Chapter 46

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Tw for this chapter: Death, abuse, suicide attempts, drugs, hospital, mention of sedation

"Sure, what do you want to know about me?" Schlatt questioned as he put down the stack of cards. Tommy grabbed his and organized them, putting them down on the table. What did he want to know?

"I don't know much about you. I know you're the friend of Wilbur and Techno's, I know you had shit parents, and I know you live with Fundy." Tommy explains and Schlatt nods. "But I don't know anything else."

"Well, want me to just talk about myself?" Schlatt offers as he picks up a few cards. Tommy nods. "Okay let's see. My favorite color is forest green, I like cupcakes, my favorite fruit is strawberries." Schlatt lists off and Tommy laughs.

"Not that stuff, like actually stuff." Tommy laughs and Schlatt smiles.

"It's good to see you laugh." Schlatt comments but Tommy doesn't have time to respond before he started speaking again "Okay, real stuff. Well, I'm 21, my birthday is in April, I graduated high school but I don't want to continue any other education, my mom died and left me way too much money. I'm severally depressed and I don't know what I'm doing with my life because I didn't think I would make it this far. This is my third? Time here. I think it's the third at least." Schlatt explains and Tommy nods.

"Do you have any siblings?" Tommy questions but he shakes his head.

"My parents barely loved each other enough to have me, they didn't stick around long enough for them to have another kid." Schlatt tells him.

"That's, fair enough." Tommy says carefully as he puts his cards down.

"I did want siblings, I wanted a younger sister and brother. I think Yogurt is kinda like my younger sister." Schlatt offers and Tommy hums.

"While I'm here I could be like a little brother." Tommy offers, smiling again. Schlatt laughed and nodded.

"Alright, you're my younger brother now. But you better never come back here Tommy." Schlatt says pointing a finger at Tommy.

"Only if you never come back here." Tommy tells him back and Schlatt nods, sticking his hand out to shake it. Tommy shakes his hand and they smile.

"Now come on, it's your turn and I want to beat your ass." Schlatt laughed. Tommy nodded and began to play his turn. "And I want to know that stuff about you too, what's the life of Tommy Watson like?" Schlatt questioned. Tommy thought again for a moment.

"My favorite color is red, I like cookies, my favorite fruit is apples, I'm 15, my birthday is also in April. I haven't graduated high school yet, which I'm not even sure how I'm in since I missed most of all other schooling." Tommy points out, thinking it through.

"You seem pretty well spoken for someone who missed a lot of education." Schlatt says and Tommy nods.

"I did spend a lot of time with Mrs. Williams, old foster parent, just talking and she taught me a lot. Puffy, my caseworker, did too." Tommy shrugs and placed his cards down. Schlatt nodded.

"That's good, I'm glad they still helped you." Schlatt said as he began his turn.

"Anyway, My mom died when I was young, I only have my blanket left from her. I've been diagnosed with derealization disassociation disorder which kinda sucks. I also don't know what I'm doing with my life since I thought I would be dead by something, I imagined an abusive foster parent, by the time I was ten years old." Tommy shrugs and Schlatt looks at him sadly.

"Do you have any biological siblings?" Schlatt questioned but Tommy shook his head.

"My dad is not in my life and according to my file he wasn't in my mom's either. And my mom was a drug addict, she barely took care of me before she overdosed according to Puffy and my file. It says I was found covered in burn marks from cigarettes', broken wrist and bruises all over me. So I doubt she had any other kids." Tommy admitted and Schlatt nodded.

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