Chapter 77

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Tw for this chapter: Suicide/suicide attempt, drowning, Cpr, hospitals, past overdose, past self harm

The thing they don't tell you about drowning is how heavy your lungs feel. They tell you about how you sputter, how you try to hold onto oxygen, how you try your best to ignore the crushing feeling in your head, but they don't tell you the weight that you feel in your chest.

Tubbo welcomed the weight in his chest. Welcomed the feeling and welcomed the spotting black dots that surrounded his eye sight. He was happy he was gonna die.

He couldn't live without Ranboo and up on the beach was not Ranboo.

Up on the beach Ranboo, who has been actually Ranboo the whole time, was looking around for Tubbo. He had been looking up at Tommy for a moment and in that time he lost sight of Tubbo.

"Hey where's Tubbo?" Ranboo asked, causing the others to also be looking around.

"Wasn't he just going to the water?" Wilbur asked confused. Ranboo stared at him for a minute before jumping to his feet, the others realizing what was happening. "Ranboo wait!" Wilbur yelled but it was too late.

Ranboo took off flying down the beach, throwing off his jacket and shoes. Both of those items flew behind him, almost hitting Wilbur and Tommy who were running right behind him. Ranboo paused for half a second to look around the water before going in.

He spotted Tubbo starting to sink down in the water and he used all of his power to swim down to grab him. He wanted to call out to Tubbo, but water filled his mouth as he forgot where he was.

He was forced to go back up to try and spit out the water. When he did he saw Tommy and Wilbur close to him, both knees deep in the water as Wilbur held Tommy back. Ranboo heard noises, but didn't focus as he spit out the water before going back down.

What Tommy was yelling was heart breaking, and in that moment Wilbur understood how Ranboo felt as he had held back Tubbo when Liam was dying.

Wilbur understood how heart breaking it was to hold someone in your arms as they screamed that they wanted to save the dying.

Tommy's screams were loud enough to be heard by Phil and Techno, both of them staying behind as Techno had a panic attack. But even through his panic Techno could still hear

"Let me save him! He can't fucking die! If he dies I'm dying too!"

And maybe if Tubbo wasn't sinking under the water he would hear Tommy's pleas. But even if he did, would that stop Tubbo? Would it make any difference?

Maybe not.

Ranboo swam as fast as he could, the salt water hurting his eyes but he didn't entirely care. He saw Tubbo and tried to get to him. Was Tubbo even moving? Was it already too late? Did Ranboo not make it in time again?

He reached his arm out as he got closer to Tubbo, an air bubble escaping his mouth. That was a good sign, there was still air in his lungs. Ranboo felt his hand touch Tubbo's shirt and grabbed onto it, pulling Tubbo up with him as he began to swim back towards the surface.

Ranboo didn't believe in a god but was praying to every single one that he could think of right now.
Ranboo saw that they were close to the surface and he made sure that he pushed Tubbo above the water before he brought himself above. He looked at Tubbo but saw no movement from him at all, which scared Ranboo to the core.

He dragged both of them to shore, coughing violently and still praying that Tubbo would be okay. He, like all the others on the beach, couldn't loose anybody else.

When the water level was low enough that Ranboo could stand he pulled Tubbo onto his back and ran onto the sand. He went past Wilbur and Tommy, since they were still knee deep in the water, and placed Tubbo on dry sand.

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