Chapter 60

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Tw for this chapter: Death

If it was Wilbur or Techno driving they would have sped to the vet, but since it was Phil driving they only went slightly above speed limit to get there. When they did get there they were getting the same vibes from when they went to the funeral.

This wasn't good, was it?

Or maybe it was. Maybe Storm was pregnant or something? Maybe it was something minor. Maybe it was all okay and they were just very anxious mentally ill people who jump to conclusions.

"Okay it'll be okay. Just all of take a deep breath before we go in." Phil instructs, despite none of them wanting to take a deep breath and relaxing.

"I know you want us to just relax but we all have so much emotional attachment to that cat we can not relax until we know she's okay." Wilbur says and Phil nods, he knows that a bit too well.


While he was Tommy heard a soft noise from the back door, and he wasn't the only one. Phil noticed how Tommy jumped and looked towards the sound of the noise.

"I'll go look." Phil said to Tommy and he nodded. Phil walked over to the back door, opening it up to see what was causing the noise. The cause darted inside and past Phil, into the kitchen and jumping onto the counter near Wilbur.

"Is that a cat?" Techno questions as the cat walks towards Wilbur. Wilbur stuck out his non-hurt hand towards the cat and let it sniff it. Once the cat had sniffed it and deemed it safe enough Wilbur was allowed to pet the cat.

"Who's cat is that?" Tommy questioned, also reaching out his hand to let the cat sniff so he too would be able to pet it.

"I don't know. It's pouring outside so it probably just wants some shelter. Check if it has a tag." Phil instructed and Wilbur looked at the cat, no tag.

"There's none. If it doesn't have an owner can we keep it?" Wilbur asks with excitement in his eyes. Phil thought about it for a moment, there was a chance the cat had an owner, a chip maybe could tell them that. That or maybe an online posting to see if anyone was missing the cat. Phil sighed and looked at Tommy and Techno, who also had pleading eyes just like Wilbur.

"We can put an ad online to see if anyone is missing a cat, and we'll take it to the vet to see if it has a chip. If no one responds to the ad and there's no chip than we can keep it." Phil decides and all three boys are excited.


"Well we need to stop at the pet store, we need food, treats, a bed, a litter box, food and water dish, toys and a collar with a tag. You guys have to come up with a name for her." Phil said and all three boys nodded.

"We could call her rain, since we found her in the rain?" Tommy offered and Techno hummed softly as he thought.

"We could call her lighting! I think that's cool." Wilbur smiled from the front seat of the car, Tommy and Techno both shook their heads, laughing slightly.

"How about Storm? It combines both lighting and rain?" Techno offered, and then it was settled. Her name was Storm Watson and she was a truly beautiful cat.


So at 5am they were pulling into a diner parking lot. Tommy didn't want to leave Storm alone in the car so he all but stuffed her up his sweatshirt, leaving her tiny head to poke out of the top along with Tommy's head. Thank god for Techno's oversized sweatshirt.


"It's a congrats present! For being clean for a month! It's a cat backpack, Storm can fit in here and her head can stick through the hole, or she could curl up in it too, since it's made of mesh so she can breathe! You can wear it on your front or your back!" Wilbur explains and Tommy breaks out into a large smile.

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