Chapter 65

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Tw for this chapter: Mention of past abuse, mention of past suicide, talk of past rape (It goes into detail so please be careful) mention of ED

"I really don't want to go to group today." Tommy complained at the breakfast table. Phil gave him an odd look, it was not like Tommy to complain about group therapy.

"Can I ask why?" Phil questioned and Tommy shrugged.

"I dunno, just don't feel like it today." Tommy mumbles but Phil didn't believe that for a minute. Techno and Wilbur seemed to have the same thought.

"Tommy what's going on?" Wilbur asked but again Tommy just shrugged.

"What homework did Dr. Simon give you?" Techno questions and Tommy looks up at him. Techno was smirking at him, and Wilbur soon also had a matching smirk.

"Oh, is it a homework week?" Phil questioned and Tommy looked up at him, confused on how he knew.

"How do you know about the homework?" Tommy asked and Phil laughed slightly.

"Tommy these two have been going to Dr. Simon for years, I know all about the feeling homework. It sucks but you gotta do it." Phil encourages and Tommy huffs, stabbing a piece of fruit with his fork.

"So, what is it this week? Daily journaling? Art therapy? New coping, daily affirmations?" Techno guesses, still smiling over his bowl of fruit.

"Poem writing." Tommy grumbles and all three of them chuckle slightly.

"Yeah I remember Techno doing that. He refuses to do it anymore but some how he's an English major." Phil jokes and Techno rolls his eyes.

"It'll be okay Tommy. Whatever you write will be just fine. And when you get home we can watch a movie or something." Wilbur offers and Tommy nods.

"I do, when you get home, need help with some of your paperwork and stuff Tommy. Since the name change you need to resign some things, just like medical documents and such." Phil says and Tommy nods in agreement.

Tommy Watson. He still liked thinking about his name a lot. He feels like it fit him so well. Tommy Watson. Tommy, Techno, Wilbur and Phil Watson. The Watsons. The Watson family. God Tommy was so happy about it.


"Alright, I know this is everyone's favorite homework assignment, did you all write something to share?" Dr. Simon smiled at the group. Tommy visibly saw Fundy and Tubbo rolls their eyes, but Niki and Ranboo both grabbed at their notebooks. "Who wants to start?"

No one was jumping to start, what a surprise. Who wants to start sharing some deep piece of them in group therapy? This was Tommy's least favorite part.

"Tommy, you seem excited, you share." Dr. Simon says and Tommy looks at him.

"Do I have to?" Tommy asks and Dr. Simon nods.

"That's apart of everyone sharing is that we all do. That and I'm excited to see what you've written. You've been through quite a lot lately and I believe you can write good things." Dr. Simon encouraged and Tommy sighed. He grabbed out his journal and flipped through it for a moment.

"There's a crack in my ceiling in the shape of the Mississippi River without the curve. I know this because I spend hours in my bed just staring at my ceiling, waiting for sleep to take over. I watch the fake stars shine over the crack but it doesn't fade away, if anything it looks bigger when the lights shine over it for a moment." Tommy starts.

This piece was so fucking stupid.

"There's a question mark on a tile in my shower. I know this because I sit on the floor of my shower sometimes, wishing to wash away the parts of me that I hate. Wish it would all go down the drain like the soapy water. I wish I could I could wash away all the scars from my past mistakes, my past attempts." Tommy continues, hating what he was sharing.

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