Chapter 30

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Tw for this chapter: Hospitals, injuries due to car crash, blood, surgery, stitches.

"He said his name is Techno." The nurse said but Phil shook his head.

"No, that's my son Wilbur. His name is Wilbur Watson. My son Technoblade Watson has pink hair. My foster son Thomas Shroud, we call him Tommy, has blonde hair. Tommy was in the passenger seat, Techno was in the seat behind us and Wilbur was all the way in the back." Phil explains to the nurse.

"Alright sir, we'll figure out where you're other sons went. I'll go locate Tommy and Techno, I'll come back here if you want to stay with your son." The nurse offered and Phil nodded.

"Yes, I'm staying with him." He turns to look at Wilbur.

Wilbur was sitting there, arm wrapped up in bandages, face scratched up but otherwise looking normal.

"Hi dad." Wilbur smiled at him and Phil gave a soft smile before walking towards Wilbur, pulling him in for a hug. "oh hi Dad." Wilbur chuckled softly. He watched over Phil's shoulder as the nurse left the room.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Phil breathed out and Wilbur nodded against his shoulder.

"Yeah. Storm and I have matching bandages." Wilbur giggles and Phil knows that Wilbur was on pain meds, but he defiantly knew when he pulled away and Wilbur began to dang his fingers about Storm's head so she would jump at them.

"You do. Are you feeling okay? Anything else hurt?" Phil asked but Wilbur shook his head. "Good. I was so lucky that I didn't get really hurt. Course the air bag went off on me, but I'm fine." Phil explains.

"What about the others?" Wilbur asked and Phil sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Storm looked up at Phil and he gave her a few soft pets.

"I don't know. I came to just a few moments ago, I demanded that they take me to you guys, and they said that Techno was fine and took me here." Phil explained and Wilbur nodded. "Why did you tell them your name was Techno?" He questioned.

"When I was still in the car I watched them pull Techno out, and I couldn't think of anything else. I couldn't think of my own name or anything. I just thought of Techno, and when they pulled me out of the car I thought of Storm." Wilbur explains and Phil nodded this time.

"They told me Techno was screaming when they tried to take the cat away." Phil jokes and Wilbur giggles, the pain meds making him a bit more loopy.

"I didn't want to leave her! She'd be scared!" Wilbur exclaimed and Phil chuckled.

"Right, Storm would be scared." Phil jokes again and Wilbur giggles yet again. They sit there for a moment before a nurse came back into the room, making them both look up.

"Here's what I gathered for you. Techno was transported here and went into emergency surgery, he was found to have a collapsed lung. He is still in surgery at the moment. Tommy was transported here and he has been bouncing from section to section, being treated for different wounds. He is now in surgery for a fracture in his upper arm." The nurse informed them, walking into the room while looking down at a clipboard.

"When will they get out? When can we see them?" Phil questioned, a million things running through his head at the same time.

"Techno should be out of surgery any moment since he's been in for about three hours already. Tommy just went in half an hour ago." The nurse said looking from the clipboard to her watch.

"How long have we been here?" Wilbur questioned, it sure didn't feel like three hours.

"According to your chart here you were admitted half an hour after Techno was, and he was the last to arrive before you. So I would say you've been here since around midnight? It's currently 2:49 am." The nurse informed him and Wilbur nodded, petting Storm softly.

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