"Sorry." Techno mumbled as he tried his best to hold still but Wilbur shook his head and closed his sketchbook.

"You're stimming, it's fine. What's up man?" Wilbur asked and Techno sighed softly.

"Everyday I open my phone and I see the picture of me and my mom. I know I put it there and I know that I could remove it but even if I do I'll still think of her. I could reach out to her, I could send her a message, but I just haven't." Techno explained softly and Wilbur gave him a look of pity. Techno glanced up at Wilbur, tears welling in his eyes.

"Hey, hey why are you crying Tech?" Wilbur asked softly, extending out his hand as an offer to Techno to hold. Techno grabbed Wilbur's hand but still cried quietly.

"I'm sorry I'm talking about my mom, I know you lost yours and I'm sorry I keep bringing this up." Techno said through inhales as he tried to breathe.

"Hey Techno, breathe man. I'm not mad at you and I'm not upset with you. It's okay if this is on your mind man. It's a big thing. And you know that we all love Phil, but we also know that our bio parents will always hold a place in our hearts. So it's okay to think about it and think about reaching out." Wilbur explains but Techno shakes his head.

"What if Phil gets mad and decides he doesn't want me to live here anymore? What if he thinks I'm trying to replace him?" Techno questions and Wilbur gives him another soft look.

"Technoblade Watson, we have known this man for almost a decade. Why would he just decide that he hates you and wants you to move out based on texting your bio mom?" Wilbur asks and Techno just shrugs as he looks down at the table. "He wouldn't, and we both know that. I'm not going to force you to, but you could send her a message and I'll be right here."

"If I type it out, will you hit send?" Techno asks softly as he tries his best to wipe away the tears. Wilbur squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"Of course man. Of course I will." Wilbur smiles softly. Techno smiled and picked up his phone again to find the message he had written out.


"Wilbur! Wilbur!" Techno yelled from the living room couch. Techno could hear Wilbur's door fly open from upstairs and Wilbur was soon flying down the stairs.

"What, what's going on?" Wilbur asked half panicked. Techno just held out his phone for Wilbur to read. "Your mom is asking to meet? When did she even message you back?" Wilbur questioned.

"Well we sent the message two days ago, and then she read it that night but didn't respond. I thought she was just going to block me, but she texted me yesterday. We've talked a couple of times since then and she just asked to meet up." Techno explains and Wilbur sighs softly. "Is it too much? I'm sorry." Techno apologized but Wilbur laughed.

"No, it's not too much or anything Techno. I told you, I'm here for you. You just scared the shit out of me. I thought the house was on fire or some shit." Wilbur said as he sat down on the couch next to Techno. Techno blushed slightly while smiling.

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