Chapter 33

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Tw for this chapter: Mention of hospital, mention of car crash, mention of injuries, yelling, cursing, hatred and "old beliefs" (like 'people shouldn't die their hair, only girls should wear dresses', ect)

It was a few days later, day of Thanksgiving. Wilbur was currently cleaning to try and ease his nerves.

He was excited for people to come over, he always was when his friends were coming for the monthly meet ups, but this was more than that.

This Thanksgiving not only were they opening up their home to their friends, but also their friends families. That and Kristen's parents were coming.

That was going to be interesting.

Techno was the one who asked if Phil was still in contact with them, and Phil said that he wasn't entirely, but he wanted to be. So he called them, and after hours of speaking on the phone it was decided they would come for Thanksgiving, spending the night at a hotel the night before and the night of, driving home the next day.

But it was still going to be fun, some of their friends were spending the night as well so it would be extra fun. The library currently had two beds in it, and Phil's office was going to fit another.

Of course the couch was open, and Wilbur's room was going to be open too. Wilbur had been sleeping in Techno's room with him, sharing a bed like they had done all those years ago, when Wilbur had gotten back from the hospital for an asthma attack.

Techno had missed his brother, he had been gone for two days to 'keep an eye on him' Techno was sure that it was more than that but never asked. Wilbur remembered walking in the door, Techno hugging him and frowning when he quote 'smelt like hospital'

Techno demanded he take a shower, then forced Wilbur to sleep in the same bed with him. It was the longest the two had been apart since living in the same house.

But now Wilbur was back to sharing a bed with him. And Techno was actually happy about it, but he would never admit it. He just claimed that Wilbur needed to be watched and Tommy's bed would need to be open if Tommy wanted to sleep in there, even though he was back to sleeping in his own room again.

"Hey, I'm going to the store for last minute things. Would you like to come with?" Phil had walked into his office and saw Wilbur setting up an extra mattress. Wilbur shook his head and Phil frowned slightly. "Wil, you're working yourself half to death."

"I never had grandparents before, and I know they aren't but it feels like Kristen's parents are our grandparents and I want to make a good impression on them." Wilbur explains and Phil sighs.

"Tonight, after 2pm no more working. I get cleaning helps you and makes you feel better but you need a break and moderation. So 2pm, we'll all stop and watch a movie together until around 4 and people get here around 5." Phil tells him and Wilbur nods in agreement.

"Sounds fair." Wilbur smiles softly, standing up to look at his handy work.

"Good. I'll be back soon." Phil smiled and he grabbed his keys and coat from the rack. Wilbur watched him leave and then turned back to the rest of the room. Most of it was cleaned except Phil's desk area. Wilbur sighed and walked over, taking a seat in Phil's chair.

The desk was messy, papers and bits of trash everywhere. So Wilbur grabbed the trash can and grabbed every piece of trash he saw. He finished and took the trash out, looking in the living room and spotting Tommy asleep with Storm, both curled up under a blanket.

Returning back to the office he began to glance over the paperwork, seeing if there was a way he could attempt to organize it, any sort of system that could make any sense. Maybe just sort them by what they're vaguely for.

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